Crime scene: solar eclipse

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Episode of the series Tatort
Original title Solar eclipse
Country of production Germany
original language German
Saxonia Media Filmproduktion
length 90 minutes
classification Episode 619 ( List )
First broadcast January 1, 2006 on Das Erste
Director Dieter Berner
script Andreas Pflüger
production Jan Kruse
music Mark Chaet
camera Carl Finkbeiner
cut Margrit Schulz

Sonnenfinsternis is a television film from the crime series Tatort by ARD , ORF and SRF . The film was produced by MDR and first broadcast on January 1, 2006. It is the crime scene episode 619. For the chief detective Bruno Ehrlicher ( Peter Sodann ) and his colleague Kain ( Bernd Michael Lade ) it is the 19th case in which they investigate in Leipzig .


The driver of the Leipziger Käserei Dettmer, Ludwig Noack, receives a call that night and hurries to the cheese dairy. The next morning he is found dead in the disinfection chamber of the cheese dairy; he suffocated painfully. Noack's boss, Katharina Dettmer, is concerned and doesn't want to have seen or heard anything, her brother Jörg was with his son Manuel at a trade fair in Berlin. Noack's widow Simone testifies that they had financial difficulties because of their home renovation. Suddenly a few months ago he put the cash on the kitchen table, he didn't tell her where he got the money from. Shortly afterwards he came home with injuries, his boss testifies that he was beaten up by a stranger. She wrote down the attacker's car number, it was that of the debt collector Martin Strasser, who has a relevant criminal record. Strasser denies having known Noack or the cheese dairy, Ehrlicher and Kain arrest Strasser for the time being, Katharina Dettmer identifies Strasser and says that he had observed the Dettmer's house at night two days earlier. Cain sees the case as solved, Ehrlicher, however, has doubts, he has an alibi for the night Strasser is said to have observed the house.

Ehrlicher asks Katharina Dettmer again, it turns out that she could not have recognized anyone from a distance and in the light conditions. Public prosecutor Mitterer informed the officials that years ago a baker named Klaus Röbel had the bakery across from the Dettmer cheese dairy and that the schoolgirls, including Katharina's daughter Julia, adored Röbel. Noack suspected sexual abuse of minors and threatened Röbel with a complaint. When Noack found Julia again alone at Röbel, Noack called the police, when they arrived, both were gone, later Röbel reappeared alone, Julia remained missing. Röbel protested his innocence, but was condemned by Noack's testimony and on the basis of circumstantial evidence. In the courtroom, Röbel had threatened Noack with revenge, on the day of Noack's murder, Röbel had been released prematurely. Ehrlicher and Kain still consider him the main suspect, but a gold chain was found at the scene of the crime, like the one Katharina Dettmer wears. Walter receives the information from the KTU that the murderer must have probably had an accomplice, Röbel and Strasser know each other from prison, Röbel had covered Strasser after an act of violence against a fellow inmate. It is more honest that Strasser Noack beat up six months ago on behalf of Röbel and that he is the murderer, but he doubts.

Ehrlicher finds out that Röbel's girlfriend Vera Bednarz is Jörg Dettmer's ex-wife, and the Dettmers are surprised by Vera's fresh relationship with Röbel. Vera tries to find out from Röbel the hiding place of Julia's corpse when Ehrlicher and Kain visit the two and question them. Röbel admits that he followed Noack after his release and called him to scare him. On this occasion, Röbel learns that Vera is Jörg Dettmer's ex-wife, whereupon he ends the relationship with her. The officials learn from Noack's widow Simone that Manuel Dettmer, the junior manager of the cheese dairy, and her husband had a very good relationship, until a few months ago, when they suddenly fell out for reasons unknown to her and Manuel got closer to his father, with whom he had previously had a difficult relationship. Manuel also lent Noack the money back then. The officials wonder where Manuel, who earns little in his father's business, got the money and why there was a rift between him and Noack. During the night Röbel beats Manuel, who is hiding in his family's weekend house and wants to flee from the police, and kidnaps him in order to extract a confession from him about Julia's murder.

The next morning, Vera and Katharina go to see Röbel together and kidnap him because they want to find out where Julia's body was found. The two women pursued a common plan of revenge for years, Vera's relationship with Röbel was of a tactical nature. In response to a questionnaire from Ehrlicher and Kain, Jörg Dettmer stated that the money Noack received was from the company's coffers, and that Manuel only acted as a messenger. Traces of Manuel's blood had been found in the Dettmers' weekend house, apparently he is in great danger, the officers confront Dettmer with it. Dettmer then confesses that Manuel killed his cousin Julia and only confided in Noack at the time. That is why Manuel gave Noack the money when he got into financial difficulties. When Strasser beat up Noack on Röbel's behalf, Noack confessed to Manuel's murder, and since then Röbel has known who had really killed Julia. Jörg Dettmer killed Noack after he had revealed the secret to him because he was afraid Noack would tell others. Ehrlicher and Kain manage to free Röbel from the violence of Katharina and Vera and also to find Manuel. Manuel admits that he was with Julia, but she would then have fallen in love with Röbel. When he wanted to win her back, she just laughed at him, whereupon he killed her emotionally and laid the traces in such a way that Röbel had to appear as the perpetrator.


The shooting of this crime scene took place from August 23, 2005 to September 20, 2005 in Leipzig and the surrounding area.

When it was first broadcast on January 1, 2006, the episode Solar Eclipse in Germany was seen by 7.72 million viewers, which corresponded to a market share of 19.9 percent.

The crime scene solar eclipse was published in 2008 as an audio book in spoken form by actor Peter Sodann , who embodies the detective chief inspector Bruno Ehrlicher in this crime scene.


The critics of the TV magazine TV Spielfilm gave this crime scene the best possible rating and came up with the following conclusion: “Well designed - only the cheese stinks here”.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Tatort: ​​Solar eclipse at, accessed on March 30, 2015.
  2. AUDIO BOOK: SUN FINNISH at Retrieved March 30, 2015.
  3. Short review at, accessed on March 30, 2015.