Theo versus the rest of the world

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Original title Theo versus the rest of the world
Country of production Federal Republic of Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1980
length 105 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Peter F. Bringmann
script Matthias Seelig
production Michael Wiedemann
music Lothar Meid
camera Helge Weindler
cut Annette Dorn

Theo Against the Rest of the World is a German road movie from 1980 and the sequel to the 1977 film Call for a Dance .


Truck driver Theo Gromberg from Herne operates with his Italian friend Enno a small forwarding , single vehicle and whole capital is a Volvo - articulated lorry . During the opening credits you see Theo shortly before Herne, after 800 kilometers completely overtired on the way back from an assignment. He still has to take a pee break while the truck is stolen. A little later he sees him driving past on the other side. On the spur of the moment , Theo jumps into the Fiat 500 owned by Swiss medical student Ines Röggeli and follows the truck until the small car's engine overheats. There he is picked up by his partner Enno in a borrowed Peugeot 404 station wagon, with chickens in the loading area, which are supposed to be in Bielefeld for a poultry show in the afternoon . Ines joins them to get their damage reimbursed. Theo confesses to Enno that he had loaded illegal goods as return freight and that he wanted to use the fee to pay the last installment for the truck - that's why they can't call the police.

In Liège , where, according to Theo, stolen trucks are being handled, they actually find their Volvo, but when Theo tries to enter the driver's cab, the thieves knock him down. They drive to Maurice "Doppel-Dieter" Moreau, a brothel owner known to Theo, and are told that their stolen truck may be in Marseille .

Theo, Enno and Ines wander off to Marseille overnight. Theo only orientates himself on the small map of Europe in his pocket calendar, gets lost and comes off the road at dawn. When they want to have breakfast, they find that they are being pursued by their lender's debt collector, to whom they still owe the last installment. Since they are now in the French-Swiss border area, they decide to bring Ines home first.

The Peugeot is completely exhausted when you get there. Ines has not yet told her rich parents that she had fallen through the Physikum . To support them, Enno and Theo accept their invitation to stay. At the reception on the occasion of the supposedly passed exam, Enno learns that there is a transshipment point for stolen trucks in his Italian hometown of Milan , and he decides to drive there to find the truck there with the help of his brother. Since Theo still wants to go to Marseille, they split up at the train station, where Theo meets the debt collector again, who postpones the payment date by 72 hours, but emphasizes his seriousness by breaking Theo finger.

Next, Theo drives as a stowaway in the caravan of a German camper family. This does not go to the south of France, as claimed, but also to Milan, where the three meet again. Enno succeeds in getting a dodgy friend of his brother, who is impressed by Ines, to promise to return the Volvo in Genoa . Since Theo has meanwhile been having fun with his daughter Angelina in her trailer, a fight breaks out, from which the friends can only escape through renewed intervention by the debt collector. Enno's brother takes them to Genoa in his sightseeing bus. During the night Ines examines Theos' severely swollen finger and has to amputate it.

In Genoa they see their Volvo truck on a cargo ship from a vantage point, which, however, departs for Naples before they can reach it. Ines gets a chance to fly to Naples in a breakneck plane with a drunk pilot. There they reach the right ship, but discover that the Volvo they see is not theirs. The debt collector appears again, as the last extension of the deadline has just passed. They flee on a fishing boat - and since the truck has to be in Marseille after all, they set off by sea, because the distance (still according to Theos pocket calendar map of Europe) is only twelve millimeters. The film ends when she leaves the port.


  • Lexicon of international film : “A modern adventure comedy that is undemanding, but told in a fresh and fast-paced manner. It lives entirely from the dry charm and above all from the puns of Marius Müller-Westernhagen. "


Marius Müller-Westernhagen received the Ernst Lubitsch Prize for his performance and the Jupiter in 1981 (category: Best Actor ). With more than three million moviegoers, the film was the greatest German film success of 1980/81 and received a gold screen .


The film opened in theaters in the Federal Republic of Germany on September 25, 1980. The German television first broadcast took place on January 18, 1987 at 8:15 pm on ARD .


In the Netherlands there is a comic based on the film: Agent 327 dossier De rest van de wereld min één . Uitgeverij Luitingh 2008, ISBN 978-90-245-2784-7

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Theo versus the rest of the world. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 14, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  2. and and .