MAX (TV station)

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Infobox radio tower icon
Station logo
TV station ( private law )
reception Cable (analog, DVB-C ), satellite (analog, DVB-S , DVB-S2 )
Image resolution ( Entry missing )
Start of transmission November 1, 2010
Seat Nydalen Allè 37,
0422 Oslo
owner Discovery Inc.
executive Director Harald Strømme
List of TV channels

MAX is a Norwegian TV station that went on air on November 1st, 2010. The broadcast is from Great Britain . In addition to MAX, Discovery Inc. also operates the channels TV Norge , FEM and VOX in Norway . The broadcaster's programming is aimed at a male audience and includes series, films and talk shows.

The former owner ProSiebenSat.1 implemented the MAX concept in Germany under the name ProSieben MAXX .


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