August Lothar von Reigersberg

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August Lothar Graf von Reigersberg (born October 23, 1815 in Würzburg , † May 16, 1888 in Landshut ) was a Bavarian administrative lawyer.


Reigersberg was police director in Munich from June 1850 . In March 1852 he was appointed regional president of Upper Bavaria . From December 1852 to May 1859 he was Minister of State of the Interior and Council of State in the ordinary service, then from 1859 envoy extraordinary at the Württemberg court, from 1867 envoy in Brussels and finally from 1868 envoy extraordinary at the Saxon court. He retired in September 1869.



  • Michael Stephan: August Graf von Reigersberg. District President of Upper Bavaria 1852. In: The District President of Upper Bavaria in the 19th and 20th centuries . Edited on behalf of the District President Werner-Hans Böhm by Stephan Deutinger, Karl-Ulrich Gelberg and Michael Stephan. Munich 2005, pp. 141–149.