The Walking Dead (TV series) / Season 4

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Season 4 of The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead (TV series) logo.svg
Logo of the series
Episodes 16
Country of production United States
First broadcast Oct 13, 2013 - March 30, 2014 on AMC
first broadcast
Oct 18, 2013 - March 31, 2014 on FOX
◀   Season 3 Season 5   ▶
Episode list

The fourth season of the American television series The Walking Dead was to be seen from October 13, 2013 to March 30, 2014 on the American cable channel AMC . The German-language premiere broadcast of the Pay TV transmitter FOX from 18 October 2013 to 31 March, 2014.


By the beginning of season four, Rick is tired of killing. He has given the leadership of the group to a council of survivors and takes care of the community's fields and pigs as well as the animal traps in the area. When a deadly flu breaks out in prison, Rick takes up his gun again and orders the sick to be quarantined . Meanwhile, the viewer learns that the governor is now on his own after his retreat from Woodbury. However, he made contact with another group of survivors, whose leadership he secured again through intrigue and murder . He tells them about the prison and convinces them to take it over. To drive Rick out of prison, he again approaches the prison fence with a heavily armed group and blackmailed him with the captured Hershel and Michonne. Although Rick agrees to accept all of the governor's people in prison, he finds every flimsy reason that speaks against peaceful coexistence. When Rick finally refuses to give up the prison without a fight, the governor injures Hershel fatally in front of everyone and has the prison attacked. As a result, it is largely destroyed and overrun by the undead. Michonne pierces the governor with her sword and leaves him to die with the prospect of turning into a walker. Rick and Carl leave the overrun prison after everyone else has fled or can no longer be found. For a short time, Rick, Carl and Michonne are on their way together as a group on the way to Terminus, an allegedly safe haven for all survivors.

Glenn, who was weak from the flu at the time of the attack, initially finds himself alone in prison. He teams up with the surviving Tara, who actually belonged to the opposing group but refused to fight after Governor's cold-blooded murder of Hershel. Together they meet the ex-soldier Abraham Ford, his girlfriend Rosita and the scientist Eugene, who pretends to know the solution to the apocalypse, which is why they are targeting Washington, DC. Since Glenn desperately wants to look for Maggie and her vehicle becomes unfit to drive, Abraham's group decides to help him and Tara for the time being. On their way they discover several signs set up on the tracks , which promise a safe refuge for all survivors, and also messages from Maggie instructing Glenn to follow the signs. Shortly afterwards, the groups meet and the couple is reunited. Meanwhile, Daryl and Beth struggle together and get to know each other better. One night, however, the two lose sight of each other on the run from walkers and Beth is kidnapped by strangers in a vehicle on a street. Later on, Daryl is forced to join a group of violent drifters. When they want to ambush Rick, Carl and Michonne, Daryl helps Rick kill the men. When they arrive in Terminus, Rick's group is greeted warmly. When they are supposed to get to know other residents, Rick quickly notices that they are in possession of various objects he knows and that they are wearing clothes from his friends. With his gun drawn, he asks for answers and tries to escape with his friends. In doing so, they are chased across the winding station area and ultimately have to surrender. They are locked in a former freight car , where they are reunited with Glenn and Maggie's troops. Sizzling with rage, Rick announces to his fellow inmates that the residents of Terminus have messed with the wrong people.

Another thread revolves around the whereabouts of Carol, who was sent away by Rick at the beginning of the season after she preventively killed two prisoners who were infected with the flu to prevent the disease from spreading. She hears the attack on the prison from afar, returns and helps Tyreese, who escaped from prison with Judith and two other children, Lizzie and Mika. On her journey to Terminus, Lizzie's attitude towards the biters, which she continues to view as people who are just "different" and really just want to "play", becomes a problem: To prove her theory, the confused, lecture-resistant girl kills her own Sister. As a result, Carol and Tyreese agree with a heavy heart to kill Lizzie for the benefit of their fellow men. She is shot by Carol and buried together with Mika.


