Alexander Evstafjewitsch Wrangel

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Wrangell Alexander 1804-1881.jpg

Alexander von Baron Wrangell ( Russian Александр Евстафьевич Врангель Alexander Evstafjewitsch Wrangel ; * 12 May July / 24 May  1804 greg. In Dorpat ; † 18 December jul. / 30 December  1880 greg. In St. Petersburg ) was a Russian General of the Infantry .


Origin and family

Alexander was a member of the Baltic noble family von Wrangel . His parents were the Russian cavalry master and heir to Kandel Gustav Baron von Wrangel (1770-1827) and Sophia Freiin von Uexküll-Gyllenband (1781-1832). He remained single.


Wrangell began his career in the Imperial Russian Army in 1818 as a subordinate in the Semyonovskoye Bodyguard Regiment . In 1821 he was promoted to ensign in the 1st Sea Regiment and in 1824 second lieutenant . Since 1828 he was in the Caucasus and was adjutant of the corps commander Grigori von Rosen (1782–1841). He switched briefly to the Lithuanian regiment, fought as a lieutenant in the November uprising in 1831 and advanced to staff captain in 1832 and then returned to the Caucasus.

Wrangel received his promotion to captain in 1835 and became commander of the Erivan Infantry Regiment in 1837 . He excelled in various fights with distinction and was wounded in 1839. In 1840 he became commander of the 19th Infantry Division and rose to major general in 1845 . From 1847 to 1850 he was military governor in Schemacha and in 1852 commander of the Caucasian Reserve Grenadier Brigade. In 1854 he became commander of the 20th Infantry Division, advanced to lieutenant general and became chief of the left wing of the Caucasus line. In 1855 he became commander of the 2nd Guard Infantry Division, in 1857 Adjutant General and was Governor of Kutais and commander of the 22nd Infantry Division from 1857 to 1858 and finally from 1858 to 1860 commander of all troops in the Caspian coastal area. Wrangel subjugated Daghestan and took Imam Shamil prisoner. In 1860 he became commander of the 5th Army Corps and had been a member of the War Council and the Army Inspectorate since 1862. Wrangel was promoted to General of the Infantry in 1866 and was posted to Stockholm and Berlin as Adjutant General . He was buried in the Smolensk cemetery .

Awards (selection)

Literature / web links

Individual evidence

  1. Otto Magnus von Stackelberg (arr.): Genealogical manual of the Estonian knighthood , Volume 1, Görlitz [1931], pp. 553–554.