Vladimir Gavrilowitsch Wafiadi

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Vladimir Gavrilovich Wafiadi ( Russian Владимир Гаврилович Вафиади ; born January 10 . Jul / 23. January  1911 greg. In Moscow ; † 17th May 1986 in Leningrad ) was a Russian physicist and university teacher .


Wafiadi grew up in Voronezh . In 1931 he was hired as a physics laboratory assistant at the State Optics Institute (GOI) . At the same time, he began distance learning at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at Leningrad University . At the GOI he became a research assistant and carried out studies on the direct measurement of the speed of light. In the summer of 1934 he took part in the GOI expedition to the Elbrus , led by Alexander Lebedew , to investigate sunlight in the 100–1000 nm spectral range . 1936 he developed together with WW Balakov headed Lebedev the first geodesic optical interference - rangefinder . The error was 2-3 m at a distance of 3.5 km . Distance measurement based on the speed of light measurement followed in 1938–1939 .

During the German-Soviet War , most of the GOI was evacuated to Yoshkar-Ola and housed in the local forest institute. The task now was to provide the army and navy with the necessary optical equipment. Despite missing school certificate University in 1944 Wafiadi successfully defended his candidate dissertation The pulse projector rangefinder . He also taught from 1944 at the Leningrad Military Aviation Academy of the Red Army and headed the chair for infrared radiation technology , for which he wrote a number of textbooks.

After the end of the war, Wafiadi was sent to Germany in a group of specialists. He informed in Jena on the developments of infrared optical equipment from Carl Zeiss , and especially about the FAU rocket with self-control . 1948–1960 he organized the development and series production of night vision devices and controls for aviation and corresponding devices for medical applications. At the same time he advised the Krasnogorski zavod . In 1951 he became head of the laboratory for optical positioning and infrared radiation technology at the GOI. One of his most important collaborators was MM Miroshnikov .

In 1962 Wafiadi was appointed to the chair of electrophysics by the rector of the Belarusian State University (BGU) AN Sewchenko , who had worked at the GOI from 1934 to 1953 . Under Wafiadi's direction, work on the modulation and demodulation of radiation for applications in range finders was carried out. He gave lectures on photoelectric automata, electron optics , physics of the cosmos and the history of physics. He was with editor of the Russian Journal of Applied Spectroscopy . He was fluent in French and translated Jean Paul Marat's Notions Elementaires d'Optique with AM Kotow . In 1966 he became a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR . In 1972 he retired and returned to Leningrad.


Individual evidence

  1. a b Ванюков М. П .: Александр Алексеевич Лебедев . In: 50 лет Государственного оптического института им. С. И. Вавилова (1918–1968) . 1968, p. 642-646 .
  2. Вафиади В. Г .: О скорости света . In: Природа . tape 24 , no. 4 , 1935, pp. 76-77 .
  3. Vafiadi VG, Krivich SS, Pokrovsky GV: A search for the extreme infra red-spectrum of the sun . In: Nature . No. 3425 , 1935, pp. 1035 .
  4. Иванова Р. Н .: Государственный оптический институт (ГОИ) в период Великой Отечественной войны 1941–1945 гг . In: Оптический журнал . 1995, p. 5-33 .
  5. Вафиади В. Г .: Введение в технику инфракрасных лучей . ЛКВВИА, Leningrad 1952.
  6. Вафиади В. Г .: Головки самонаведения типа ЮНО-1, ЮНО-2 и Кребс . Воениздат, Moscow 1949.
  7. Андрианова И. И., Вафиади В. Г. и др .: Принцип построения фазовых светолокационных дальномеров со сверхвысокочастотной моделокациеч моделокациеч . 12th edition. Оптико-механ. пром-сть, 1969, p. 55-62 .
  8. Андрианова И. И., Вафиади В. Г., Попов Ю. В .: Фазовая светодальнометрия и модуляция оптического излучения . 4th edition. Оптико-механ. пром-сть, 1970, p. 49-61 .
  9. Вафиади В. Г .: Фотоэлектрическая автоматика . Высшая школа, Leningrad 1966.
  10. Жан Поль Марат (. Пер с фр В. Г. Вафиади и А. М. Котова под ред М. М. Мирошникова ...): Элементарные заметки по оптике . ГОИ им. С. И. Вавилова, Leningrad 1981.