Casual prostitution

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Under opportunity prostitutes the non-professional but the nebenerwerbliche or spontaneously arising from certain situations is male or female prostitutes understood. Especially as a sideline, it is often practiced as street prostitution .

Prostitute in Berlin, 2001

In 2015, the German minister Manuela Schwesig called for equal treatment of casual and other forms of prostitution in the debate about the Prostitute Protection Act in order to plug a “loophole”. The law came into force on July 1, 2017. Since then, there has been a registration requirement for prostitutes (including casual prostitutes).

"Hobby prostitute"

So-called “hobby prostitutes” are men or women who actually pursue other professions or earn their living on a different basis and who only prostitute themselves part-time; such women are also referred to as "hobby whores" or "hobby hookers". In doing so, they gain an additional income ( material group ) or live out sexual fantasies that they cannot live out in a partnership ( sexual group ). Different motivations can be found in the social group and the pathological group , whereby the transition is often fluid.

The part-time workers make up the majority of the prostitutes active in Germany. In most cases, these men and women understand neither prostitutes nor as Callboys / -girls or even professional prostitute.


Discotheques and their surroundings are often "contact exchanges" for occasional prostitution

The initiation of casual prostitution often takes place in the evening or at night during or after visiting discos , bars or saunas or in their surroundings. Some suitors deliberately go in search of people who match their sexual preferences and offer those people who are not familiar with the customs of the scene considerable sums for sexual contact . The lack of experience of many casual prostitutes can become a problem: be it excessive financial demands of the casual prostitute, be it unusual sexual practices that the client had in mind and that overwhelm or shock the casual prostitute. In addition, casual prostitution is initiated through personals in daily newspapers , often also in advertising papers or trendy magazines. The Internet is playing an increasingly important role and enables contacts to be initiated in a variety of ways, in particular through appropriate contact exchanges .

Executing persons

Material group

This group of people includes students , trainees , but also unemployed people or social welfare recipients who practice prostitution (often only for a fixed limited period of time) in order to secure themselves economically until their personal and financial situation has recovered or stabilized. In addition, there are often "people living on the fringes of society", such as the homeless , street children , asylum seekers , tolerated refugees, etc., some of whom do not receive social assistance or other (regular) financial support, but make a living from benefits in kind , begging , Do odd jobs or petty crime etc. and usually only practice prostitution from time to time. In the case of drug addicts , the transition to so-called procurement prostitution is fluid.

In Japan, however, school girls also prostitute themselves as part of enjokōsai in order to get expensive designer goods or money in return.

The group of people in this group usually has a neutral to detached relationship with prostitution itself. This group is below the sexual group in the hierarchy (see below), but is still very popular, as the users do not see themselves as “exploitative suitors”, but as “supporters” and “helpers”. Some women and men consciously or unconsciously use their sexuality to gain their own advantage. A well-known example is the secretary who has a relationship with her boss in order to achieve a better position in the company and a higher income.

Prostitutes wrangling in the "backstage area" (Berlin, 2001)

Sex for advantage is used by both men and women and occurs in many situations: in marriage, in the business world or in sports clubs, etc. Some people from the third world fake a love affair and offer sex with their partner or partner Partner so that they can consider marriage even though they don't actually love the chosen one. In the event of a successful marriage, they can later move to the destination country and, in the best case scenario, pursue a regular job. These marriages often work amazingly well and it cannot always be considered a fraud. This was also the case when a potential partner (usually the woman) had not been employed in the past few decades and after a separation their care or that of the children was at risk. Many such "purposeful marriages" are not concluded primarily out of love, but to institutionalize a social exchange process , to secure a fortune or to use one's own attractiveness for economic survival even without a deep emotional relationship through the offer of sexual services. The extent to which social exchange processes over a longer period of time, even with consideration in the form of housing, training or other goods without a deep emotional relationship, can be considered prostitution has not yet been clarified on a scientific basis.

