Podlaskie Voivodeship

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Flag of Podlaskie Voivodeship
0 Podlaskie
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About this picture
Coat of arms and logo
Coat of arms of Podlasie Logo of Podlachia
Basic data
Capital : Białystok
Voivode : Maciej Żywno
Voivodeship Marshal : Jarosław Dworzański
Biggest town: Białystok
ISO 3166-2 : PL-20
License Plate B.
Residents : 1,190,253 (June 30, 2015)
Population density : 59 inhabitants per km²
Area : 20,180 km²
- of which country: ? km²
- of which water: ? km²
Expansion: North-South: up to 229 km
West-East: 48–147 km
The highest point: 298 m
Deepest point: ? m
Landscape structure
Forests: ? %
Waters: ? %
Agriculture: ? %
Other: ? %
Administrative division
Independent cities : 3
Counties : 14th
- Municipalities : 118

The Podlaskie Voivodeship ( Polish województwo podlaskie ) is one of the 16 voivodships that make up the Republic of Poland . The 1999 from the provinces Białystok and Łomża and a part of Suwalki emerged Province is located in northeast Poland, is from the provinces Warmia and Mazury , Mazovia and Lublin enclosed and confined in a corner region of the Russian Oblast Kaliningrad and Lithuania in the north and more to Belarus in the east. The capital Białystok has around 295,000 inhabitants, otherwise Podlaskie is the least populated and structured voivodeship in Poland. Members of a Belarusian and a Tatar - Muslim minority live here.

Administrative division

The Podlaskie Voivodeship is divided into 14 powiats (districts) , with three cities remaining independent. They themselves do not belong to the districts named after them.

One district cities

  1. Białystok (295,624)
  2. Suwałki (Suwalken) (69,351)
  3. Łomża (Lomscha) (62,746)


  1. Augustów (59,252)
  2. Białystok (145,486)
  3. Bielsk Podlaski (56,879)
  4. Grajewo (48,468)
  5. Hajnówka (44,725)
  6. Kolno (39,236)
  7. Łomża (51,521)
  8. Mońki (41,672)
  9. Sejny (20,718)
  10. Siemiatycze (46,263)
  11. Sokółka (69,733)
  12. Suwałki (35,907)
  13. Wysokie Mazowieckie (58,335)
  14. Zambrów (44,337)

(Resident on June 30, 2015)


Biggest cities

Branicki Palace in the capital of Podlasie, Białystok

Białystok, the capital of the Podlaskie Voivodeship, is the only major city in north-eastern Poland. In the very sparsely populated surrounding region, the seven next largest cities together do not have the same population as the provincial capital.

city Powiat Residents
June 30, 2015
POL Białystok COA.svg Białystok circular 295,624
POL Suwałki COA.svg Suwałki circular 69,351
POL Łomża COA.svg Łomża circular 62,746
POL Augustów COA.svg Augustów Augustów 30,449
POL Bielsk Podlaski COA.svg Bielsk Podlaski Bielsk Podlaski 26,137
POL Zambrów COA.svg Zambrów Zambrów 22,186
POL Grajewo COA.svg Grajewo Grajewo 22,163
POL Hajnówka COA.svg Hajnówka Hajnówka 21,353

See also: List of cities in Podlaskie Voivodeship



The Polish part of the Białowieża Primeval Forest ( World Heritage Site ) and the associated national park are located in the Podlaskie Voivodeship .


Compared with the GDP of the EU expressed in purchasing power standards , the province reached an index of 38.4 (EU-27 = 100) in 2006, was among the 20 regions with the lowest GDP (from 271). In 2015 the index value had risen to 49% of the EU average. The unemployment rate in December 2009 was 12.6 percent, which corresponds to 61,200 people.

With a value of 0.833, Podlaskie ranks 10th among the 16 Voivodeships of Poland in the Human Development Index .

Web links

Wikivoyage: Podlasie  - tourist guide

Individual evidence

  1. a b c population. Size and Structure by Territorial Division. As of June 30, 2015. Główny Urząd Statystyczny (GUS) (ZIP folder with XLS files; 7.82 MiB), accessed on May 19, 2017 .
  2. Eurostat press release 23/2009: Regional GDP per inhabitant in the EU27 (PDF file; 360 kB)
  3. Eurostat. (PDF) Retrieved April 15, 2018 .
  4. Central Statistics Office of Poland (CIS), Bezrobotni oraz stopa bezrobocia wg województw, grudzień 2009 , February 3, 2010 ( Memento from April 2, 2015 in the Internet Archive )
  5. ^ Sub-national HDI - Area Database - Global Data Lab. Retrieved August 12, 2018 .

Coordinates: 53 ° 16 '  N , 22 ° 56'  E