Willy Klapproth

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Willy Klapproth (born December 11, 1892 in Wabern ; † April 1, 1967 in Frankfurt am Main ) was police chief in Frankfurt am Main and mayor of Bensheim from 1946 to 1952 .


Klapproth, the son of a building contractor, attended secondary school in Dortmund and subsequently served as an army officer during the First World War . In 1920 he joined the police force, where he was first lieutenant in 1925 as police director in Worms . He was a member of the SPD and was removed from service after the National Socialists came to power because of “lack of reliability”. In World War II he was not called up as a reserve officer for military service.

In September 1946, Klapproth, who had been the mayor of Bensheim since 1945 and subsequently served as senior councilor for the district president in Darmstadt, became police president in Frankfurt . Since Klapproth wanted to improve public opinion about the police, the Frankfurt police band was founded during his tenure and police sports festivals and other events were held. In 1948 Klapproth opened a new collection of police items, which later became the Police Museum .

In June 1951, Klapproth was suspended from duty . The occasion was a perjury that he had committed in connection with a bribery affair to protect the head of the evidence room. Klapproth was sentenced to ten months in prison, but was pardoned after serving four months. He was also dismissed from the civil service. Following his imprisonment, he therefore worked as a representative.

After Klapproth's suspension, the office of Police President was temporarily taken over by Police Vice President Hanns Jess .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Willy Klapproth , Internationales Biographisches Archiv 02/1954 from January 4, 1954, in the Munzinger archive ( beginning of article freely available)
  2. H.-G. Dehmel: The History of the Worms Police ( Memento from June 3, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
  3. 04295 - Attacks against police director Willy Klapproth  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.stadtarchiv.worms.de  
  4. Willy Klapproth ( Memento from July 6, 2010 in the Internet Archive ), Kriminalmuseum Frankfurt, based on Kurt Kraus: 125 years of the Frankfurt am Main police headquarters