Austrian library

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The Österreichische Bücherei is a series of books on Austrian subjects that were published between 1917 and 1938 by three Austrian publishers in different configurations .

Preliminary remarks

The idea of ​​a permanent series specifically related to Austria with smaller essayistic works on political, economic and cultural topics, which ultimately failed at the Austrian Library (1915–1917) in the Leipziger Insel Verlag , was again published in the context of the Austrian Library in Austria on the eve of the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy picked up on itself. Interestingly, it was first published by Verlag Carl Fromme in the final stages of the First World War at a time when the Austrian Library , as a side piece of the Insel-Bücherei, had reached its end point after 26 volumes. Only three authors from the Austrian Library were to be found in the Austrian Library : Adam Müller-Guttenbrunn with Austria's literary and theater life (No. 5 / 1A, 1918), Josef Kallbrunner with housing worries in Old Vienna. Documents on the Viennese housing issue in the 17th and 18th centuries (No. 15 / 2A, 1926) and Felix Braun with Esther . A play in five acts (double volume no. 20/21 / 2B, 1926). It is not known to what extent the publishers have agreed on the gradual takeover of the series title by the respective successor publisher; There were several years between the new beginnings of the individual series.

The series published by Carl Fromme

As number 1 / 1A of the series published by the Austrian Brotherhood of Arms in Vienna and directed by R. von Wettstein, the title of Austria's historical broadcast by Alfons Dopsch came onto the book market in 1917 . The first order up to number 16 / 1A from 1920 was published in paperback bindings by the Carl Fromme publishing house in Vienna and Leipzig. The following titles were published:

No. author title year Page number
1 / 1A Alfons Dopsch Austria's historical broadcast 1917 94
2 / 1A Michael Haberlandt The national culture of the Austrian tribes 1917 96
3 / 1A Richard Charmatz Austria as a nation of nations undated [1918] 92
4 / 1A Rudolf Kobatsch The Austrian national economy 1918 93
5 / 1A Adam Müller-Guttenbrunn Austria's literary and theater life: an overview undated [1918] 92
6 / 1A Wilhelm Haas The promotion of trade and the industrial education system in Austria 1918 85
7 / 1A Joseph Neuwirth Fine arts in Austria.
1. From primeval times to the end of the Middle Ages
1918 96
8 / 1A Joseph Neuwirth Fine arts in Austria.
2. From the Renaissance to the beginning of the twentieth century
1918 96
9 / 1A Robert winner The Austrian state idea and its geographical basis 1918 99
10 / 1A Max von Millenkovich-Morold The Austrian art of music 1918 84
11 / 1A Max Neuburger The development of medicine in Austria 1918 104
12 / 1A Alfred Birk Austria's participation in the development of the transport system 1919 94
13 / 1A Alfred Birk Technical work in Austria 1919 89
14 / 1A Georg Wendel Austrian arts and crafts 1920 96
15 / 1A Salomon Frankfurter Austria's education system: elementary, middle and middle schools 1920 96
16 / 1A Fritz Hof The Armed Forces of Austria-Hungary :
their history from creation to collapse
1920 96

The second row in A. Hartleben's Verlag

From 1925 onwards an Austrian library with new titles was published again , now by Verlag A. Hartleben Vienna. The most extensive sub-series, consisting of 24 regular and five special volumes with descriptions of the architecture of Lower Austria, ended in 1926 with the regular volume: Anton Bettelheim, Karl Schönherr and the Austrian Volksstück , although the fifth and last special volume, Anton Beckers Eggenburg , was not published until the following year.

The binding was now mostly half-linen; ÖBü 22 / 2B ( The Burgtheater under its founder, Emperor Joseph II von Karl Glossy ) appeared in full linen, and the special volumes also include cardboard bindings and brochures. The front cover had a serial mark and the title was printed on the spine. Most of the volumes came with a dust jacket. The series comprised the following individual titles, with the year of publication being shown in accordance with the information provided by the DNB :