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German title Original title First broadcast in the USA German language first broadcast (D) Director script Odds
36 1 Not a day without bad luck 30 Days Without an Accident Oct 13, 2013 Oct 18, 2013 Greg Nicotero Scott M. Gimple 16.11 million
The group has settled in jail with the newcomers from Woodbury. The people have various tasks such as growing and preparing food, raising livestock, teaching children or removing walkers from the fence. Rick has withdrawn from the role of leader and must be warned by Hershel - a member of the new survivors' council - to be careful. Michonne comes back from a search for the governor, unsuccessful. Daryl is valued as a seasoned leader of foreign missions. While a group is on a mission to a mall, Rick inspects the animal traps outside the fence. There he finds an unknown woman on a trapped animal who speaks to him and wants to lead him to the camp with her husband. In the camp she suddenly attacks Rick because she wants to feed him to her long dead husband as food. Rick struggles and the woman kills herself to become like her husband, who is only a bit head. At the mall, Bob has a bottle of alcohol in his hand, but puts it back on the shelf, which tips over and pinches his leg. The walkers walking around on the flat roof move towards the source of the noise. The roof above the shelf is brittle and a large number of walkers fall into the mall in several places. When lifting the shelf to rescue Bob, Zack, Beth Greene's new boyfriend, is bitten; the rest of the group can escape the roof, which has now collapsed over a large area. Later, in class for the children, young Patrick complains of nausea; during the night he collapses in the shower, dies and becomes a walker.
37 2 Death, death everywhere Infected Oct 20, 2013 Oct 25, 2013 Guy Ferland Angela Kang 13.95 million
A stranger feeds rats to the walkers on the inside of the prison's outer fence at night, which is why they gather around a short section of the fence. When Karen - coming from Tyreese - walks past the washroom, she hears suspicious noises, but goes back to her cell and goes to sleep. Patrick - now a walker - walks past her cell and kills one of the newly arrived residents, who also transforms. In the morning, Rick and Carl are gardening and hear a shot. Rick rushes into the prison building and learns that there are walkers inside who have found more victims in the cell block. With combined forces it is possible to eliminate all strays. At the outer fence, Michonne is attacked by two more walkers, but can be saved by the intervention of Carl and Maggie. In addition to direct victims, Ryan Samuels, the father of the girls Lizzie and Mika, dies some time later as a result of a bite. Carol takes the two orphans into her care. The Council of Survivors recognizes that Patrick died of a very rapid flu infection. For fear of the spread, the council decides to quarantine the already infected and coughing Karen and David. On the fence, the pressure exerted by the large group of walkers attracted by gunfire becomes dangerous. The fence can only be stabilized by sacrificing the pigs as a lure for the strays, and several eaten rat carcasses are found at the foot of the fence. Daryl encourages the self-doubting Rick in his role as leader. Rick then puts his gun belt back on and hands Carl his gun again. Tyreese discovers the two charred bodies of Karen and David in the isolation block.
38 3 quarantine isolation Oct 27, 2013 Nov 1, 2013 Dan Sackheim Robert Kirkman 12.92 million
While the twelve victims of the biter attack are buried on the prison grounds, a quarrel breaks out between Tyreese and Rick over the charred corpses of Karen and David. Tyreese calls on Rick to find and deliver the killer, which ends in a brawl. Hershel treats Rick and reminds him of his responsibility for the group, while Tyreese is angry and saddened to bury Karen and David. Because of the flu epidemic, a quarantine station has been set up in cell block A, where Dr. S. (Dr. Caleb Subramanian) cares for the sick members of the group - including Sasha. In a meeting of the leadership Council (Glenn, Carol, Daryl, Hershel and Michonne) Hershel suggests from a 50 miles away, Veterinary - College to get antibiotics because all closer pharmacies are already searched. The healthy members of the group (the children, Carl and Hershel) should also be isolated in the administration building for their protection. The number of inmates in the isolation ward continues to rise, and Glenn is also infected. Despite the risk of infection, Hershel helps Dr. S. in the isolation wing. Michonne, Daryl, Tyreese and Bob suddenly come across a huge crowd of walkers on the drive to college, and they immediately move the vehicle. In reverse they can get the car free until the rear wheels spin in the bodies of knocked over walkers. Daryl decides to leave the car for the forest immediately. Tyresse, who at first remained apathetic in the car, found it difficult to fight his way through the walkers. Rick investigates the scene where Karen and David were burned; His suspicion falls on Carol because of the bloody handprint of a woman. When he asks her if she killed Karen and David, Carol says yes.
