Angelo Nessi

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Angelo Nessi (born April 11, 1873 in Locarno ; † December 2, 1932 there ) was a Swiss journalist and librettist .


Angelo Nessi was the son of the doctor Pietro Nessi and his wife Teresa Franzoni. He attended school in Locarno, grammar schools in Lugano and Milan and received his doctorate in linguistics and literature from the University of Pisa and in philosophy from the University of Genoa .

Nessi lived between Locarno and Milan, where between 1910 and 1929 he was part of the Scapigliatura , an artists' association that called for a renewal of art and, following the Parisian bohemian style, rejected the bourgeois lifestyle. In literature, the movement was also in dialogue with music and the visual arts; one spoke of le tre arti sorelle ( the three sisterly arts ).

In 1898 he became editor of the Corriere del Ticino , later he became a correspondent for various Italian newspapers. Since 1907 he worked with Pagine Libere , this was a magazine founded in Lugano by the Italian socialists.

In 1910 he married Lidia Gilardi from Montagnola .

Writing and musical work

From 1899 to 1901 he worked on the Piccola Rivista Ticinese , edited by Francesco Chiesa , and wrote reviews and poems for Pagine Libere by Alberto Oliviero Olivetti (1874–1931).

His interest was also in the Ticino dialects, so he wrote about the place Bosco , where Gurin German is spoken:

Chiacchierano in un discorso particolare da far arrossire Dante e piangere Goethe, sebbene il linguaggio pretenda allacciarsi alle due grandi lingue .

They chat in a special language that would make Dante blush and Goethe cry, although the language claims to be linked to the two great languages .

The encounter with the composer Ruggero Leoncavallo , who had settled in Brissago in 1904 , led him to work as a librettist and theater critic , especially in Milan. He began his activity as a librettist by creating a few comedies in dialect, among others Tecoppa Vegetariano in 1904 and El Tunnel in 1909 .

In 1910 he wrote the two operettas Malbruk and La Foscarina in collaboration with Gustavo Macchi . He wrote the verses for the operettas L'acqua cheta and L'Ascensione by Augusto Novelli (1867-1927), the libretto of the lyrical comedy La moglie candida by Ermanno Leban (1874-1946) and Livio Loro and il vaudeville , set to music by Emilio Rocchi. In 1927 he created Il Miracolo della Camelia on the occasion of the Camellia Festival in Locarno, which was set to music by Yvan Darclée.

In twenty years he created around sixty opera librettos, operettas and theater journals. He also edited German, French and Spanish operettas for the publisher Società Editrice Sonzogno , including La mazurca blu by Franz Lehár in 1921 and Il capo degli zigani in 1922 and La contessa delle danze (1924) by Emmerich Kálmán .

Nessi was also engaged in translation activities and translated into Italian: Tartarin von Tarascon by Alphonse Daudet (1932) and The Adventures of the Famous Hero Baron von Münchhausen by Rudolf Erich Raspe .

His best known work as a writer is the novel Cip from 1904.

From 1930 to 1932, on behalf of the Ticino government, he compiled an Antologia degli scrittori ticinesi , an anthology by Ticino writers, which, however, was not fully published until 1997 because the government considered the work to be inadequate shortly before his death. Work was only resumed on the initiative of Renato Martinoni (* 1952) and Clara Caverzasio Tanzi (* 1959).


  • In Locarno, the Via Angelo Nessi was named after him.


