August Ludwig Reuther

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August Ludwig Reuther (born May 18, 1780 on the Kohlwaage near St. Johann (Saar) ; † November 27, 1855 in Alt-Saarbrücken ) was a grocer , local politician and mayor of Alt-Saarbrücken (1838–1841).

Origin and life

Loading and collection points for the removal of the coal extracted from the Saarland mines existed on the Saar since the 16th century. A coal port in Saarbrücken, the Kohlrech , was first mentioned in 1608. A determination of the moving mass was necessary for the appraisal and billing, which was accomplished by stationary weighing equipment. Street names such as Kohlwaagstrasse in the former Saarbrücken harbor district still bear witness to this today. As long as the pits were in the possession of the feudal lords , they also appointed their own princely administrators to handle the trade.

August Ludwig Reuther's father was August Heinrich Reuther, a Kohlwaage administrator from Nassau-Saarbrück and later an innkeeper . His mother Dorothea Eleonore (1740–1807) came from the Saarbrucken merchant family Korn. August Ludwig married Magdalena Wilhelmina Dorothea on May 3, 1803 in Saarbrücken, the daughter of the businessman Johann Philipp Kraemer and Dorothea Magdalena, who was also born Korn and his second cousin . Thus, Reuther was twofold connected to one of the most important Saarbrücken families of the educated and upper middle class of the time. The marriage had two daughters, Wilhelmine Auguste (1804–1873) and Rolalie (1812–1861).

August Ludwig was active as a beer brewer and merchant , especially in the wholesale trade with corresponding goods from overseas, which was emerging in the age of colonialism . In 1829, at his instigation, the Sankt Ingberter Russhütte, which belonged to the descendants of von der Leyen's mine manager Johann Wolfgang Falck, was put up for auction.

Public offices

On May 17, 1825, Reuther stood for election as city councilor in Saarbrücken. On October 25, 1827 he received his appointment as an alderman. On August 11, 1838, he was appointed acting mayor, and on August 27, 1838, he was introduced to this office. On July 5, 1839, he became the first district deputy . He held his offices until May 13, 1841, when he asked to be dismissed because of his poor health.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Intelligence Gazette of the Rhine District, Volume 12, online on Google Books, pp. 195–196


  • Hanns Klein: short biographies of the mayors of Saarbrücken ; in: Journal for the history of the Saar region, 19th century, Historical Association for the Saar region , Saarbrücken 1971, pp. 516–517

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