Walter Hübner (administrative lawyer)

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Walter Hübner (born October 28, 1896 in Rauscha , Görlitz district (Silesia) , † 1965 in Sennestadt ) was a German administrative lawyer.


Hübner took part in the First World War from September 1914 until the November Revolution. He was with the artillery force until November 1917 and then with the air force . He became a pilot and lieutenant. In 1919 he passed the Abitur at the Oberrealschule Görlitz. He then enrolled at the Silesian Friedrich Wilhelms University in Breslau for law and political science. From the winter semester 1919 to the winter semester 1920 he was active in the Corps Marcomannia (xx). As an inactive he moved to the University of Rostock , which made him Dr. rer. pole. PhD. He was then co-owner of his father's glassworks in Triebel , Niederlausitz . He left in 1926 to take part in a car dealership in Schwerin . He left them in the Great Depression and went into administration. After an informational activity at the city administration of Szczecin (1929) he was from 1930 to August 1933 department head at the professional association for precision mechanics and electrical engineering in Berlin, from 1932 as a civil servant. In September 1933 he was appointed provisionally , and on May 1, 1934 he was finally appointed district administrator in the Reichenbach district (Eulengebirge) . Between 1935 and 1938 he made several military exercises in the Air Force and was promoted to captain . When the attack on Poland began , the government in Breslau complained about it ; because of an Achilles tendon rupture , he was not fully operational. He was operated twice in the Hohenlychen sanatorium . He remained district administrator in Reichenbach in the Owl Mountains through the entire period of National Socialism .

Bombed out in February 1945, his wife and daughter went to Saxony . When the Red Army occupied Reichenbach, he and his son tried to move west. Russian armored spears intercepted them in Leitmeritz . When trying to get to Pilsen , they were arrested by Czech partisans . Freed from compatriots , Huebner was slightly wounded in a battle with Russian troops. When the ceasefire prevailed, free withdrawal to the Reich border was promised. After the weapons had been deposited, the Germans were housed and cared for in a Czech barracks in Slaný . After a night in unguarded groups of 200-300 men marched to Brüx , father and son reached Saxony on side roads between Brüx and Komotau via the Ore Mountains . They reached US territory on the autobahn behind Chemnitz . They were arrested in Altenburg camp and released in June 1945. The family got together again in Westphalia. At the end of 1945, Hübner found a job at Anneliese Zementwerke AG in Ennigerloh , most recently as purchasing manager.

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 96/271.
  2. Dissertation: The location of the Lausitz glass industry .
  3. ^ Reichenbach district (Owl Mountains) (
  4. a b Hübner's own curriculum vitae in the archive of the Corps Marcomannia.
  5. The history of Anneliese Zementwerke AG (HeidelbergCement)