TVN International

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Infobox radio tower icon
TVN International
Station logo
TV station ( private law )
Program type International TV , Pay TV
reception Cable and satellite
Image resolution ( Entry missing )
Start of transmission April 29, 2004
owner Discovery Inc.
List of TV channels

TVN International ( iTVN ) is a Polish TV broadcaster aimed at Poles abroad.

The station started in April 2004 and is part of the TVN network and belongs to Discovery Inc.

TVN International (iTVN) is a pay-TV encoded TV program addressed to Poles living abroad. The iTVN program is based on the program resources of other channels in the TVN group (TVN, TVN Style, TVN Turbo). TVN is the largest private broadcaster in Poland with its special interest programs. Today, this group includes eleven of its own television stations.

Entertainment programs, series, feature films and documentaries dominate the program structure. Broadcasts of football matches in the Polish league are also an important point.

iTVN is currently broadcast in Germany, the USA, Canada, France and Australia. TVN International can be received in Germany via cable kiosk and in the cable networks of Kabel BW , Vodafone Kabel Deutschland , Unitymedia , Vodafone , T-Home and , and via Internet television such as Zattoo .