Andreas Joachim von Kleist

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Andreas Joachim von Kleist (born July 16, 1678 in Schmenzin ; † July 26, 1738 in Heiligenbeil ) was a Prussian colonel and from 1736–1738 owner of Infantry Regiment No. 14 .


Andreas Joachim von Kleist was the third son of the Swedish lieutenant and heir to Schmenzin and Dargen, Reimar von Kleist and his wife Herrath Erdmuth von Kleist adH Dimkuhlen . In 1716 he married Marie Elisabeth von Hake (1700–1758). By 1736 this marriage had 16 children, including the Prussian major generals Friedrich Wilhelm Gottfried Arnd von Kleist and Hans Reimar von Kleist and the Prussian Colonel Wilhelm Heinrich von Kleist .


Joachim Andreas von Kleist left his parents' home at an early age, orphaned at a young age, and in 1694 went into foreign military service to participate in the Palatinate War of Succession . In 1695 he took part in the siege of Namur . He then became a page with Count Alexander von Dohna , who took him into his regiment as a sergeant in 1698 .

When the War of the Spanish Succession broke out , he moved to Baltzer Friedrich von Sydow in Infantry Regiment No. 17 . After Kleist had excelled in the siege of Kaiserswerth in 1702 , he was promoted to ensign . The sieges at Lügnen, Venlo, Rüdemont, Rheinberg and Geldern followed , all of which he attended.

In 1703 Kleist was brought into his regiment by the Crown Prince . Here he took part in the campaign in Brabant and on the Rhine and finally in the battle of Malplaquet . Shortly afterwards he was promoted to staff captain and received his own company in 1710.

In 1712, King Frederick I of Prussia appointed him major in the newly established Grenadier Corps, where he was promoted to lieutenant colonel in 1715 and took part in the siege of Stralsund in the same year .

Friedrich Wilhelm I transferred the Kleist Amtshauptmannschaft about Trebbin and Zossen , also appointed him dean of Camminer cathedral chapter . In 1720 the king gave him the former Quitzow's fief in Stavenow in Prignitz, which had become vacant . In 1723 he received a prelature in the Kolberg cathedral chapter . In the years 1714 to 1731 he owned part of his father's Schmenzin estate.

In 1724 he finally became a colonel. Now he was in command of the royal body regiment. After the death of Field Marshal Graf von Finckenstein , the regiment was transferred to him.