Sexual group

Here you can find mostly partners and families (example film: Belle de jour by Luis Buñuel , 1967, with Catherine Deneuve ) who use and operate prostitution as a playing field for personal erotic adventures. This group is the most popular with consumers, as the presumed "fun effect for both sides" calms the guilty conscience of many customers about using this service. The financial aspect is rather secondary here and is understood as a generous donation for fun together (see also swingers club or cruising ). Many “hobby prostitutes” who fall into this category often also work as actors in the porn film sector . Also in this group there are often transitional forms to the pathological group who, due to their pathology, have an increased interest in sexuality (or in special forms of sexuality) and cannot live out this satisfactorily in (stable) partnerships.

Social group

This group includes men or women who prostitute themselves because they are firmly convinced that they are fighting social taboos and prejudices . Often they see themselves in a sexual “missionary” or “educational activity” . This group is often ridiculed because there are also numerous self-promoters who try to compensate for personal deficits by pretending to fight “against social resistance” and for a “good cause”. Nevertheless, something has also been achieved by some people in this group, such as For example by Felicitas Weigmann , who was able to enforce in court for the first time that prostitution is no longer considered immoral , or Stephanie Klee , who made prostitution wages legally enforceable.

Pathological group

This group of people is considered to be extremely problematic and is also not welcomed in the "scene" because the members of this group usually bring massive previous damage ( abuse , rape or the like) with them, which they process, compensate for or compensate for by practicing prostitution try to re-enact. Often they are unable to have a normal, stable relationship at all. In addition, many of them have neither completed school nor any training and are therefore at great risk of slipping into forced prostitution because they do not have sufficient emotional and / or social stability and hardly any other employment opportunities . Sex addicts represent a less problematic special case within this group , especially because it is often difficult to differentiate them clinically from the sexual group.


  • Marcel Feige: The Lexicon of Prostitution. The whole ABC of lust . Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf Verl., Berlin 2003, ISBN 3-89602-520-1 .
  • Elisabeth von Dücker (Ed.): Sex work. Prostitution - worlds and myths . Ed. Temmen, Bremen 2005, ISBN 3-86108-542-9 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Problematic Prostitution Protection Act. Doubtful help for sex workers in from January 4, 2016, accessed on January 28, 2016 ( archive ).
  2. Manuela Schwesig wants to regulate prostitution more strictly. In: Spiegel Online . July 11, 2015, accessed May 3, 2020 .
  3. See e.g. B. Birger Menke: Student job whore - At the university thanks to love wages . SPIEGEL Online from January 29, 2008 ( archive ).
  4. Warm soup against the cold. Die Presse , print edition, December 13, 2015, accessed on January 28, 2016
  5. ^ Documentary by Sabine Derflinger: Fast Money. Easy Money , ( PDF file; 899 kB), Austria 2004 ( archive ).
  6. a b Wolfgang Wöller, Luise Reddemann: Trauma and personality disorders: Resource-based psychodynamic therapy (RPT) of trauma-related personality disorders. Schattauer Verlag, Stuttgart, 2013, ISBN 3-7945-2754-2 .
  7. Wolfgang Wöllner: trauma repetition and Reviktimisierung after physical and sexual trauma. Progress Neurol. Psychiatry. 2005 (73); Pp. 83-90, Georg Thieme Verlag KG, Stuttgart-New York, doi: 10.1055 / s-2004-830055 ; ́ Online publication: October 11, 2004, ISSN  0720-4299 ( archive ).
  8. Prostitution as a re-enactment of experienced trauma. Panel discussion with Dr. Ingeborg Kraus on March 28, 2014 in Munich ( archive ) . Trauma as a prerequisite for and consequence of prostitution. Lecture by Dr. Ingeborg Kraus, on the occasion of the symposium “About the damage caused by prostitution”. Munich, December 4th / 5th, 2015 ( archive ).