Office Lauenstein (Principality of Bayreuth)

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The Burg Lauenstein , the former administrative center of the office Lauenstein
The Oberland of the Principality of Bayreuth with the Lauenstein Office in the far north-west

The Amt Lauenstein was an administrative area of ​​the Principality of Bayreuth , a direct imperial territory in the Holy Roman Empire . The Principality of Bayreuth, which is part of the Franconian Empire , was also known as the Margraviate of Brandenburg-Bayreuth and was ruled by branches of the House of Hohenzollern until the end of the 18th century .


The office Lauenstein was an exclave of the principality and formed its northwesternmost territory. It was one of the two sub-offices of the Oberamt Lichtenberg , to which the Office Lichtenberg also belonged. It was separated from this office by a strip of territory, the south-western part of which belonged to the bishopric of Bamberg , while the north-eastern parts belonged to the principality of Saalfeld and the county of Reuss-Ebersdorf .


Until the first half of the 17th century, the office of Lauenstein was under the rule of nobles directly from the empire, after which it passed into the possession of the Principality of Bayreuth. This change of ownership took place in 1622 when the noble family von Thüna sold the territory to the principality. A few years later the Lauensteiner Amt was subordinated to the newly established Oberamt Lichtenberg in 1631. When this was dissolved in 1777, it was incorporated into the Landeshauptmannschaft Hof as well as the Lichtenberg Office . In the following period, the office remained with Brandenburg-Bayreuth until it became Prussian in 1791/1792 and was then administered as part of Ansbach-Bayreuth . In 1802/1803 the main land comparison came to an end , in which the Kingdom of Prussia and the Electorate of Palatinate-Baiern agreed, among other things, to exchange various territorial units. As part of this exchange of territory, the isolated Lauenstein office was handed over to the electorate in 1804, and the residents were assured that they would continue to exercise their Protestant faith without restrictions even after this change of rule.


The administrative seat of the Lauenstein Office was located in Lauenstein Castle in the far north of the territory . The administration of the office consisted mainly of a Vogteiamt , which exercised the sovereign rights over the possessions of the caste office Lauenburg , the parish of Ludwigsstadt and various margravial chamber property fiefdoms.

The official staff consisted of a bailiff, a judge (until 1711), a clerk, a tax collector and several mayors and tax collectors in various villages in the Lauensteiner Vogteibezirks . The following localities were within this district (the specified type of place reflects the status at the beginning of the 19th century):

The high court district of the Lauenstein office was congruent with its bailiwick district. De jure , the Lauenburg office was also entitled to exercise the highest jurisdiction in this area, but in fact this was exercised by the margravial government in Bayreuth itself.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Gertrud Diepolder : Bavarian History Atlas . Ed .: Max Spindler . Bayerischer Schulbuch Verlag, Munich 1969, ISBN 3-7627-0723-5 , p. 32 .
  2. Gertrud Diepolder : Bavarian History Atlas . Ed .: Max Spindler . Bayerischer Schulbuch Verlag, Munich 1969, ISBN 3-7627-0723-5 , p. 25 .
  3. Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 283 .
  4. Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 297 .
  5. Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 526-529 .
  6. Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 528 .
  7. Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 284 .
  8. a b c Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 451 .
  9. a b c Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . "Village and community rule and Vogteirechte 1792" card supplement .
  10. a b Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 490 .
  11. a b c d e f g h i j k l Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 590 .
  12. Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 467-468 .
  13. a b Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 578 .
  14. a b c Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 488 .
  15. Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 488-489 .
  16. Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 497 .
  17. a b Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 591 .
  18. a b Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 508 .
  19. Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 599 .
  20. a b c Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 511 .
  21. a b c d e f Kronach - The Altland district . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 602 .
  22. Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 460 .
  23. Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 470 .
  24. Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 482 .
  25. Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 468 .
  26. Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 483 .
  27. Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 587 .
  28. Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 496 .
  29. Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 503 .
  30. Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 503-504 .
  31. Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 589 .
  32. a b Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 507 .
  33. a b c Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 589 .
  34. Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 512 .
  35. Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 515 .
  36. Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 571 .
  37. Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 519 .
  38. Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . S. 522 .
  39. Kronach - The Altland District . In: Historical Atlas of Bavaria . Supplement to the “Hochgerichtsbezirke 1792” map .

Coordinates: 51 °  N , 11 °  E