Friedrich Zoepfl

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Friedrich Zoepfl (born January 6, 1885 in Murnau , † December 19, 1973 in Dillingen an der Donau ) was a Catholic priest and historian.


After attending elementary school in Murnau (1891–97), Friedrich Zoepfl came to the episcopal Konvikt in Dillingen on the Danube and was accepted into the second high school class. After graduating from high school (1905), he studied philosophy and theology at the University of Munich . In 1909 Zoepfl was ordained a priest in Munich. After a short pastoral activity in Dillingen and Polling , he was able to continue his studies in Munich and in 1911 with a patristic thesis to become a Dr. theol. PhD. As a beneficiary , he published several works on Mindelheim's regional history. After Georg Grupp's death in 1923, Zoepfl was given the position of beneficiary and librarian for the princes of Oettingen-Wallerstein in Maihingen . In the Oettingen-Wallerstein Library (now owned by the Augsburg University Library ) Zoepfl began the preparatory work for his great German cultural history, which appeared in two volumes in 1928/30. In 1930 he was appointed professor for history and art history at the Philosophical-Theological University in Dillingen . Here, the focus of his research work was the history of the Augsburg diocese.

After the transfer of power to the National Socialists on November 11, 1933, Zoepfl signed the professors' commitment to Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist state at German universities and colleges . During this time Zoepfl took a decidedly ethnic stance. As quoted Georg Denzler Zoepfls review of Anton Stonner , "Germanness and Christianity", 1933, in: Theological Review, Volume 33, 1934: "From practice emerged, the book practical purposes would serve, namely the information required by national government reorganization of teaching in the sense of a strong emphasis on Germanic-German essence ... As a joyful expression of Catholic commitment to the Germanic-German hereditary basis of our being, Stonner's little book is to be sincerely welcomed and we hope it will be widely distributed. "

As the successor to Alfred Schröder (1865–1935), he continued the “historical-statistical description of the diocese of Augsburg” initiated by Antonius von Steichele (1816–1889). In 1949 he was a founding member of the Swabian Research Association and was appointed a member of the association's board of directors by the historian Max Spindler (1894–1986).

Even after his retirement in 1953, Zoepfl still worked on the subject of the diocese of Augsburg and its bishops in the Middle Ages and the Reformation century. In painstaking detailed work, he managed to present two more extensive volumes in 1955 and 1969. The oeuvre of "the most important Augsburg diocese historian" (Rummel) comprises over 250 titles.

Fonts (selection)

  • Didymi Alexandrini in epistolas canonicas brevis enarratio, Münster 1914
  • Women's dignity. A vintage women's sermons. Freiburg i. Br. 1918
  • Biblical mothers. A little book for mothers. Donauwörth 1922
  • The commentary of the pseudo-Eustathios on the Hexaëmeron (Old Testament Treatises Vol. 10, H. 5). Munster 1927
  • German cultural history, vol. 1 u. 2. Freiburg 1928/30; 2nd edition 1931/37
  • Medieval Caritas in the mirror of the legend (Schriften zur Caritaswissenschaft Vol. 4). Freiburg i. B. 1929
  • The diocese of Augsburg is described historically and statistically IX, 1934/39, X, 1940
  • The Reich as Fate and Action, Freiburg 1937
  • Nikolaus Ellenbog Correspondence Book III-IX (= Corpus Catholicorum 19/21), 1938
  • History of the city of Mindelheim in Swabia, Munich 1945
  • Heinrich Seuse . Meitingen 1947
  • Margareta Ebner . Meitingen 1950
  • The house of Fugger and the city of Dillingen . In: Yearbook of the Historical Association Dillingen aD Volume 61/63, 1959/1961.
  • Two orders of the Augsburg bishops for the administration of the church property. In: Swabian leaves. Volume 14, 1963, pp. 103-109; Addendum ibid: Volume 17, 1966, pp. 15-17.
  • History of the Diocese of Augsburg and its Bishops Vol. 1, Munich-Augsburg 1955, Vol. 2, 1969


  • Peter Rummel : Publications by Friedrich Zoepfl † . In: Yearbook of the Association for Augsburg Diocesan History 8, 1974, pp. 15–41.
  • Peter Rummel: Friedrich Zoepfl † (1885-1973) . In: Yearbook of the Association for the History of the Augsburg Diocese 8, 1974, pp. 9-14.
  • Peter Rummel: Friedrich Zoepfl . In: Life pictures from the Bavarian. Schwaben , 11, Weißenhorn 1976, pp. 380-414.
  • Hermann Tüchle : Friedrich Zoepfl (6.1.1885–19.12.1973) . In: Journal of the Historisches Verein für Schwaben 68, 1974, pp. 188–192
  • Adolf Layer : In memoriam Professor Dr. Friedrich Zoepfl . In: Yearbook of the historical association Dillingen an der Donau 76, 1974, pp. 7-17.
  • Adolf Layer: An important historian - Prof. Friedrich Zoepfl , ibid. 86, 1994, pp. 196–201.
  • Adolf Layer: Swabian Book of Honor. Design in and from Bavarian Swabia of the 20th Century , Weißenhorn 1985, pp. 234–237.
  • Pankraz Fried (Ed.): 50 Years of the Schwäbische Forschungsgemeinschaft (=  Studies on the History of Bavarian Swabia 26), Schwäbische Forschungsgemeinschaft, Augsburg 1999, ISBN 978-3-922518-26-6 , p. 263.
  • Gertraud Kränzle:  Zoepfl, Friedrich. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Volume 19, Bautz, Nordhausen 2001, ISBN 3-88309-089-1 , Sp. 1597-1598.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Confession of the professors at the German universities and colleges to Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist state . November 1933, p. 135. Text of the appeal in five languages ​​beforehand. The name was prescribed to Zoepfle ( digitized version ) by the authors .
  2. ^ Georg Denzler :, Anti-Judaism and anti-Semitism in the theology of our century: Karl Adam , Michael Schmaus and Anton Stonner . In: Facta Universitatis. Volume 1, 1997, pp. 11-20 ( PDF version ).
  3. ^ Wilhelm Volkert : Letters on the founding history of the Swabian Research Association at the Commission for Bavarian State History . In: Pankraz Fried (Ed.): 50 Years of the Schwäbische Forschungsgemeinschaft (=  Studies on the History of Bavarian Swabia 26), Schwäbische Forschungsgemeinschaft, Augsburg 1999, ISBN 978-3-922518-26-6 , pp. 83 ff .; here: p. 141.