39 4th In doubt Indifference Nov 3, 2013 Nov 8, 2013 Tricia Brock Matt Negrete 13.31 million
The group around Daryl and Tyreese managed to break away from the walkers and found a new car at a garage, but it had to be repaired. While exposing the workshop and killing the walkers, Tyreese alternately falls into lethargy or uncontrolled anger and endangers the group in the process. Rick and Carol meet a young, injured couple in search of food and medicine. This was separated from her group and is now struggling alone. Carol takes care of the injuries and adjusts the young man's shoulder. At the veterinary school, Daryl's group finds the medication they need, but then has to fight their way outside against a large herd of strays. Instead of medicine, schnapps is discovered in Bob's backpack. Rick and Carol keep searching for supplies; the young couple also go on a search, the groups want to meet again two hours later. However, Rick and Carol find the young woman's corpse, torn by walkers, and the man does not appear at the meeting point. When Carol tries to get into the car, Rick keeps the door locked and tells her that he doesn't want her in the group anymore because of the murder of Karen and David. He equips the couple's car with supplies and sends them away. On the way back to prison he keeps looking in the rearview mirror.
40 5 The sickness to death Internment Nov 10, 2013 Nov 15, 2013 David Boyd Channing Powell 12.20 million
The situation escalated at the quarantine station in the prison and Hershel had to ventilate some of the sick people; he only has Sasha and Glenn to support him. The deceased are removed from the ward and prevented from returning with a prick in the brain. Rick comes back soon after and explains to Maggie why Carol didn't come along. On the ward, Hershel takes care of Dr. S who is seriously ill. While locking the cell doors, Hershel again encounters a deceased, whom he removes with the help of Sasha. This collapses from exhaustion and lack of water and can just about be saved with an infusion. Rick reports his decision regarding Carol to Hershel. Later, Rick and Maggie prop up the fence with wooden stakes against an increasing number of walkers. Several people die in quick succession in the isolation ward, whereupon Hershel has to shoot some, including Dr. S .. Maggie hears the shots and rushes to the station. With difficulty she can save her father and Hershel then provides the collapsed Glenn with a resuscitator. At night, the pressure on the fence becomes so great that one of the supporting beams breaks. Rick got Carl to help; When the walkers break into the passage between the fences and shortly afterwards into the yard, the two need two assault rifles to repel the strays. In the course of this battle, Carl showed himself to be a safe and reliable fighter. With Maggie's help, Hershel can stabilize the situation in the isolation area. When Daryl's group returns, the necessary antibiotics can also be administered. The next morning, the group repaired the night's damage. Michonne and Hershel drive the bodies of the walkers outside with a pickup truck . At the edge of the forest, the stature of the governor can be seen who is watching the prison.
41 6th Live bait Live bait Nov 17, 2013 Nov 22, 2013 Michael Uppendahl Nichole Beattie 12.00 million
After killing almost all of his own people, the governor roams the area with his two remaining followers, Martinez and Shumpert. Soon, however, the two of them move on without him at night when he sleeps. The governor goes to Woodbury and sets the whole town on fire. After that, he wandered around alone for months until he - shabby and exhausted - found an inhabited building in a city. There the sisters Lilly and Tara, a nurse and a police student, her father with cancer and Lilly's daughter Meghan have holed up and give shelter to the governor; he gives Brian as his name and hides details of his past. Brian helps the family by getting a game for the child from a neighboring apartment and oxygen bottles for the father from a nearby old people's home. A relationship of trust develops between him and the girl, as the governor sees her as his deceased daughter and she sees him as her father. When the sisters' father dies and has to be brutally killed by the governor after the transformation and in front of the girl's eyes, she withdraws in shock. After that Brian wants to move on alone; However, the sisters quickly decide to come along. One night Lilly gets closer to the governor. The existing vehicle breaks down after a while and the group has to continue on foot. They are surprised by a horde of walkers and flee, the governor carrying the girl in his arms. Both end up in a deep pit with three walkers, which Brian kills with his hands. He then swears to the girl that he will always protect her. Martinez appears at the edge of the pit, rifle in hand, staring at the governor.