No. author title year Illustrations

1 / 2A Oswald Redlich Grillparzer and Science: Three Lectures undated [1925] - 68
2 / 2A Ernst Lothar Triumph of feeling: 2 stories undated [1925] - 100
3 / 2A Karl Glossy
From the memoirs of a mayor of Vienna
(Dr. Kajetan Felder )
undated [1925] - 77
4 / 2A Emil Ertl Maze of Life: Novellas undated [1925] - 106
5 / 2A Hans Tietze The Viennese art museums. Its history and its meaning undated [1925] 13 fig. 93
6 / 2A Raoul Auernheimer Older Vienna: Images and Shadows undated [1925] - 107
7 / 2A Josef Friedrich Perkonig The people stand up: How Carinthia struggled for its freedom undated [1925] - 81
8 / 2A Viktor Iovanovic Eisenstadt and the Neusiedlersee undated [1925] 1 lithograph
7 Draw.
9 / 2A Otto H. Stowasser Lower Austrian wisdom texts undated [1925] - 107
10 / 2A Joseph Neuwirth The Technical University in Vienna 1815-1925 undated [1925] - 96
11 / 2A Egid Filek The happiness of the poor devils: short stories undated [1926] - 106
12 / 2A Franz Martin Wolf Dietrich von Raitenau, Archbishop of Salzburg undated [1925] - 91
13 / 2A Gustav Renker Carinthian novellas undated [1925] - 91
14 / 2A Alfred Orel (Ed.) Viennese letters from musicians from two centuries undated [1925] 1 facsimile 88
15 / 2A Josef Kallbrunner Housing worries in old Vienna: documents on the
Viennese housing issue in the 17th and 18th centuries
undated [1926] - 82
16 / 2A Friedrich Rosenthal Theater in Austria undated [1926] NN Fig. 95
17 / 2A Gisela von Berger The old man: short stories undated [1926] - 106
18 / 2A Hans Tritschel Heiligenblut and its mountains undated [1926] 13 fig. 109
19 / 2A Eduard Golias The way to the state:
An educational problem of the present
undated [1926] - 76
20/21 / 2A Felix Braun Esther : A play in 5 acts undated [1926] - 91
22 / 2A Karl Glossy
Franz Herterich (Preface)
The Burgtheater under its founder, Emperor Joseph II. undated [1926] 1 fig. 104
23 / 2A Hans Fraungruber From the Styrian Salzkammergut .
Poems and stories
undated [1926] - 91
24 / 2A Anton Bettelheim Karl Schönherr and the Austrian folk piece undated [1926] 3 fig. 84
volume 1
Emerich Schaffran The Lower Austrian pens undated [1925] 26 fig. 244
volume 2
Georg Binder The castles and palaces of Lower Austria.
Part 1. On and south of the Danube
undated [1926] 30 photos 160
volume 3
Georg Binder The castles and palaces of Lower Austria.
Part 2. North of the Danube
undated [1926] 3 photos 152
volume 4
Emerich Schaffran The region around Krems : The cities of Krems,
Stein, Mautern, Göttweig Abbey, the Kremstal and Gföhl
undated [1926] 30 lithogr. 148
volume 5
Anton Becker Eggenburg undated [1927] 29 Fig.
1 map
ÖBü No. 2 / 3A, H. Burgert, The Viennese Coffee House (1937)

The third row in Heimat-Verlag

Finally, the series name was revived again in 1937. The Österreichische Bücherei had found its publishing home with the Heimat-Verlag based in Brixlegg / Tyrol. The publisher was the Austrian journalist Alfred Missong , who was arrested after the Anschluss in 1938, but was able to emigrate that same year, which, however, did so again From the third row also meant. It began with Paul Graf Thun-Hohenstein's Austrian way of life (No. 1 / 3A) and ended with number 10 / 3A, Rudolf Allers' Die Wiener Medizinische Schule .

According to the announcement prospectus from 1937, which reminds in structure and language of that of Hofmannsthal for the introduction of the Austrian library in 1915, the editions should appear “casually in rows of 5 volumes” and “give an insight into all areas of the poetic, artistic, state and socio-political, economic and technical work of Austria ”.

The volumes were again published in a brochure volume, which, with its two-tone design based on an idea by Carry Hauser and the stuck-on title and back labels, borrowed from the Insel-Bücherei, as the editor expressly points out in his autobiographical writings, and taken on by the Austrian library and has a stylized double-headed eagle as a symbol of Austria's heraldic animal in repeat . The series was apparently manufactured and sold in Austria and Germany in 1937. In the imprint of No. 2 / 3A, for example, it is stated: “Matthias-Grünewald-Druckerei, Wiesbaden. For Austria: L. Beck & Sohn, Vienna ”. The DNB catalog also shows two prices up to No. 5 / 3A: 1.- ( Reichsmark ) and S 1.75 ( Schilling ). A sale in Switzerland for 1.40 Swiss francs was also planned. No information is available about the number of copies. The following titles have been published (year of publication according to DNB):

Advertising leaflet for the series from 1937, outside
Inside, list from volumes 1 to 7
No. author title year Cover color Page number
1 / 3A Paul Thun-Hohenstein Austrian way of life no year (1937) Red orange 68
2 / 3A Helmuth Burgert The Viennese coffee house no year (1937) yellow-orange 79
3 / 3A Hans Sündermann Johann Strauss , a finisher no year (1937) burgundy 63
4 / 3A Viktor Zatloukal Creations of Austrian technicians no year (1937) black gray 77
5 / 3A Ernst Streeruwitz Austria's economic structure no year (1937) moss green 67
6 / 3A Hugo Hantsch
Alfred Missong (Ed.)
Austria's peace efforts 1916/18 undated (1938) beige 77
7 / 3A Carry Hauser From art and artists in Austria undated (1938) blue 62
8 / 3A Heinrich Suso Waldeck (Ed.) Read from Abraham a Sancta Clara undated (1938) NN 61
9 / 3A Ernst Joseph Görlich Perthaler , a statesman from Tyrol undated (1938) Gray 59
10 / 3A Rudolf Allers The Vienna Medical School undated (1938) anthracite 63

Individual evidence

  1. Army sheet. Military scientific weekly for the interests of our land and sea power from April 27 and May 4, 1918, Vienna 1918, No. 17–18, p. 8 (ANNO digitalisat ).
  2. ^ A b Alfred Missong jun. in connection with Cornelia Hoffmann and Gerald Stourzh (eds.): Alfred Missong - Christianity and Politics in Austria. Selected Writings 1924–1950 . Böhlau Verlag, Vienna-Cologne-Graz 2006, p. 32 ( digitized version ), ISBN 978-3-205-77385-6
  3. See also Forum Austria for Missong's biography .
  4. The original erroneously says “the”.
  5. a b c Prospectus of the Heimat-Verlag Brixlegg / Tirol for the Austrian library undated [probably 1937], 4 pp.