Alexander von Levetzow

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Alexander Carl Ludwig Wilhelm Theodosius von Levetzow (born December 27, 1786 in Hohenwulsch ; † January 29, 1861 in Kläden ) was a Prussian canon , officer and landowner .


Alexander von Levetzow came from the Brandenburg branch of the Mecklenburg noble family von Levetzow . He was the third child and second son of Friedrich von Levetzow († 1801) and his wife Sophie Helene Philippine, born von Jeetze († 1817). His eldest brother Friedrich Carl Ludwig (* 1782), the second husband of Ulrike von Levetzow's mother Amalie von Levetzow , died in the battle of Waterloo .

From a young age, Alexander was Levetzow ever a prebend in the cathedral chapters Magdeburg and Halberstadt . He retained the income and privileges as a canon even after they were secularized in 1810 until the end of his life.

In 1802 he joined the Prussian army as a cornet , initially served in the "von Borstell" cuirassier regiment and in 1804 advanced to secondary lieutenant . During the Wars of Liberation in 1813, he was one of the first officers of the Prussian Elb National Hussar Regiment , which was formed from volunteers and later became the 10th Hussar Regiment . As Rittmeister , he commanded the 3rd Squadron . On January 12, 1815, he took his leave .

Gross Markow Church

He inherited Kladen with Darnewitz and Grünenwulsch. In 1823 he built a chapel in Darnewitz. After the death of his younger brother Ludwig (1792–1839) he also inherited Groß Markow in Mecklenburg. Here, too, in 1840 he had a stately manor chapel, the Groß Markow Church, built.

He was married to Bertha von Chambaud-Charrier (1797–1866) from Dessau .

Levetzow was known in the Altmark as an arch-conservative landlord. The democrat Jodocus Temme wrote in his memoirs that Levetzow was the "proudest, most pious and richest and most respected noble gentleman from the Altmark", "life at Schloß Kläden is said to have been the most rigid, ceremonial and pious."

He bought the megalithic graves Kläden and Bülitz in order to protect them from destruction and made them inalienable components of the majorat Kläden.


Alexander von Levetzow's main heirs were two nephews, who added -Levetzow to their names when he inherited in 1861 :

The Mecklenburg-Schwerin State Minister Theodor Diederich von Levetzow (1801-1869) on Lelkendorf , his cousin , inherited Groß Markow.



  • August Walter: Genealogical history of the family of Jeetze. Baensch, Magdeburg 1860. ( digitized version )
  • History of the Magdeburg Hussar Regiment No. 10. Compiled on the occasion of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the same on November 19, 1863. Verlag A. Duncker, Berlin 1863.

Individual evidence

  1. History (lit.), p. 247
  2. ^ Stephan Born (Ed.), Jodocus Temme : Memories. Keil, Leipzig 1883, p. 188.
  3. ^ Eduard Krause, Otto Schoetensack: The megalithic graves (stone chamber graves) of Germany: I. Altmark. asher Berlin 1893, p. 30.
  4. ^ Directory of the kgl. Preuss. Heroldsamtes (1855) increased rank, nobility confirmations and name associations together with a description of the awarded coats of arms. Würzburg 1875, pp. 6, 49.
  5. ^ Government Gazette for Mecklenburg-Schwerin 1861, p. 204