Time of mourning

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German title Time of mourning
Original title The Greatest
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 2009
length 96 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Shana festivals
script Shana festivals
production Lynette Howell
Beau St. Clair
music Christophe Beck
camera John Bailey
cut Cara Silverman

Time of Mourning (original title The Greatest ) is an American feature film from 2009.


18-year-old Bennett Brewer has his first night of love with Rose. On the drive home, Bennett stops in the middle of a blind intersection to tell Rose how long he's been in love with her. Another car crashes into his car, Bennett dies, Rose survives the accident.

After Bennett's funeral, his father Allen tries to show strength to stand by his grief- stricken wife Grace. He quickly returns to his work as a mathematics professor. He suffers internally and tries to hide his grief from the family. This only pulls Grace deeper into her emotional crisis, because she believes that Allen feels nothing after the death of her beloved son. Ryan, Bennett's younger brother, suffers from the fact that the parents only idealize the brother even more after his death. He does not want to participate in this idealization, also because he feels his own weaknesses even more clearly. Reluctantly, he attends a psychological grief course for young people who have lost loved ones. There he meets the girl Ashley, who has lost her sister to suicide, but who seems to be just as rough with what she has experienced as he does.

Some time after the funeral, Rose stands at the Brewers door. She is three months pregnant by Bennett and doesn't know where to go. She invites everyone to move in with the Brewers. While Allen tries to take care of the girl, deep emotional rifts develop between Grace and Rose. Rose wants to get to know her child's father better during her time at the Brewers. Since their love affair was so short, she had no way of doing it during his lifetime. However, when it comes to an open break between Rose and Grace, she leaves the family and finds a place with a friend.

Grace tries to establish contact with the driver of the second accident car. He is initially in a coma . She visits him regularly as he was the last to see Bennett alive. Bennett was still alive for 17 minutes. Trapped in his car, he had one last conversation with the driver. When the driver wakes up from the coma, he tells Grace that Bennet's only concern is Rose. Grace realizes that she wronged the girl. The Brewers set out to find her and find Rose just about to give birth. They go to the hospital together, and Grace helps her with the delivery.


The Greatest is the directorial debut of the American director Shana Feste. Pierce Brosnan took part in the production of the film with his company Irish Dream Time . Susan Sarandon originally wanted to turn down the role of the grieving mother, as she had played similar roles in Moonlight Mile and In the Valley of Elah in previous years. The script and her already established film partner Pierce Brosnan finally convinced her. Another argument is said to have been the proximity of the location to her place of residence. The shooting took place in 2008 in Rockland County in New York instead. Carey Mulligan made this film before working on An Education . Both films finally ran in 2009 at the Sundance Film Festival .

The film premiered on January 17, 2009 at the Sundance Film Festival , where the film was screened in competition. Since then the film has been shown at numerous festivals such as B. at the Karlovy Vary Film Festival . In Germany, the film was shown to a specialist audience at the European Film Market during the 2009 Berlinale . In Germany and the USA, the film has not yet been released on a regular basis. It has already been shown in cinemas in Israel , France , Spain and Argentina , while in Italy it has already been shown on television. The German-language dubbed version has been available on Blu-ray Disc since November 2010 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Release certificate for time of mourning . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry , October 2010 (PDF; test number: 124 710 V).