42 7th Handicap Dead Weight Nov 24, 2013 Nov 29, 2013 Jeremy Podeswa Curtis Gwinn 11.29 million
After being rescued from the pit, the governor integrates himself into the camp life of the new group around Martinez. He does not reveal him when he learns his new name, but explains to him that he is in charge here. Meghan learns something about his childhood from the governor during a chess game. Later, the governor goes on a supply tour with Martinez, Piet and Mitch. In the camp, Lilly and Tara make friends with a few others, Lilly works as a nurse. The group has an M60A1 main battle tank in the camp . On the tour, the group comes across a house surrounded by some decapitated corpses. They break into the house and shortly afterwards are attacked by walkers, but they can quickly kill them. They find supplies, including beer, and they take a long break in the house while the characters are introduced. The district governor avoids discussing his past even though Martinez does bring it up. Later at the camp, Martinez picks up the governor and, drinking a lot of alcohol, plays golf balls from a mobile home into the surrounding pits. The governor suddenly knocks Martinez down with a golf club and then throws him alive into a pit. The next morning, Piet explains to the group that Martinez had been found in the biter's pit, and that this is due to the intoxication. Piet takes command under protest and then goes on another tour with the governor and Mitch. They meet a camp with unknown people, which Mitch wants to attack. Piet refuses this attack and they continue to look for supplies. When they return to the place later, the people there were attacked and robbed by another, unknown group. Mitch kills a seriously injured survivor, which leads to conflict with his brother. The governor leaves the camp with Lilly, Tara and Meghan at night, but they have to drive back because of an impassable road. The next morning, the governor kills Piet and threatens his brother Mitch; after informing him of his brother's death, he forces him to swear allegiance to him. The governor sinks Piet's body in a lake, takes command of the camp, issues new rules of conduct and prepares his attack on the prison. When Meghan plays catch with Tara and is attacked by a walker, Tara can with difficulty keep him away from Meghan until Brian kills him with a headshot. Brian watches Piet, submerged in the lake, who moves - chained under water as a walker. He later drives near the prison where he meets Michonne and Hershel, who are burning walkers from the last attack outside the fence. He threatens her with a Beretta.
43 8th No turning back Too Far Gone Dec. 1, 2013 Dec 6, 2013 Ernest Dickerson Seth Hoffman 12.05 million
In his camp, the governor swears his people to attempt an attack on the prison. In between and flashbacks it is shown how he captures Hershel and Michonne. He explains the situation to his new girlfriend Lilly and then takes care of Hershel and Michonne in a mobile home, which he is holding hostage there. Hershel tries unsuccessfully to convince the governor of a peaceful solution. The governor brings Lilly and Meghan to safety by a river and then says goodbye to the little girl. In prison, Glenn is recovering from his illness, and Rick has a heated argument with Daryl about Carol. When they want to explain the facts to Tyreese, they find him in the catacombs, where he has found a dissected rat nailed to a board. At that moment the attack, supported by the tank, begins. The governor shows his hostages and Rick goes down to the fence. There he tries to negotiate while his troops take up position at the top fence and the rest of the people conduct an evacuation protocol. In the meantime, you can see Lilly and Meghan by the river, where the little one is playing in the mud. A walker used to be buried there, which suddenly emerges from the ground and bites Meghan. Rick tries desperately to convince the others in the governor's group to live in prison together. When these seemingly softened, the governor takes Michonne's sword and cuts off Hershel's head halfway from the torso. Immediately afterwards a firefight begins, in which Rick is slightly injured and saves himself behind an overturned bus. Michonne takes the opportunity to seek protection and cut her bonds. The governor completely severed Hershel's head with several blows of his sword. You can see Lilly, who has arrived at the scene with the dead Meghan in her arms. The governor takes the child from her, shoots him in the head and gives the order to attack. The tank breaks through the fence and another heavy battle ensues. Rick forcibly adjusts the governor, and a fight begins between them. The others withdraw under heavy fire and want to flee with the waiting evacuation bus. Since Beth is looking for Judith, the group is split up and the bus leaves without her. Tyreese finds himself in almost hopeless distress in a firefight when his attackers are shot by Lizzie and Mika. Daryl can destroy the tank by throwing a hand grenade through the barrel into the interior between two shots of the cannon. Then he kills Mitch, who wants to surrender. The governor and Rick are still fighting in advance when the governor is suddenly pierced by Michonne with his sword. Rick goes back to the prison, where he finds Carl, who again saves him from walkers. Shortly afterwards, they find Judith's empty, bloody child seat, which brings them close to a nervous breakdown. Both flee from prison into the forest. The governor is lying on the battlefield, writhing in pain, when Lilly suddenly appears and shoots him in the head. Rick and Carl leave the prison, climb a hill and don't look around anymore. In the background the viewer sees how the prison fills with the biters attracted by the noise.
