Premarital intercourse

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As premarital sex which is considered sexual intercourse a couple at any time prior to the marriage . In many developed countries of the Western world premarital sex today is social life and neither offense nor frowned upon. The majority of the married couples had sex with each other and / or with other partners before marriage. As early as 1948, the Kinsey Report (survey of 12,000 men in the United States ) found that around 86% of men had sexual intercourse before marriage.


In the early Middle Ages , the death penalty and fines were known as punishments for premarital and extramarital sexual intercourse or fornication . Children born out of wedlock were also considered to be the result of immoral behavior. If pregnancy was already known at the time of the marriage , the marriage took place “without singing and sound”.

Parts of the population were serfs . They were only allowed to marry with the permission of the landlord and after paying a marriage tax. No weddings were allowed to take place without the permission of the host . So that a marriage could not be forced against the will of the landlord, sexual intercourse between single persons was forbidden. The marriage itself was not eliminated the serfdom. In Württemberg, the serfs of a body lord were allowed to marry one another. For the most part, the “unsavory” marriage to the serfs of another body master was prohibited. With the woman there was the danger that she would leave with the husband and that the host would miss the expected children. The marriage was not ineffective, however, but was punished with a fine equal to or greater than the loss of benefit. Especially in places with several masters, the marriage bans led the peasant population to reject serfdom.

Since the Enlightenment

After the start of the Enlightenment , attitudes towards human rights changed . The best-known declarations from this period are the following two documents:

The preamble to the Declaration of Independence of the United States (1776) and the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen by the French National Assembly in 1789 . Article 4 translates as follows:

“Freedom consists in being allowed to do everything that does not harm another person: the exercise of the natural rights of every human being therefore only has the limits that ensure that other members of society can enjoy these same rights. These limits can only be determined by law. "

In the later constitutional practice, the rights formulated in the preamble were initially only granted in full to free-born, white men, but not women, free blacks and slaves. At the same time, life in the United States at that time was shaped by the attitude “anyone can do what they want, as long as they do not harm anyone else”.

The psychology developed in the 19th century to an empirical science; before that, little was known about the sex drive . Many aspects of human sexuality were made taboo . Many were not informed by their parents .

Before the spread of the condom, premarital and extramarital intercourse were associated with the risk of sexually transmitted diseases , particularly syphilis . Syphilis was common in many countries; only people who were each other's first sexual partner were safe from her . Against this background, promiscuity was frowned upon.

The Swiss physician Samuel Tissot (1728-1797) advocated as a measure against masturbation , the circumcision of the foreskin and the female genitalia . Many doctors of the time believed that masturbation was the cause of “youthful rebellion” and of diseases such as epilepsy , “softening of the body and mind”, hysteria and neuroses . The sexual hostility had, among other things, to do with the widespread sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis, for which and against whose late effects ( softening of the brain ) there were no antidotes until the 20th century.

From about 1860, underage male circumcision became widespread in the United States . From then on, some publications appeared that described circumcision as a prevention against masturbation (at that time pejoratively referred to as "self-abuse").

In the Catholic Church from around 1840 until the beginning of the First World War, anti-modernism and ultramontanism ruled . This contributed to the fact that it B. came to the Kulturkampf , that is, to the dispute between Bismarck and political Catholicism .

Shortly before 1900 the BGB was drafted and came into force on January 1st, 1900. Section 1300 , the so-called wreath money paragraph, read:

"(1) If an innocent fiancé has allowed her fiancé to live next to her, then, if the requirements of Section 1298 or Section 1299 are met, she can also demand cheap monetary compensation because of the damage that is not pecuniary damage."

The claim for damages was justified by the fact that the single woman had fewer chances of a proper marriage with another man because of the loss of her virginity . If, on the other hand, the single or widow was no longer “ innocent ” before the “ apartment ” , she was also not entitled to wreath money, whereby the term “penalized” referred to the moral way of life in general.

The invention and further development of the condom contributed a lot to the change in attitudes towards premarital intercourse. In 1912, the rubber manufacturer Julius Fromm first developed a method for making seamless condoms; from 1930 latex was used as a material. Condoms prevent pregnancy and the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases . Until the middle of the 20th century, the sale of condoms was banned in many places or only allowed for medical use. In Ireland , such a regulation was in place until the early 1990s.

A postcard from the early 20th century plays to the problem of unwanted pregnancy to

The sexual morality was transformed in the 20th century greatly. The economic hardship from 1916 during the First World War until the 1930s ( German inflation 1914 to 1923 , currency reform , global economic crisis ) from 1929 promoted, among other things, the occasional prostitution . During the Allied occupation of the Rhineland (1919-1930) numerous occupation children were conceived and born. The children of a black father and a white mother - some of these troops came from the African colonies of France - were called " Rhineland bastards ". They made premarital intercourse visible, so to speak.

time of the nationalsocialism

During the time of National Socialism , activities of the Hitler Youth (HJ) and the Bund Deutscher Mädel (BDM) facilitated premarital intercourse:

  • The HJ and BDM offered a large number of vacation trips, which also enabled children from socially disadvantaged families to travel to a winter ski camp or a summer tent camp.
  • To prepare the girls for the "service to the people and the family" there was also - initially on a voluntary basis, compulsory from 1938 - a year of service as domestic or agricultural help (so-called country year ; 1938 became a compulsory year for all women under 25) . The girls lived and worked in the households or on the farms.
  • The preparatory camps for girls and boys for land service were often close together. Only 900 of the BDM members who returned from the Nuremberg Rally in 1936 were subsequently diagnosed with pregnancies.

