Thomas Colditz

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Thomas Colditz (2016)

Thomas Frank Colditz (born September 8, 1957 in Aue ) is a German politician ( CDU ). From 1990 to 2019 he was a member of the Saxon State Parliament .


After graduating from high school in 1976 at the Extended Oberschule (EOS, since 1992 Clemens-Winkler -Gymnasium) in Aue, Colditz studied from 1978 to 1982 to become a qualified teacher for polytechnic teaching at the Technical University of Karl-Marx-Stadt and was then a teacher until 1985 Schwarzenberg and Breitenbrunn employed. He continued this activity until 1990 at the Polyko in Aue (today the Erzgebirge Education Center ).

Colditz is a member of the Saxon Teachers Association, the community of Christian teachers and educators. He is also a member of the State Technical Committee on Education of the CDU Saxony , the Board of Trustees of the Erzgebirge Music Festival and the church council of the Aue-cell parish . Thomas Colditz is single and of Evangelical Lutheran denomination.


Colditz joined the GDR CDU in 1985 and actively participated in the GDR's turnaround in his region . From 1990 to 1994 Colditz was a city ​​councilor in Aue.

He has been a member of the Saxon State Parliament since 1990, where he represents the constituency of Aue-Schwarzenberg 1 . He has always entered the state parliament as a direct candidate. He is also a member of the Christian Democratic Workforce . In the past election periods, Colditz was a member of the petitions committee, school and sports committee, finance committee and interior committee of the state parliament, as well as on the parliamentary committee of his party. In the 5th electoral period (2009-2014) he was a member of the Petitions Committee and the Committee of Inquiry into the National Socialist Underground . Until September 2012 he was a member of the school and sports committee; since January 2013 he has been a member of the budget and finance committee. For many years he was the education policy spokesman for his group.

On May 30th, 2015 he was awarded the Saxon Constitutional Medal by the President of the State Parliament Matthias Rößler "for his services to shaping the Saxon education system" .

He did not run again in the state elections in Saxony in 2019 . Now he is involved in the city council of Aue-Bad Schlema


Colditz was education policy spokesman for the CDU parliamentary group from 1994 to 2012. In this function, he worked out the Saxon School Act and the Act on Independent Schools and contributed to their implementation over the years. The focus of these content- related arrangements were, among other things, the development of the Saxon middle school , the reform of the grammar school upper level , content-related questions of the independent schools as well as the personnel policy in the Saxon school system. In 2004 he dealt with a referendum on school policy and, together with the initiators of the application and his parliamentary group, worked out a concept for maintaining a comprehensive school offer, especially in rural areas.

Colditz resigned from his position as education policy spokesman for the CDU parliamentary group on August 31, 2012 after a tough argument about the school policy of the CDU / FDP government. In essence, it was about the conversion of middle schools into so-called high schools , which he described as a “fraudulent label”, and the lack of teachers at Saxon schools. Above all, he criticized the fact that there was a lack of factual discussion of educational issues within the CDU in Saxony and that it would have reacted too late to the impending teacher shortage, which had been brought about by only minor recruitment of young teachers for years. In November 2011, he had already stated that a functioning school system in Saxony would be "hit the wall without need". In March 2012, the long-standing CDU Minister of Education, Roland Wöller, resigned from his position on the grounds that he could not support the planned cuts in education and the associated reduction in teaching positions.

Web links

Commons : Thomas Colditz  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Awarding of the Saxon Constitutional Medal ( Memento from May 30, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) , accessed on August 16, 2016.
  2. Gunnar Saft: Die Aussteiger , in: Sächsische Zeitung , June 7, 2018.
  3. This is the new city council of Aue-Bad Schlema | Free press - Aue. Retrieved September 4, 2019 .
  4. CDU education politician Colditz throws in the towel. In: Saxon newspaper . September 1, 2012, accessed September 8, 2014 .
  5. a b Anne Hähnig: resignation: "He wants to hurt me." In: Die Zeit , 37/2012. September 6, 2012, accessed September 8, 2014 .
  6. Ex-education spokesman Colditz criticizes Prime Minister Tillich: "You don't even rub yourself against each other today". In: Free Press . September 6, 2012, archived from the original on December 17, 2012 ; Retrieved September 8, 2014 .
  7. CDU politician Colditz rejects the educational package: The planned measures to combat the teacher shortage left him “perplexed and stunned”. In: Free Press . December 22, 2011, archived from the original on December 17, 2012 ; Retrieved September 8, 2014 .
  8. Colditz: Education policy must not be sacrificed to the budget. "The situation is highly dramatic". In: Xity Germany. March 21, 2012, archived from the original on September 8, 2014 ; Retrieved September 8, 2014 .
  9. "Driven to the wall without need": CDU education expert predicts poorer Pisa results. In: Free Press . November 22, 2011, archived from the original on December 18, 2012 ; Retrieved September 8, 2014 .