Hugo of Herman

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Hugo Freiherr von Herman (born December 30, 1817 in Würzburg , † July 25, 1890 in Ansbach ) was a royal Bavarian government official .


After graduating from high school, he studied law (1840). He did the practical part of his training at the Nuremberg Regional Court until he passed the legal examination (“Staatsbankrupt”) in 1942 and entered the Bavarian civil service. First he worked as an accessist in the government of Upper Bavaria (Chamber of the Interior). From 1847 he worked in the Bavarian Ministry of Culture : as Ministerial Secretary 1st class, then as Secret Secretary (1849), Ministerial Assessor (1853) and from 1862 finally as Ministerial Counselor . He was also a senior church and school councilor.

In 1873 Hugo von Herman was appointed district president of Upper Franconia , in 1876 as district president of Upper Bavaria and in 1880 as district president of Middle Franconia . In 1889 he resigned due to illness. He died in Ansbach in 1890.


Hugo von Herman was a son of the royal Bavarian lieutenant colonel Ulysses Freiherr von Herman and his wife Therese von Schwaiger. On June 6, 1860, he married Adelheid, b. Freiin von Junker and Bigato (widowed by Wilhelm) in Hof. The marriage resulted in a son and daughters Anna and Resi.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Walter Schärl: Frhr. from Herman, Hugo. In: The composition of the Bavarian civil service from 1806 to 1918. Lassleben, Kallmünz 1955.