The Lebensborn e. V. was a state-sponsored association run by the SS in the National Socialist German Reich , the aim of which was to increase the birth rate of " Aryan " children from extramarital relationships on the basis of the National Socialist racial hygiene and health ideology. This was to be achieved through anonymous deliveries and placement of children for adoption - preferably to families of SS members.

During the Second World War , many young women worked as military assistants ("Blitzmädel"). Many of them lived for a long time with soldiers in barracks or positions (telecommunications, flak, etc.) close together. Again, there were many premarital relationships.

1968 and sexual revolution

The sexual revolution of the second half of the 20th century played a decisive role in the change in attitudes towards premarital intercourse in the western industrialized countries . In particular the developments in the generation of the 1968s changed the consciousness in the western industrialized countries. In addition, there was the development of the birth control pill , which prevented unwanted pregnancies.


The sexual ethics is to a substantial extent by the religion influenced. Premarital intercourse is rejected by some religions and denominations, including the Abrahamic religions .

In their publications, the Jehovah's Witnesses and the New Apostolic Church, as well as organizations such as the Christian Center, among others, oppose premarital intercourse . In Switzerland, the Federal Democratic Union takes a similar position. Especially in the United States , the Christian is chastity movement spread ( "True love waits", " True Love Waits ").

In 2011 the Polish-Italian former It-Girl Ania Goledzinowska and the friar Fra Renzo Gobbi founded the Italian-language initiative “Cuori puri” (“Pure Hearts”) in the Marian pilgrimage site of Medjugorje. In it, young people vow in front of a Catholic priest of their choice to wait until marriage.

See also


  • Stefan Breit: "Carelessness" and rural society: premarital sexuality in the early modern period (= Ancien Régime, Enlightenment and Revolution , Volume 23). Oldenbourg, Munich 1991, ISBN 3-486-55884-6 (dissertation, University of Munich, 1989, 335 pages).
  • Astrid Bochow: Intimacy and sexuality before marriage: Conversations about the unsaid in Kumasi and Endwa, Ghana (= contributions to Africa research , volume 44). Lit, Berlin / Münster 2010, ISBN 978-3-643-10688-9 (dissertation, University of Bayreuth, [2010], 330 pages).
  • Peter Klammer: In dishonor. Fornication before ecclesiastical and secular jurisdiction in the early modern Salzburg Lungau (= science and religion , volume 7) Lang, Frankfurt am Main a. a. 2004, ISBN 978-3-631-52228-8 (dissertation, University of Salzburg, 2003, 359 pages).
  • Andreas Malessa: Sex only in marriage , the moral of those who are faithful to the Bible. In: Klaus Hofmeister, Lothar Bauerochse (ed.): Religion and sexuality - a relationship full of tension. Claudius, Munich 2011, ISBN 978-3-532-62421-0 , book for the series "Himmlische Lust" on hr2-kultur .

Individual evidence

  1. Conflict settlement in the early medieval Leges .
  2. Ingo Ullmann: The legal treatment of Holstein serfs around the middle of the 18th century. Shown with special consideration of the Schmoeler serfdom trials from 1738 to 1743 and from 1767 to 1777 (= legal historical series , volume 346) Lang, Frankfurt am Main u. a. 2007, ISBN 978-3-631-55736-5 , pp. 110, 125 (dissertation, Uni Kiel , 2006, 504 pages)
  3. Christian Keitel: Dominion over land and people. Body rule and territorialization in Württemberg, 1246–1593 (= Writings on Southwest German Regional Studies , Volume 28), SRW, Leinfelden – Echterdingen 2000, ISBN 3-87181-428-8 , p. 195 (dissertation, University of Tübingen, 1998/1999, 288 Pages).
  4. Claudia Ulrich: Leibherrschaft am Oberrhein in the late Middle Ages (= publications of the Max Planck Institute for History , Volume 58) Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, Göttingen 1979, ISBN 3-525-35369-3 , p. 157 (dissertation, Saarbrücken University, Philosophische Faculty, 1977, 327 pages).
  5. ^ Arno Klönne : Youth in the Third Reich . Licensed edition: Piper Taschenbuch 2045, Munich 1995, ISBN 3-492-12045-8 , page 128.
  6. Kater, page 95, also reports a case in which a BDM girl who had just become a mother named 13 people as possible fathers. “In order to at least put a stop to the worst debauchery, the BDM was forbidden to camp outdoors in 1937.” in: Michael H. Kater : Hitler-Jugend . Primus, Darmstadt 2005 (from the English by Jürgen Peter Krause), ISBN 3-89678-252-5 .
  7. ^ New Apostolic Church: Premarital intercourse
  8. Autobiography: Salvata dall'inferno, Libri SugarCo, Italy 2014, German translation "Saved from Hell" (by Claudia Reimüller), Canisi Edition 2015.
  9. , accessed on November 23, 2017