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In 1992, as a result of a study, the US Air Force created the concept for a new tactical air-to-surface missile . This AGM should be able to be fired from great as well as from low altitudes. Different types of targets should also be attacked. It should also be possible to equip them with two different warhead or seeker types (TV / infrared). Communication between the AGM and the aircraft should be a two-way connection. This allowed the weapons system officer to correct the flight path after the start of the AGM. The F-16 and the B-1B were selected as platforms .

In October 1992, the designations XAGM-153A and XAGM-153B were reserved for this air-to-surface missile. But during further studies on manufacturer selection and service life, the AGM-153 program was canceled. The exact reasons why the program was stopped are unknown, but it is believed that the AGM-153 was discontinued in favor of the AGM-142 Popeye / Have Nap. This is supported by the fact that the concept of the AGM-153 is very similar to that of the AGM-142 in some variants.

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