
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Infobox radio tower icon
Station logo
TV station ( private law )
reception Cable (analog, DVB-C ), satellite (analog, DVB-S , DVB-S2 )
Image resolution ( Entry missing )
Start of transmission December 1988
Seat Biskop Gunnerus Gate 6,
0101 Oslo
owner Discovery Inc.
executive Director Morten Aass
List of TV channels

TVNorge ( TVN acronym ) is a Norwegian television channel. The channel began operations on December 5, 1988 and was the first advertising-financed television station in Norway. TVNorge was founded by Hallvard Flatland , Ola Grønvold , Erik Rynning and Ola Steinsrud .

In 1997 bought TV 2 49.33% of the shares of TVNorge, the shares but sold in 2004 to the day to Discovery Inc. belonging Luxembourg media group SBS Broadcasting Group .

TVNorge has 75 employees and over 88.9% of Norwegians can receive the channel. TVNorge is Norway's third largest television broadcaster by number of viewers. In terms of content, the station is largely geared towards children and young people in the daily program. Most of the programs broadcast have been produced in the USA.

In 2018, the station broadcast the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang .

Web links

Individual evidence
