Ullrich Haupt

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Ullrich Haupt Jr. (born October 10, 1915 in Chicago , USA ; † November 22, 1991 in Munich , Germany ) was a German-American actor and director .


Haupt grew up in Chicago and Los Angeles. His father Ullrich Haupt sr. (1887–1931) emigrated, who had made a name for himself as an actor on stage and in silent films (among others alongside Marlene Dietrich in Morocco ).

Haupt was married to the Hamburg actress Ilse Drost (born 1921). His daughter Sabine Quennet, b. Haupt, lives as an audio book author for the children's series "Sebastian und der Helifant" in Freigericht, Hessen. In his second marriage he was married to the actress Beatrice Norden , with whom he also had a daughter. His grave is in the Grünwald forest cemetery near Munich.


After the early death of his father, Haupt, who wanted to become a painter at the time, went to Berlin to study art there. But under the impression of Gustaf Gründgens ' portrayal of Mephisto , he changed his professional plans and applied to the State Drama School in Berlin. There he completed his acting training under Gründgens and made his debut as a theater actor in the title role of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet in Gdansk in 1936 .

His next stage was from 1937 to 1940 at the Munich State Theater. In 1940 Gründgens engaged him for the State Theater in Berlin, where Haupt remained under contract until the end of the war . Haupt quickly made a name for himself here by embodying great character roles. He played Macbeth , Karl Moor, and both Othello and Iago .

After the Second World War, Haupt moved back to the USA and played at various touring theaters. In 1951 he followed a call by Gründgens 'to the Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus and four years later to the Hamburger Schauspielhaus , where he embodied numerous classical stage roles under Gründgens' direction until 1964. Other theater stations from Haupt were from 1967 to 1970 the Schauspielhaus Zurich , the Münchner Kammerspiele and the Thalia Theater Hamburg . The head , who was appointed state actor , also made guest appearances at the Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghausen and the Salzburg Festival . Since 1959 he also worked as a director.

Movie and TV

As early as 1941, Haupt made his feature film debut alongside Henny Porten in Komödianten, directed by Georg Wilhelm Pabst . Although his film appearances were rare, he played bigger and bigger roles in noteworthy productions such as in Kurt Hoffmann's fantastic comedy Der Engel, who moved his harp , in Fritz Kortner's Aristophanes adaptation Die Sendung der Lysistrata , in the Jerry Cotton crime film The Bill - Served Ice Cold , in the television series The Adventures of David Balfour (based on Robert Louis Stevenson ), alongside Gene Hackman in the thriller Target - Target and in Bernhard Wicki's drama The Spider Web . He also made numerous guest appearances in television series such as Der Kommissar , Derrick and Der Alte .

Radio play and dubbing

In addition, Haupt worked extensively as a speaker for radio play productions. So he spoke u. a. the Valentin 1952 for Faust I - Production of NWDR and two years later to Michael for a fist-production of the WDR , Ariel and Lynceus ( Faust II ) and the minstrel Volker for a radio play version of the Nibelungen saga .

As a voice actor, he lent his adjustable voice and a. John Mills ( Tiger Bay ), Pedro Armendáriz ( Lukrezia Borgia ) and Rod Steiger ( The Bridge of Retribution ).

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. knerger.de: The grave of Ullrich Haupt