44 9 To you nach Feb 9, 2014 Feb 10, 2014 Greg Nicotero Robert Kirkman 15.76 million
The episode begins with an overview of the destroyed prison and the battlefield with the corpses and walkers. Then Michonne appears, who first decapitates some walkers. She then cuts off the arms and lower jaws of two walkers and takes them back on a leash as protection. She finds the severed, mutated head of Hershel and pierces it. The scene switches to Rick and Carl walking down the street. While Rick is badly hit, Carl defiantly leads the way, angry at his father. You enter a diner where Rick wants to kill the walker who is present with an ax, but fails. Carl shoots the walker, whereupon Rick accuses him of wasting ammunition. They find some food and keep walking. Michonne travels through the forest and finds Rick and Carl's tracks on the road. Nevertheless, it continues in its own direction. Rick and Carl go into a house in which for the first time the impression of an ideal world glows again. They barricade themselves inside and Rick falls into a faint sleep.

A look back shows a scene from the life of Michonne, who is in a living room with her 3-year-old son, her boyfriend and another confidante. Suddenly the two men change and have bleeding stumps like the leashed walkers. Michonne wakes up from a nightmare in a car she stayed in. Carl also wakes up in the house and tries to wake his father, which he fails. When he calls, two walkers come to the door. Carl goes out the back door and lures them away from the house. Walking backwards, he overlooks another walker, is attacked and can only shoot the three with difficulty. Michonne moves through the forest with the two walkers on leash, more walkers join the group. Carl comes back to Rick, accuses the sleeper of his recent frustration and makes it clear to him how much his respect for him has waned. He goes to another house in search of food. There he is attacked by a walker and shoots his ammunition without killing him. With the last of his strength and losing a shoe he can escape by locking the walker in a room. Michonne is causing more and more uneasiness to the herd of walkers that follow along. Suddenly she decapitates everyone, including her two stealth walkers, and begins to sob. She goes back to the street and picks up Rick's trail. Carl is back in the house when his father suddenly wakes up with a gasp and groan. Assuming the likelihood that Rick has mutated, he points his gun at him, but realizes that he cannot shoot him when Rick suddenly speaks to him. The two make up a little. Michonne comes to the diner and sits there in her memories for a while. Rick and Carl are talking in the house when Michonne comes out on the porch, both looks through the window, and knocks on the door. Rick looks through the spy and turns to Carl laughing with the words "It's for you".

45 10 Next to the track Inmates Feb 16, 2014 Feb. 17, 2014 Tricia Brock Matthew Negrete & Channing Powell 13.34 million
Beth and Daryl are together on the run in the woods. Beth tries to convince Daryl to look for the others. Both find tracks again and again and are attacked by walkers. Tyreese, Judith, Lizzie and Mika are also out and about in the forest together. Judith's crying repeatedly attracts walkers and forces the group to flee. When they hear a scream, Tyreese puts the two taller girls back to back in defense, leaves them to Judith and follows the noise. On a railroad track he sees two strange survivors fighting the undead who are already eating on a third. In the meantime, the girls are also attacked by two walkers. Tyreese can take out all walkers on the railroad track, but another survivor is killed and the other is bitten. When Tyreese hears gunfire and wants to go back to the children, Carol appears with Lizzie, Mika and Judith. From the bitten, they learn of a safe area that should be at the end of the railway line. You follow the tracks and meet a sign. The scenes with Beth and Daryl shown at the beginning already contain an event following the fight on the railroad track: the mutated victim attacks Beth and Daryl in the forest, on the railroad track they kill three walkers who are feasting on the two corpses. The group of Maggie, Sasha and Bob are resting by a body of water. Against the will of the others, Maggie starts the search for the bus in which she suspects Glenn. Sasha and Bob reluctantly follow her. They find the bus on the street that is full of walkers. They open the back door at short intervals to let the walkers out and kill them one by one. Then it is no longer possible to close the door and all walkers pour out in one fell swoop. The group can kill her unscathed, and Maggie also kills one last walker on the bus. She cries with relief and joy that Glenn was not among the undead. Glenn, meanwhile, wakes up from a swoon on the jail's bullet-ridden junction, which lies above the prison yard and out of reach of the Walkers. He packs a piece of equipment, puts on a protective uniform and helmet, and breaks through the ranks of walkers. Glenn sees Tara, who is sitting in a state of shock in a barred compartment of the prison yard, and makes her flee with him from prison. You get to the street. When they fight against four walkers appearing at the edge of the forest, Glenn suddenly collapses. Tara kills the last walker with the rifle butt when a military truck with three unknown survivors pulls up from the forest.
