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Río Utcubamba
Río Utcubamba at Nuevo Tingo

Río Utcubamba at Nuevo Tingo

location PeruPeru Peru
River system Amazon
Drain over Río Marañón  → Amazon  → Atlantic Ocean
origin Laguna Sierpe, above Leymebamba
6 ° 54 ′ 23 ″  S , 77 ° 46 ′ 59 ″  W
Source height approx.  3450  m
muzzle Río Marañón Coordinates: 5 ° 31 '39 "  S , 78 ° 33' 4"  W 5 ° 31 '39 "  S , 78 ° 33' 4"  W.
Mouth height 364  m
Height difference approx. 3086 m
Bottom slope approx. 13 ‰
length approx. 235 km
Catchment area approx. 6500 km²
Right tributaries Río Sonche
Medium-sized cities Bagua Grande , Chachapoyas
Small towns Bagua
Communities Leymebamba , Nuevo Tingo, Pedro Ruiz
Lower reaches of the Río Utcubamba near Bagua

Lower reaches of the Río Utcubamba near Bagua

The Río Utcubamba is an approximately 235 km long right tributary of the Río Marañón in northern Peru in the provinces of Luya , Bongará , Chachapoyas , Utcubamba and Bagua

River course

The Río Utcubamba rises above Leymebamba in the Peruvian Central Cordillera . It initially flows 125 km in a predominantly northerly direction through the mountains. The city of Chachapoyas is east of the river valley. At Pedro Ruiz , the river turns west for a distance of 20 km and cuts the main ridge of the Central Cordillera. It then flows in a north-westerly direction through a wide valley. There the cities of Bagua Grande and Bagua are on the river. Finally the Río Utcubamba flows into the Río Marañón, the left source river of the Amazon . One and a half kilometers below the mouth, the Río Chinchipe meets the Río Marañón when coming from the north. Further downstream is the breakthrough valley Pongo Rentema .

Catchment area

The catchment area of the Río Utcubamba extends over an area of ​​the Peruvian Central Cordillera south of the lower reaches of the Río Marañón. The approximately 6500 km² area borders in the east on the catchment areas of Río Huayabamba , a tributary of the Río Huallaga , and that of the Río Chiriaco . The river valley of the Río Marañón runs further to the west.


It is too small to be shipped, but it drives several hydroelectric power stations . a. Powering Chachapoyas. The Utcubamba Valley is used very intensively for agriculture due to the possibilities of irrigation and the subtropical climate, mainly for the production of yuca , corn , rice , sugar cane and bananas .


The name Utcubamba comes from the local Quechua . Until a few years ago, the Utcubambatal was intensively farmed with cotton. Utku means "cotton", pampa is a "plain", utkupampa is the plain on which cotton is grown.


The Río Utcubamba was not always called that, here is the story and the summary of its discovery:

  1. In 1549 , the captain Diego Palomino drew up a list of the provinces of Chuquimayo (Chinchipe) and a simple map on which he noted the observation of a village called Bagua and a river called Río Bagua , the former name of the Río Utcubamba.
  2. The Jesuit Father Samuel Fritz , born in Bohemia and active as a missionary in Maynas , was the first to explore the Marañón River and find its source at Lauricocha . After completing his research, in 1707 he published a map of “the great Marañón or Amazon River”. There the Río Utcubamba is called Río Peca .
  3. On the map of the province of Quito and adjacent areas , drawn up by Pedro Vicente Maldonado in 1750, and the geographical map of South America , drawn by Cruz Cano y Olmedilla in 1775, the Río Utcubamba Río Huahua and also Río Chachapoyas is called.
  4. The priest Francisco Javier Weigel drew up the map of the Maynas missions in 1769 and completed his work in the prison in Lisbon. In his time the Río Utcubamba is called Río Huagua .
  5. At the end of the 18th century, the bishop of Trujillo , Baltazar Jaime Martínez de Campoñón, had a variety of topographical maps of the areas under his care drawn up. On these maps you can find the first references to the name Río Vtcvbamba , as the Río Utcubamba was called in old Spanish.

Web links

Commons : Río Utcubamba  - collection of images, videos and audio files