Wilhelm von Studnitz

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Wilhelm von Studnitz (also: Karl Wolf Wilhelm Hans Scipio von Studnitz ) (* July 14, 1789 ( different date of birth: January 24, 1789 ) in Grünberg ; † April 23, 1840 in Cottbus ) was a German officer and writer.



Wilhelm von Studnitz was the eldest child of Colonel Hans Ernst von Studnitz (born September 17, 1762 in Peruschen near Wohlau ; † March 7, 1839 in Schlegel ) and his wife Helene (born April 10, 1770; † May 18, 1838 in Schlegel ) born. He had two siblings:

  • Charlotte Emilie Leonore von Studnitz (* February 20, 1791 in Grünberg; † September 25, 1846 in Schlegel), married to Count Anton Pilati von Thassul zu Daxberg (* 1775 in Linz ; † January 4, 1834 in Schlegel);
  • Friedrich August Ernst von Studnitz (born February 16, 1796 in Grünberg; † September 9, 1866 in Frankfurt an der Oder), major general .

He married Henriette on October 20, 1819 in Amsterdam (born November 27, 1797 in Frankfurt (Oder) ; † September 26, 1859 in Küstrin ), a daughter of banker de Wilde from Frankfurt (Oder), whose bank in Amsterdam went bankrupt in 1820. They had a son together:

  • Wilhelm Hans Ernst von Studnitz (born June 27, 1821 in Schlegel, † May 17, 1880 in Eisenach ), Prussian major .


Wilhelm von Studnitz was taught by the grammar school director Müller in Bromberg . In 1802 he attended the Franziskanergymnasium Graues Kloster in Berlin , but he had to leave the grammar school again in 1806 because his parents lacked the financial means for his further education. He then began training as a businessman at the Benecke brothers' trading company with Wilhelm Christian Benecke von Gröditzberg in Berlin. After completing his training, he went to Vienna to find a job as a businessman.

In 1813 he volunteered in Breslau with the volunteer hunters of the 1st Guard Regiment , shortly afterwards he was promoted to portepeef ensign. In the battle of Großgörschen he was shot in the left foot, shortly afterwards he was promoted to officer and he was given permission to cure his wound in Schlegel near Glatz, in his parents' house. Although the wound had not yet healed, he voluntarily took part in the march of his regiment through Bohemia to the Saxon border. There he was transferred to the East Prussian Grenadier Battalion , with which he fought in the Battle of Leipzig near Möckern . His unit was under strong fire, and only 64 men of the battalion survived, and only five soldiers of his company.He personally remained uninjured in these battles, but his foot injury broke out again, so that he would not accompany his battalion in the subsequent campaign to France could, he remained as a convalescent in the corps of Gustav Kalixt von Biron .

In October 1814 Wilhelm von Studnitz came to Berlin with his battalion, where the " Kaiser Alexander Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 1 " was formed and he was then adjutant to Major von Leslie.

In 1815 he marched with us to Paris , but returned shortly afterwards and attended the war school in Berlin for three years . He ended this in 1818 and became adjutant to Colonel Karl von Schachtmeyer. In February 1818, he was promoted to prime lieutenant .

In 1819 he was commissioned by the General Staff with orders that took him through Bohemia, Bavaria , along the Rhine to Holland and Amsterdam. There he married his fiancée Henriette de Wilde, with whom he returned to Berlin in October 1819.

Due to the financial development, he was forced to resign from the army in 1820 and to move to his family in Schlegel in the County of Glatz , where he devoted himself to writing. He also wrote articles for the military literature newspaper for the years 1825–1828, 1830, 1832, for the "Frauentaschenbuch" and the "Schlesische Taschenbuch".

In 1828 he decided to seek employment in the tax field. At first he worked as a military candidate in the main office in Mittelwalde . In 1829 he became a secondary tax collector in Reichenstein in Silesia, at the beginning of 1832 he was the main office controller in Mittelwalde and at Easter 1833 he was the main office rendant in Reichenbach near Görlitz . In 1834 the office was relocated to Görlitz and from here in 1839 he was transferred to Cottbus as senior tax inspector.


He received the Iron Cross .

Works (selection)

  • Georg Friedrich von Blankensee; Wilhelm Hensel; Friedrich von Kalckreuth; Wilhelm Müller; Wilhelm von Studnitz: Federal flowers . Berlin: Maurer, 1816. [1]
  • Silesian paperback from 1826: The filling of Kynau . Hirschberg WL Schmidt 1826. [2]
  • Wilhelm von Studnitz; Hieronymus Franz Seraph Roedlich; Friedrich August Herbig: Reference library for officers, or: Populaire war teaching for initiates and laypeople, Vol. 12 Chronological-synchronistic overview and suggestion for the history of war . Berlin Herbig 1833.


Individual evidence

  1. New Nekrolog der Deutschen ... BF Voigt, 1842, p. 486 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  2. ^ German biography: Studnitz, Wilhelm von - German biography. Retrieved January 11, 2018 .
  3. Hans Wilhelm von Studnitz born. 24 Jan 1789 Grünberg died 23 Apr 1840 Cottbus: Stammreihen.de. Retrieved January 11, 2018 .
  4. Berlinische Nachrichten von Staats- und schulttenachen v. November 4, 1819. Retrieved January 11, 2018 .