46 11 Busy Claimed 23 Feb 2014 Feb. 24, 2014 Since man Nichole Beattie & Seth Hoffman 13.12 million
Glenn wakes up and finds himself together with Tara on the back of Abraham Ford's truck. He asks Tara about the bus and she tells him that they passed him three hours ago. Glenn knocks on the rear window of the cab with the butt of the rifle, the truck stops. Glenn runs back to find Maggie near the bus, but Abraham wants the group to stay together and stops Glenn. The former sergeant explains that he and his companions, Dr. Eugene Porter and Rosita Espinosa had the order to get to Washington, since Eugene would know the cause of the apocalypse. They would also need the help of Glenn and Tara. Glenn continues walking back the way, followed by Tara. When Abraham claims that Maggie is long dead, Glenn knocks him to the ground, Abraham throws himself on him, the two wrestle while the women try to separate them. Meanwhile, walkers who had become aware of the noise attack Eugene, who had stayed at the truck, whose calls the fighting did not hear. Eugene picks up the rifle himself, but is so inexperienced with it that he hits the truck's tank with a volley of fire. The others rushing to take care of the walkers quickly, but the truck is beyond repair. The other three join Glenn and Tara and head back on their way. In the meantime, Carl, Michonne and Rick are relaxing in the house and reviewing their past. While Michonne and Carl look for supplies, the ailing Rick lies down in a bed on the first floor and soon falls asleep. He is awakened by loud voices in the lower part of the house. He hides under the bed just in time when one of the intruders comes into the bedroom and lies down in bed. The intruder falls asleep, but is soon woken up by one of his companions, who also wants to sleep in this bed. There is a fight between the two. One of the intruders goes down and sees Rick crouching under the bed, but cannot say anything in the stranglehold of the other and faints. The stronger goes to bed and falls asleep. Rick is able to leave his hiding place and, despite men walking around, get into another room, the window of which, however, cannot be opened. He hurries on into the bathroom and, after closing the door, sees an intruder who is just as surprised as he is. Rick can strangle him unheard with the strap of his MP . Before he climbs out of the bathroom window with the MP, he opens the door slightly again so as not to arouse suspicion and possibly also to allow a biter attack. He escapes over the porch onto the veranda, into the garden, and waits below the second veranda on the street side for Carl and Michonne. One of the men sits down on the railing to eat. When Rick sees Carl and Michonne approach and want to point his gun at the man on the porch, he is brought back into the house by the sounds of the man turned into a walker and shots. Rick can get to Michonne and Carl unnoticed and continue walking towards the train tracks. The three of them discover a poster that says Terminus - Rick decides to go there.
47 12 alcohol Quiet 2nd Mar 2014 3rd Mar 2014 Julius Ramsay Angela Kang 12.61 million
Daryl and Beth set up a small camp. The previous events cause both problems; but while Daryl flees into a brooding silence, Beth decides to try alcohol for the first time in her life, which her father had not allowed due to his problem with it, and goes in search of it. Daryl follows her and protects her, but appears distant and almost contemptuous. They come to a country club , come across both dead and living walkers to defend themselves against, and search it. Beth finds peach schnapps in the club's bar, but Daryl thinks her first alcohol should be something better and throws the bottle on the floor. He leads her to a hut that he allegedly found with Michonne and takes some bottles of black alcohol from the shed. Beth explains to Daryl the drinking game I've never had and both of them drink until he becomes furious about a game question and becomes slightly violent. After a heated argument with mutual accusations, Daryl calms down. He tells Beth about his youth as Merle's brother and redneck , for which he is ashamed. Beth explains to him that you have to stay who you are, not who you were and leave places like this behind. At Beth's suggestion, they distribute the remaining schnapps around the house and burn it down.
