Fritz von Scherenberg

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Theodor Friedrich Wilhelm called Fritz Scherenberg von Scherenberg since 1917 (born January 4, 1858 in Steele ; † May 28, 1928 in Bonn ) was a Prussian district administrator in the Mettmann district , police chief of Frankfurt am Main and district president in Koblenz .


The Protestant Fritz Scherenberg was born as the son of the same name mine owner and mine director Friedrich Scherenberg and his wife Maria Katharina born in 1872 . Grimberg born.

In neighboring Essen, Scherenberg attended high school, which he left at Easter 1878 with the Abitur. As a result, he took a law degree at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität and became active in the Corps Hansea Bonn . As an inactive he moved to the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin (1878–1881). He passed the first state examination with the grade sufficient on November 9, 1881 (November 19, 1881), before he was sworn in as a court trainee on December 3 of the same year. His further training took him to the Essen-Steele District Court and the Essen Regional Court , before he switched to the Prussian administrative service and was assigned to the government in Düsseldorf and then to the government in Stettin for employment. After passing the Grand State Examination on February 12, 1887, which he passed with an overall grade of good, Scherenberg was appointed government assessor on February 24 and with seniority from February 12 . As such, Scherenberg was transferred to the government in Potsdam on March 5, 1887 , where on June 1, 1891, he was initially appointed provisional management of the Mettmann district based in Vohwinkel . The definitive appointment as district administrator there followed on January 8, 1892. During this time, he founded the “Branch Association of the Red Cross for the Mettmann District” together with mayors and doctors in 1893, which he took over as head. Scherenberg remained in this position for 12 years until he was transferred to the position of police chief in Frankfurt am Main on February 10, 1904 and when he took up his duties on February 23. From there he moved to the Royal Prussian Government in Koblenz due to appointment on April 24, 1911 and with inauguration on May 10, 1911 , where he was dismissed from office on November 1, 1917 and at his own request on September 5 . On October 21, 1917, ten days before his departure, Kaiser Wilhelm II granted him the nobility as King of Prussia.

During his tenure as district administrator of the Mettmann district, Scherenberg was a member of the provincial parliament (Prussia) of the Rhine province in Düsseldorf from 1901 to 1903 .

Fritz Scherenberg married Selma Emilie called Emmy Noetzlin on September 22, 1898 in Elberfeld (born on October 7, 1874 in Basel), a daughter of the Elberfeld factory owner Jerôme Noetzlin and his wife Clara nee. de Werth. Their marriage resulted in a son and a daughter.



  • District government Koblenz (Ed.): The district presidents of Koblenz. Rhenania Verlag, Koblenz 1983, ISBN 3-922755-13-5 , p. 66 f. (with picture)
  • Thomas Klein: Senior officials in the general administration in the Prussian province of Hessen-Nassau and in Waldeck 1867–1945. (= Sources and research on Hessian history, 70; Ed. Hessische Historische Kommission Darmstadt and Historical Commission for Hesse), Darmstadt / Marburg 1988, ISBN 3-88443-159-5 , p. 1203.
  • Horst Romeyk : The leading state and municipal administrative officials of the Rhine Province 1816–1945 (=  publications of the Society for Rhenish History . Volume 69 ). Droste, Düsseldorf 1994, ISBN 3-7700-7585-4 , p. 717 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Horst Romeyk: The leading state and communal administrative officials of the Rhine Province 1816–1945
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o district government Koblenz (ed.): The district presidents of Koblenz.
  3. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 11 , 225
  4. ^ A b c d e f Thomas Klein: Senior civil servants in the general administration in the Prussian province of Hesse-Nassau and in Waldeck 1867–1945.
  5. ^ Chronicle of the DRK-Ortsverein Haan eV since 1898. Haan, April 2003, accessed on October 22, 2015. online
  6. ^ Government Gazette Großherzogtum Hessen, Darmstadt 1908, Supplement 26, p. 227.