Wieskirche (Freising)

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The Wieskirche near Freising is a Catholic pilgrimage church "To the Scourged Savior" near Freising in Upper Bavaria . The curate is located in the north of Freising on the edge of the forest on federal road 301 in the direction of Zolling . The church is the destination of the Way of the Cross to the Wies .


Since 1748, a painting depicting the scourged Savior in the Wieskirche near Steingaden has been venerated in a small wooden chapel . A rapidly growing pilgrimage arose. In 1747/48 a small, elliptical building was built, the design of which probably originated from the hand of the then Freising court mason Johann Lorenz Hirschstötter . Between 1759 and 1764 a long house was added and the altars were extended. The destruction of these rococo altars and the erection of late Classicist replacement altars in 1847/48, as well as the erection of the bell tower, goes back to the priest Mathias Ertle, who held the office of Wiesseelsorger from 1846 to 1882 and from 1852 of the Wieskurate. The curate and sacristan's house was also added during this period. In 1903 the Wies was given to the Order of the Augustinian Hermits . From 1947 to 1955, the Catholic priest and resistance activist against the Nazi regime Ildefons Maria Dietz worked at the pilgrimage church. Since then, retired priests have again acted as curates. The current curate is Walter Brugger .

Web links

Commons : Wieskirche  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 48 ° 25 '  N , 11 ° 45'  E