48 13 Alone Alone 9 Mar 2014 10 Mar 2014 Ernest Dickerson Curtis Gwinn 12.65 million
In a flashback, Bob is found by Daryl and Glenn after traveling alone for a while. He shows no great interest in the group, but still wants to go to prison so that he is no longer alone. In the present day, Daryl teaches Beth to stalk, injuring an animal trap in the ankle. They find supplies in a well-tended funeral home where someone seems to be hanging around. You will be alerted of the pitfalls during a debate. Daryl goes to the door unarmed, expecting to find a stray dog ​​as before, but opens the door to a group of walkers, from whose pressure he can no longer lock the door. Beth throws him his crossbow and he steers the walkers towards him to give the injured Beth time to escape. With great difficulty he escapes the walkers and gets outside, but only sees Beth's bag on the floor and a driving away car, which he runs after until it collapses at an intersection. There he is found by a group of rockers whom he joins after a brief argument. They are the same group that had previously made their way into the last quarters of Rick, Carl and Michonne.

Maggie, Bob and Sasha are looking for Glenn. Maggie wants to go to Terminus because she thinks Glenn is there; However, Sasha doesn't want to go there. Maggie secretly moves on alone at night; Bob can persuade Sasha to follow her. In a town, Sasha, who eventually broke up with Bob, happens to meet Maggie. They agree to go to Terminus together and catch up with Bob on the way. Glenn also discovers one of the signs for Terminus and goes there.

49 14th Protection The Grove 16. Mar. 2014 17th Mar 2014 Michael Satrazemis Scott M. Gimple 12.87 million
Carol, Lizzie, Mika, Judith and Tyreese are on the train tracks heading for Terminus. In the morning they notice a fire in search of water; a walker appears, but gets caught in the tracks. When Tyreese tries to kill him, Lizzie stops him. Carol and Mika find an abandoned house. While Carol and Tyreese investigate the house, Mika has to kill a walker outside with the gun to save Lizzie and Judith. Lizzie develops more and more pronounced psychoses. When Lizzie is playing catch with a walker in the garden and Carol kills him, Lizzie describes the walker who has just been killed as her friend. Tyreese suggests that Carol stay longer. Mika finds Lizzie, who is feeding the trapped walker with a mouse and who thinks out loud about getting bitten in order to better understand the walkers. When a few badly burned walkers appear at the house, all four of them shoot them together. The next day, after returning from a tour of the farm, Carol and Tyreese find Lizzie with a bloody knife: she stabbed Mika to make her a bitter and she planned to do the same with the baby. With difficulty, Carol can remove her knife and pistol; Tyreese goes into the house with Lizzie and Judith. Carol and Tyreese recognize the danger of living with the disturbed girl again. Lizzie had already fed the walkers on the prison fence and nailed the rabbit to the board. Carol goes into the garden with Lizzie and shoots her. That night, Carol Tyreese confesses that she killed Karen and David and gives him a gun. Tyreese forgives her, but never wants to forget it. The next morning they continue towards the terminus.
50 15th United Us 23 Mar 2014 24 Mar 2014 Greg Nicotero Nichole Beattie & Seth Hoffman 13.47 million
Glenn, Tara, Abraham, Rosita and Eugene are walking the tracks when they come across a clue from Maggie again. Glenn, confident that she is not far behind the group of Maggie, Sasha and Bob, doesn't want to waste time. Rick assures Carl and Michonne, who are obviously walking on the tracks not far behind the group, that they will soon have reached Terminus. Daryl, who continues to accompany the looting rockers, set out early to hunt. When he shoots a rabbit, there is a conflict with Len, one of the members, who, standing behind him, caught the rabbit with his bow at the same time. He makes Daryl clear that the spoils claimed ( Claimed ) is. Joe resolves the argument and explains to Daryl that if you want something, you can only claim it. He cuts the rabbit in half and gives each one half. On the tracks he explains his other simple rules that theft and lying are punished by the group. They spend the night in a warehouse on the tracks. In the morning Len accuses Daryl of stealing half of his rabbit. However, Joe was able to observe that Daryl has put her on and interprets this as a lie, whereupon Len is beat up by the group. As they leave their quarters, one of the Rockers carries Lens bows and Daryl sees Lens' body with an arrow in his eye. They move on and it becomes clear that they are right behind Rick's group. Joe reports to Daryl what happened in the house where a stranger (Rick) killed one of the group and that they are chasing the attacker by Terminus, as he is suspected there. Not knowing that it is Rick, Daryl moves on with the remaining five towards Terminus. Glenn and Tara separate from Abraham, Eugene and Rosita because Abraham cannot guarantee Eugene's safety in a tunnel through which the tracks run and from which the hissing of walkers can be heard. In the tunnel, Glenn and Tara encounter a number of walkers who are stuck in rubble that has just come off the ceiling. Maggie had triggered the rock fall when her group was attacked by the walkers and she shot her magazine into the ceiling. From the other side of the rock fall, a number of not buried walkers climb up the scree hill in the direction of Glenn and Tara. These sneak past the walkers on a tunnel wall when Tara's leg is pinched. Tara wants Glenn to go on alone, but he refuses. When the walkers approach them, they are mowed down by Abraham, Eugene, Rosita, Maggie, Sasha and Bob, who have driven in with a vehicle from the other side of the tunnel. Eugene had navigated Rosita to the other side of the tunnel at the wheel and found the Maggie group there. Everyone spends the night in the tunnel and decides to go to Terminus first before continuing part of the journey to Washington, DC. They arrive at Terminus without any problems, where they are kindly received by Mary, who offers them a home and food.
