Amadou Seyni Maïga

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Amadou Seyni Maïga (born August 17, 1942 in Dosso ; also Amadou Seyni Magagi ) is a Nigerien officer , politician and diplomat .


Amadou Seyni Maïga belongs to the Zarma ethnic group . His father Seyni Magagi was the traditional ruler ( chef traditionnel ) of Kiota and Harikanassou with the title Djermakoye from 1969 to 1974 . Maïga was drafted into the Nigerien Armed Forces in 1962 , where he completed a career lasting more than 30 years. During his service in the 2nd Motorized Sahara Company in Agadez , he was promoted to corporal in 1963 . He followed this up with further training at the school for reserve officers in Montpellier , France . From 1964 he served in the 4th motorized Sahara company in N'Guigmi . After further training at the infantry school in Saint-Maixent , France , he received the rank of sub-lieutenant in 1966 . Maïga was appointed adjutant to President Hamani Diori in 1967 and promoted to lieutenant the following year . In 1970 he became commander of the Nigerien Armed Forces Training Center in Tondibiah and in 1973 commander of the 5th Motorized Sahara Company in Tahoua . In February 1974 he became the commander of the 1st command, administration and supply company in the capital Niamey .

Maïga was one of the officers who overthrew President Hamani Diori on April 15, 1974. His job during the military coup was to bring the state broadcaster ORTN under his control. Maïga was a member of the Supreme Military Council , which formed the Nigerian military junta until 1989 . He was promoted to command of the Republican Guard and captain shortly after the military coup . Maïga took on civil administration duties for the regime while he pursued his military career. In 1976 he became Prefect of the Niamey Department and attended an advanced training course for captains of the infantry in Montpellier. From 1979 he was used as prefect of the Maradi department. From June 16, 1980 to August 31, 1981 Maïga was a member of the Nigerien government as Minister of Health and Social Affairs. During this time he was promoted to major . After leaving the government, he became prefect of the Zinder department and at the same time commander of the 3rd battalion. Maïga did advanced training at the Ecole Supérieure de Guerre Interarmées in Paris from 1983 to 1984 , while he was a military attaché at the Nigerian embassy there . Back in Niger, he was reinstated as prefect of the Maradi department in 1984 and made lieutenant colonel in 1986 . From 1988 he worked again as prefect of the department of Zinders, also as president of the regional development council of the department.

The Supreme Military Council was dissolved in 1989. The Nigerian regime tried to re-institutionalize itself, among other things by reintroducing a constitution. In May 1989 a new unity party was founded, the National Development Society Movement , in which Amadou Seyni Maïga became party secretary . At the beginning of 1990 he was given the rank of colonel . During student protests against financial cuts, the military fired shots at protesters on Kennedy Bridge in Niamey, killing several people. The regime tried to respond to the sensational incident with personnel damage. Maïga was given responsibility for the shooting and was relieved of his post as party secretary in March 1990. From September 1990 he was again active as a high-ranking advisor in the Ministry of Defense, and he also commanded the 1st battalion of the Nigerien intervention troops in the Second Gulf War . He then worked as the General Inspector of the Nigerien Armed Forces. In the summer of 1991, the Nigerien regime handed over power to a national conference that prepared the transition to a free, multi-party democracy without the political participation of the military. Maïga was relieved of all military and administrative functions in the course of this. Less than a year later, he retired.

President Mahamane Ousmane , elected in 1993, appointed Amadou Seyni Maïga in 1994 to chair a commission responsible for the confiscation and control of illicit weapons. In the following year, Maïga was again given a high office as party secretary for security in the National Development Society's movement. Under President Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara , he was appointed Niger's ambassador to Kuwait in 1997. Maïga was then special advisor to the head of state Salou Djibo, who was in office from 2010 to 2011 . In 2013 he followed in his father's footsteps and was elected Djermakoye by Kiota and Harikanassou.

Maïga is married and has three children.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Mahamadou Danda : Politique de décentralisation, développement régional et identités locales au Niger: le cas du Damagaram . Dissertation. University of Montesquieu Bordeaux IV, 2004, p. 39 ( online version [accessed October 3, 2015]).
  2. a b c biography de Djermakoye. Canton de Kiota Harikanassou, November 14, 2013, accessed July 21, 2017 (French).
  3. a b c d e Chaïbou Maman: Répertoire biographique des personnalités de la classe politique et des leaders d'opinion du Niger de 1945 à nos jours . Volume II. Démocratie 2000, Niamey 2003, p. 327-329 .
  4. ^ Adamou Moumouni Djermakoye: 15 avril 1974. Mémoires d'un compagnon de Seyni Kountché . Editions Nathan Adamou, Niamey 2005, p. 72 .
  5. ^ Gouvernements du President Seyni Kountché. Presidential Office of the Republic of Niger, archived from the original on September 27, 2007 ; Retrieved November 6, 2013 (French).
  6. Abdourahmane Idrissa, Samuel Decalo: Historical Dictionary of Niger . 4th edition. Scarecrow, Plymouth 2012, ISBN 978-0-8108-6094-0 , pp. 421 .