Bibow (noble family)

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Older family coat of arms of those of Bibow

Bibow is the name of an old Mecklenburg noble family with the Bibow parent company of the same name in the Crivitz office .

The family is not to be confused with Bilow's .


Grave column of Eleonore von Bibow (* 1923, † 1945) on the Invalidenfriedhof in Berlin

The family first appeared in a document in 1216 with Conrad von Bibow on Bibow and is probably a tribe with the von Hahn , the von Dechow and the von Hardenack family . The tribe series begins with the knight and ducal Mecklenburg councilor Eggerd von Bibow , who appears in a document in 1311.

On June 7, 1710, Duke Karl Leopold zu Mecklenburg settled in Doberan with Christine Dorothea von Lepel († 1728), a daughter of the court master Klaus Friedrich von Lepel († 1706) from his second marriage to Leveke von Plessen († 1732), morganatically marry. Christine soon left the duke, however, and went back to her mother in Lübeck . On October 2, 1711, the marriage was divorced. Christine Dorothea von Lepel then married Hans Christoph von Bibow, Oberkammerjunker from Mecklenburg.

In the monastery Dobbertin Hardenack was from Bibow on Westenbrügge and Ventschow before 1630 Provisor . After the death of the monastery captain Matthias von Bülow († 1630) there was a dispute about the replacement of the position. On May 1, 1632, the previous provisional was elected by the conventuals. The knighthood and the country did not want to grant them the right to vote, and both dukes expressed concerns. Bibow remained a controversial monastery captain until December 10, 1634, when Duke Hans Albrecht in Güstrow recommended his secret councilor Paschen von der Lühe as the monastery captain, who was recognized by the conventuals and his successor. In Einschreibebuch the monastery are from the family also Sybilla Hedwig of Bibow adH Mollenstorf , registered 18 November 1713 (no. 86), and Juliana Catharina of Bibow adH Blengow , registered 6 December 1737 (no. 241) lists.

With Carl Hartwig von Bibow († 1766) , the family produced a major general in Brunswick who, by marrying an heir, took possession of the von Berghauer family's estate . But since he only had one daughter as an heir, she married Bürstedt to the von Plessen family . Another general from the Bibow family was the imperial field sergeant and later field marshal lieutenant Christoph Friedrich von Bibow († 1773).

A branch from the Westenbrugge line had settled in Schwerin and owned the Bibowen farm there, where the Catholic church had been built since 1791 .

As the last in the homeland, the Mecklenburg line went out towards the end of the 18th century. Nevertheless, in 1833 Joachim Heinrich von Bibow was named in Grevesmühlen in the extended knighthood of Mecklenburg-Schwerin . With the royal Prussian major, Friedrich von Bibow (* 1767, † 1848), the family is also based in Prussia. Another later representative was Erich von Bibow (* 1873, † 1937), royal Prussian major in the reserve, participant in the First World War , engineer, entrepreneur and in 1919 co-founder of the paramilitary Freikorps Lützow .

The son of the ducal master stable master Hans Christoph von Bibow (around 1700), Carl Leopold von Bibow, was a major in the royal Danish service. Only his grandchildren have continued the tribe in Denmark to the present day. Although the Bibow never received indigenous status there, they were still widely recognized as nobles .

Historical property

coat of arms

The family coat of arms initially shows a red rooster in silver, later the red rooster in silver on a green cushion with four gold tassels. The shield image on the helmet with red and silver covers .


  • Hardenack von Bibow, Lord of the West Bruges , 1632–1634 monastery captain of the Dobbertin monastery
  • Carl Hartwig von Bibow († 1766), Herr auf Bürstedt, major general in Brunswick
  • Christoph Friedrich von Bibow († 1773), imperial general
  • Erich von Bibow , German captain, co-founder of the Lützow Freikorps , anti-communist


Web links

Commons : Bibow (noble family)  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Mecklenburgisches Jahrbuch 9, A. 441, B. 28
  2. LHAS 2.12-3 / 2 Monasteries and orders of knights. Dobbertin. No. 27 Confirmation from the monastery captain Hardenack von Bibow zu Westenbrugge.
  3. May 20, 1732 Imperial nobility for the Duke of Brunswick Colonel Martin Berghauer, who however only left one daughter (Kneschke, Lex., 1859 / I / 347)
  4. ^ Theodor Hauch-Fausbøll: Forbundet af ikke naturaliserede Adelsslægter i Danmark 1st edition 1917, 2nd edition 1933
  5. So also on the bell of Westenbrügge, which Heydenreich von Bibow donated in 1384.
  6. LHAS 2.12-3 / 2 Monasteries and orders of knights. Generalia Dobbertin. No. 27 Confirmation of monastery captains 1610–1746.