Bettina Rossbacher

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Bettina Rossbacher (* in Salzburg ) is an Austrian art historian , professional spokeswoman, reciter and designer of literary programs.


As the daughter of two Germanists , Rossbacher developed an interest and talent for linguistic expression, reading aloud, literature and foreign languages ​​as well as a feeling for his (own) voice as a child. At the age of seven she won a school reading competition; the prize consisted of the Russian children's book “Tscheburaschka und das Krokodil” by Eduard Uspenski .

After graduating from the Musisches Gymnasium Salzburg and a year in languages ​​in Madrid , Rossbacher completed a degree in art history in 1998 ( University of Salzburg , University of Perugia , Italy). After traineeships at UNESCO in Paris, museums and art publishers ( Milan , Aachen , Vienna ) and a translation assignment for the Ministry of Education, she worked for the Austrian Commission for UNESCO (Vienna) for eight years as a consultant for education agendas.

By 2009, Rossbacher completed a private, comprehensive training as a speaker and reciter with renowned professional speakers, breathing teachers, phonetics and actors in Vienna - initially out of personal interest, which over time developed into a career aspiration. Since 2008 she has been regularly booked for literature readings and their conception.

Bettina Rossbacher has been self-employed since 2011. Her main focus is on her own literary programs, often in collaboration with professional musicians.

Since 2012 Rossbacher has been a member of the speaker team of the audio library of the Austrian Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired .

In addition to her mother tongue German, her working languages ​​are English, French, Italian and Spanish.

Readings (selection)

Audio books

  • Maria Lazar : The Poisoning, audio book edition words and music, 2019, EAN 4057664491626


  • Andreas Nesselthaler from Langenisarhofen (1748–1821). Court painter in classical Salzburg. In: Deggendorfer Geschichtsblätter, Deggendorf, 1981. 27 (2005), pp. 239-262.
  • Andreas Nesselthaler (1748-1821). Court painter in classical Salzburg. In: Barockberichte 44/45, Salzburg 2006, pp. 911–919.
  • On the importance of basic education. In: Magazin Adult, Edition 1/2007.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Bettina Rossbacher: On the importance of basic education. In: Magazin Adult, Issue 1/2007, Vienna, June 2007.