Wilhelm Hans Ahlmann

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Wilhelm Ahlmann

Wilhelm Hans Ahlmann (born July 13, 1817 in Gravenstein ; † September 15, 1910 in Kiel ) was a German politician , newspaper publisher and banker in the Duchy of Schleswig and in the Duchy of Holstein and since 1867 in the Province of Schleswig-Holstein .


Since the 16th century in Sønderborg detectable Ahlmann family had initially mainly in shipping and trade their fields of activity. Wilhelm Ahlmann was a son of the Gravenstein merchant Otto Friedrich Ahlmann (1786–1866) and his wife Anna Maria Magdalene Ahlmann, née. Lorenzen.

The marriage of Wilhelm and Dora Ahlmann, geb. Feddersen - closed on October 5, 1849 at Gut Kieding Sundewitt - had nine children. Among them was the son Ludwig Ahlmann . There were family ties to nephew Johannes Ahlmann (1851–1939), iron industrialist at Carlshütte (Büdelsdorf) , and to great-nephew Julius Ahlmann (1880–1931), also an iron industrialist.


After his commercial apprenticeship in the Kiel grain company Schneekloth & Sohn , Wilhelm Ahlmann volunteered in Hamburg . He entered the Johanneum School of Academics at the age of 23 and graduated from high school in 1842. Ahlmann began studying at the University of Berlin in the winter semester of 1842/1843 . Here he attended the lectures of the Philosophical Faculty, in which he also spoke to the philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Schelling , the historian Leopold von Ranke and the constitutional lawyer Friedrich Julius Stahl . Ahlmann received the recommendation to study economics from the economist Georg Hanssen . For this reason he moved to the University of Tübingen in the spring of 1844 . In 1846 Wilhelm Ahlmann received his doctorate in Tübingen with a dissertation on the draft of Schleswig-Holstein trade regulations . He then moved to the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Kiel , where he completed his habilitation in the winter semester of 1846/47. Here he began teaching in the summer semester of 1847 as a private lecturer in political economy. In the same year Ahlmann was one of the co-founders of the Statistical Association and the Trade and Industry Association.

Already at the beginning of the Schleswig-Holstein uprising , Ahlmann was appointed as a leading liberal on March 23, 1848 to the secretary of the Provisional Government of Schleswig-Holstein - like the historian Johann Gustav Droysen . He soon took on the task of building the newly established Schleswig-Holstein postal system according to contemporary principles within the Department of Commerce, Customs and Postal Services, which was the responsibility of Martin Thorsen Schmidt . Ahlmann had been the publisher of the Schleswig-Holsteinische Zeitung since August 13, 1848 and, with Theodor Mommsen, a member of the editorial team. In the same year he was an observer at the Frankfurt National Assembly . In August 1848 he was elected to the constituent Schleswig-Holstein state assembly for the 26th Holstein constituency (Eckernförde) .

After the failure of the Schleswig-Holstein uprising and the Peace of Berlin , the entire Danish state was restored with supremacy over the Duchy of Schleswig , the Duchy of Holstein and the Duchy of Saxony-Lauenburg . Ahlmann had to leave the University of Kiel. He founded the Wilhelm Ahlmann banking house (1852) and the Kieler Zeitung (1864). He sat from 1866 to 1888 in the Kiel city council and from 1867 to 1875 in the Prussian House of Representatives .

Jens Ahlers writes about Ahlmann:

“In the first decades of the Prussian province of Schleswig-Holstein, Ahlmann preserved and embodied the liberal tradition of the uprising like no other. So he also became the leading man in the planning and preparation of the historical exhibition as part of the provincial exhibition of 1896 and its transformation into a museum, the historical state hall. "

- Jens Ahlers

See also


  • Hermann Hagenah : Wilhelm Ahlmann. The life picture of a Schleswig-Holsteiner. Ahlmann Family Foundation, Kiel 1930
  • Jürgen Ostwald (Ed.): Wilhelm Ahlmann 1817-1910. A Schleswig-Holsteiner from Northern Schleswig. Bund Deutscher Nordschleswiger, Aabenraa 1998
  • Martin Rackwitz : March Revolution in Kiel. Revolt against Denmark and the rise to democracy. Boyens, Heide 2011, ISBN 978-3-8042-1342-5 .
  • Alexander Scharff:  Ahlmann, Wilhelm Hans. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 1, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1953, ISBN 3-428-00182-6 , p. 111 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Ahlmann, Wilhelm Hans. In: German Biographical Encyclopedia. P. 76.
  • Peter Wulf: "Persecution or Amnesty." The repossession of Schleswig-Holstein by Denmark in the years 1850 to 1852. In: Communications from the Society for Kiel City History. Volume 87, Issue 2, 2013, pp. 49-59.

Web links

Commons : Wilhelm Ahlmann  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Ahlmann. In: Klaus-Joachim Lorenzen-Schmidt , Ortwin Pelc (Ed.): The new Schleswig-Holstein Lexicon. Wachholtz, Neumünster 2006.
  2. Gerd Stolz: Dora Ahlmann born. Feddersen. In: Jürgen Ostwald (Ed.): Wilhelm Ahlmann 1817-1910. A Schleswig-Holsteiner from Northern Schleswig. Bund Deutscher Nordschleswiger, Apenrade 1998, p. 54.
  3. ^ Manfred Jessen-Klingenberg . Wilhelm Ahlmann. An active politician and active fellow citizen through the ages. In: Jürgen Ostwald (Ed.): Wilhelm Ahlmann 1817-1910. A Schleswig-Holsteiner from Northern Schleswig. Bund Deutscher Nordschleswiger, Apenrade 1998, p. 9f.
  4. ^ A b c Peter Wulf: Persecution or amnesty. The repossession of Schleswig-Holstein by Denmark in the years 1850 to 1852. In: Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Kieler Stadtgeschichte Vol. 87, 2013, p. 51.
  5. Jens Ahlers: Memories of the survey: War images, caricatures, symbolism, memorials and celebrations , in: Jens Ahlers, Jan Schlürmann : Aufbruch und civil war. Schleswig-Holstein 1848-1851 , Vol. 2. Kiel 2012, p. 480.