Fonts (selection)

  • Colpe di gioventù . Locarno: V. Danzi, 1896.
  • Alla signorina Maria Balli nel giorno di sue nozze con il signor Pio Soldati: Locarno, 20 maggio 1901 . Locarno: Tipografia Artistica, 1901.
  • Angelo Nessi; Pro Onsernone; Fratelli Büchi: Valle Onsernone . Lugano: SA Veladini & C., 1908.
  • Arturo Cadore; Angelo Nessi; Adolphe Ribaux ; Giannino Antona-Traversi: Rondinella: dramma lirico in un atto . Milano: Casa musicale Lorenzo Sonzogno 1912.
  • Ermanno Leban; Livio Loro; Angelo Nessi: La moglie Candida: commedia lirica in tre atti . Milano: Casa musicale Lorenzo Sozogno, 1913.
  • La diligenza dei dodici Posti: Favole per i Piccoli e per i Grandi Da Andersen . Milano: Casa editrice Sonzogno, 1919.
  • Ákos Buttykay ; Imre Földes ; Angelo Nessi: Gli albatri d'argento: operetta in tre atti . Milano: Casa musicale Sonzogno (società anonima), via Pasquirolo 12, [1921?]
  • Robert Stolz ; Robert Bodanzky ; Bruno Hardt ; Angelo Nessi: La danza verso la fortuna . Milano: Casa musicale Sonzogno 1921.
  • Emmerich Kálmán; Julius Wilhelm ; Fritz Grünbaum ; Angelo Nessi: Il capo degli tzigani: operetta in tre atti . Milano: Casa musicale Sonzogno 1922.
  • Leopold Jacobson ; Robert Stolz; Robert Bodanzky; Angelo Nessi: La contessa delle danze: operetta in tre atti . Milano: Casa Musicale Sonzogno, 1924.
  • Cip . Milano: Sonzogno, 1924.
  • Rudolph Schanzer; Ernst Welisch; Angelo Nessi; Leo Fall : Madame Pompadour: operetta in 3 atti . Milano: Casa editrice musicale Carlo Lombardo 1925.
  • Marcel Prévost ; Angelo Nessi: Le Don Giovanne: romanzo . Milan: Casa Editrice Sonzogno, 1926.
  • Angelo Nessi; Yvan Darclée: Il miracolo delle camelie . Locarno: Tip. Pedrazzini, 1927.
  • Giuseppe Pietri ; Augusto Novelli; Angelo Nessi: Casa mia, casa mia: operetta in tre atti . Milano: G. Ricordi & C., 1930.
  • Enrico d'Almeras ; Angelo Nessi: Cagliostro. La massoneria e l'occultismo nel secolo XVIII . Milano: Athena, 1931.
  • Franz Lehár; Leo Stein ; Bela Jenbach ; Angelo Nessi: La mazurca blù: operetta in due atti e tre quadri . Milano: Casa musicale Sonzogno, 1931.
  • Alphonse Daudet ; Angelo Nessi; Piero Bernardini: La storia del tremendo eroe Tartarino di Tarascona: romanzo . Torino: Unione tipografico-editrice torinese, 1932.

Scores (selection)

  • Ruggiero Leoncavallo ; Paul de Choudens ; Angelo Nessi: Maià: dramma lirico in 3 atti di Paul de Choudens . Paris Choudens 1908.
  • Ruggero Leoncavallo; Angelo Nessi; Maurice Vaucaire; Giovanni Boccaccio : Malbruk: Fantasia comica medioevale in tre atti . Milano: Carisch & Jänichen, 1910.
  • Ruggero Leoncavallo; Angelo Nessi: Canzone d'amore . Firenze: Petrelli, Vasco, 1912.
  • Oskar Geiger; Richard Rillo; Angelo Nessi: Sol una notte divina di carezze e voluttà: canzone: op.52 . Milano: Casa musicale Sonzogno, 1920.
  • Giuseppe Pietri; Angelo Nessi; Augusto Novelli: L'acqua cheta: operetta in 3 atti . Milano: Casa musicale Sonzogno 1920.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Robert B. Christ: Swiss dialects . Springer-Verlag, 2013, ISBN 978-3-0348-6716-0 , pp. 62 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  2. ^ Margherita Noseda: "Scrittori ticinesi" by Angelo Nessi. (PDF) Retrieved June 28, 2019 .