51 16 Terminus A. 30th Mar 2014 31 Mar 2014 Michelle MacLaren Scott M. Gimple & Angela Kang 15.68 million
Looking back, the group, still in prison, welcomes Rick after an outside mission. In the present, Rick is sitting on a vehicle completely covered in blood. The previous day, Rick, Carl and Michonne wander through the woods, catch a rabbit and set up camp at an abandoned vehicle. Joe finds the three and immediately threatens Rick with a gun. Tony, one of the hunters, can identify Rick as the person who killed their comrade in the abandoned house. Joe counts down a countdown to the shooting of Rick when Daryl arrives, recognizes Rick, Michonne and Carl and asks Joe to leave them alone because they are good people. Joe makes it clear that the dead person would have a different opinion, so Daryl was lying and had two people beat him up while he continued to threaten Rick with the gun, Tony pointed a gun at Michonne and another aimed at Carl. When Rick sees that Carl is about to be raped, he becomes furious and attacks Joe, who then holds Rick's arms. In the last resort, Rick bites Joe's neck and rips open vital blood vessels. Joe collapses immediately, Michonne uses the moment to turn the gun in Tony's hand and shoot him, then one of Daryl's attackers while Daryl kills the other. Rick slits open Carl's tormentor in front of his eyes and stabs him several times. Another flashback shows Hershel convincing Rick to start growing vegetables and raising pigs in prison to give Carl a more normal life. The morning after the fight at the abandoned vehicle, Daryl explains that he didn't know who he was dealing with when he got involved with Joe and his hunters. Rick understands this, then describes Daryl as his brother and explains to him that he would do anything for Carl's survival. Michonne tells Carl about her past that she found her friend and confidante bitten after they had left a refugee camp for a short time. She mutated both of them and took them with her as a reminder of their supposed chain failure after chopping off their arms and jaws. Then she found out that she was safe with the two of them, other walkers perceived them as monsters as well. And somehow it was, she says, it didn't exist for a very long time until Andrea, Rick and Carl fetched it back. Carl talks about his difficulties dealing with what he thinks Rick expects of him. They both hug. Rick decides to enter Terminus back through the forest because nobody knows what to expect there. They bury the weapons captured by Joe's gang in the forest. Upon their intrusion, they are met and shown around, with Rick recognizing several pieces of equipment belonging to Glenn and Maggie. Rick then takes Alex from the Terminus Reception Committee hostage to find out where they got these items from. Alex and Gareth, who has the say in Terminus, lie about the information, Gareth apparently tries to appease, but gives a secret signal when he suddenly clenched his outstretched, open hand into a fist. Rick immediately turns around with Alex in his arms, a shooter behind him shoots at the sign and hits Alex with a bullet aimed at Rick. Daryl, Michonne, Carl and Rick flee. Rooftop snipers aim next to their feet to point them in a certain direction. Then Gareth forces them to get into an old wagon. Glenn, Maggie, Tara, Sasha, Bob, Eugene, Abraham and Rosita are already in this car. Rick makes it clear within the prisoners that the residents of Terminus have messed with the wrong people.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The Walking Dead: Season 4 episode list . In: . October 14, 2013. Archived from the original on October 30, 2013. Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved October 14, 2013. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. The Walking Dead: Season Four Ratings . In: . April 1, 2014. Retrieved November 2, 2014.
  3. This is possibly a translation error, in the original a rat is mentioned.