Vsevolod Wassiljewitsch Antonow-Romanowski

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Wsewolod Wassiljewitsch Antonow-Romanowski ( Russian Всеволод Васильевич Антонов-Романовский ; born February 25, 1908 in Liège ; † October 1, 2006 ) was a Russian physicist .


Antonov's father was the revolutionary Wassili Grigorjewitsch Antonow (1882-1967), who traveled to Italy with his family in 1908 on the advice of Anatoly Wassiljewitsch Lunacharsky and returned to Russia in autumn 1917 . After the October Revolution during the Russian Civil War , he lived in Chita and Vladivostok , where he was one of the founders of the Far Eastern Republic . Then he lived abroad again with various activities.

From 1924 Vsevolod Antonov lived with relatives in Shchigry , where he graduated from school in 1925. In 1926 he began studying at the physics and mathematics faculty of Moscow University (MGU), which he completed in November 1930 in theoretical physics . During his physics internship in 1929, he became acquainted with Sergei Ivanovich Wawilow .

After completing his studies, Antonov and his fellow students Valentin Alexandrowitsch Fabrikant , Vladimir Morozov, Viktor Ginsburg and Valentin Pulver found a job in the lighting laboratory of the Moscow Electrotechnical Institute . Antonov's first scientific paper was published in 1930.

In 1932 Antonov moved to the Institute of Physics at MGU. There he examined as an aspirant 1933-1936 the phosphorescence for the doctorate to the candidate of the physical-mathematical sciences . When Vavilov then proposed the candidate Antonov to the Secretary of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR, since 1991 Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN)) Nikolai Petrovich Gorbunov for the Laboratory for Phosphorescence of the Physics Institute (FIAN) of the AN-SSSR, Antonov examined the mechanism of phosphorescence in the FIAN, in which he was already employed in 1935, as a doctoral student 1936-1940, whereupon he received his doctorate in physical-mathematical sciences . He then became a senior research scientist and consultant.

During the German-Soviet War Antonov was evacuated to Kazan together with Vadim Leonidowitsch Lyowschin , SL Morgenstern and SA Trapesnikowa . Antonov organized the production of the infrared - Binoculars BI 8 and BI-12th He developed together with Igor Borisovich Keirim-Markus , a gamma - dosimeters , which later in the first space flights was used. In the 1950s Antonov published together with Boris Ivanovich Stepanow , MW Fock and IP Chapaljuk an investigation of the luminescence of a system with three energy levels with a description of the negative luminescence discovered . In 1966 Antonov's monograph on the kinetics of photoluminescence in luminescent crystals was published .

After a severe heart attack , Antonov began to walk. He regularly ran from his home to his place of work and back. At the age of 70 he climbed the Pamir with a 35 kg backpack.

Honors, prizes

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Всеволод Васильевич Антонов-Романовский . In: К истории ФИАН. Серия Портреты. Выпуск 1 . Moscow 2003 ( [1] accessed on May 15, 2019 [PDF]).
  2. Negative luminescence .
  3. Всеволод Васильевич Антонов-Романовский: Кинетика фотолюминесценции кристаллофосфоров . Nauka , 1966.
  4. RAN: Антонов-Романовский Всеволод Васильевич (accessed May 15, 2019).