Bodo Heimann

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Bodo Heimann (born March 20, 1935 in Breslau ) is a German writer .



Bodo Heimann grew up in Breslau. After fleeing in January 1945, he lived first in Markee near Nauen , then in Guben , from summer 1947 in Evessen near Braunschweig and attended the Lower Saxony home school Wolfenbüttel from 1948 , where he graduated from high school in 1955. He married twice and has three sons and two daughters.

Professional background

Bodo Heimann studied German, history and philosophy in Freiburg , Berlin and Frankfurt am Main , passed the 1st and 2nd state exams and received his doctorate (Dr. phil.) At the University of Freiburg in 1962 with a dissertation on Gottfried Benn . After completing his legal traineeship in Hanover , he taught in 1963/65 as an assessor at the grammar school for girls in Cuxhaven (today Lichtenberg-Gymnasium Cuxhaven ). At the same time he was a lecturer at the marine college and chairman of the adult education center in Cuxhaven . From January 1966, he headed the Department of German at Osmania University in Haiderabad (India) as a professor for German language and literature for four years . From the winter semester 1969/70 to the summer semester 2000 he taught modern German literature at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel , interrupted by a visiting professorship for German literature in 1976/77 at the University of Alberta in Edmonton (Canada). In addition, he held many guest lectures, lectures and readings at home and abroad. He is a member of several literary societies, founder and chairman of the Euterpe literature circle, chairman of the Goethe Society in Kiel, chairman of the board of trustees of the Silesian Cultural Works Foundation and member of the Accademia d´Europa di Lettere, Scienze ed Arti in Naples .

The author

Bodo Heimann is primarily a poet and essayist, also a short story writer. Many of his literary works have appeared in specialist journals and specialist books. Edith Hamer has set some of his poems to music. Many of his poems and stories have been translated into several languages. The two volumes “ Oderland , Lyrical Sketches of a Childhood in Silesia” and “Stories by Master Eckhart ” appeared in Polish translation in the series “Poetae Silesiae” in Breslau .



  • The south in Gottfried Benn's poetry . Dissertation from the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Freiburg 1962.
  • Experimental prose of the present, analyzes of the German language and literature . Munich 1978.
  • Living mirrors. Poems . Kiel 1984.
  • Stories from Meister Eckhart. Short prose . Kiel 1985. / Stories by Meister Eckhart . New edition Husum 2003.
    • Polish translation: Grzegorz Kowal (Ed.): Historie Mistrza Eckharta . Wroclaw 2008
  • Sidereal time. Poems . Husum 1988.
  • Mundus Pictus. Selected poetry . Rendsburg 1989
  • Oderland. Lyric sketches of a childhood in Silesia . Husum 1990.
    • Polish translation: Jan Pacholski (Ed.): Nadodrze. Liryczne szkice z dzieciństwa na Śląsku . Wroclaw 2008
  • Short visit. Poems . Kiel 1992 (2nd edition 1998).
  • Free from the wind. Poems . Wuerzburg 1993.
  • Being and singing. Poems . Wuerzburg 2000.
  • Sea light. Poems . Husum 2006
  • Divine India. Poems . Husum 2006
  • World citizen of poetry. Agnes Miegel's poems reread . Annual gift of the Agnes Miegel Society 2008
  • Blue Hour. Poems . Verlag Ralf Liebe , Weilerswist 2013, ISBN 978-3-941037-95-3 .
  • Literature and freedom from Lessing to the present . Long edition, Frankfurt am Main 2014, ISBN 978-3-631-64828-5 .


  • Osmania German Annual . 3 volumes, Hyderabad 1966 ff.
  • Journal of the Osmania University . Humanities & Social Sciences, Golden Jubilee Volume . Hyderabad 1968.
  • Euterpe. Yearbook for literature . 10 volumes. Marne, Kiel, Husum 1983 ff.
  • Annual gifts of the Goethe Society Kiel . so far 7 volumes. Kiel 2001 ff.
  • Poetic landscapes. Anthology . Husum 2001
  • Poetic portraits. Anthology . Husum 2005
  • Poetic gardens . Anthology . Husum 2008
  • The chance of poetry. Festschrift for Therese Chromik . Kiel 2009
  • Invocation of Peace. Anthology . Husum 2010

Journal articles, essays, lectures

  • From national to European university . In: Freiburg student newspaper . 1957, p. 1.
  • Thomas Mann's ' Doctor Faustus ' and Adorno's music philosophy . In: German quarterly journal for literary studies and intellectual history , Stuttgart 1964, pp. 248–266.
  • I decay as a theme and style. Investigations into the poetic language of Gottfried Benn . In: Germanic-Romanic monthly . Heidelberg 1964, pp. 384-403.
  • The Werther problem in Thomas Mann's novel ' Lotte in Weimar ' . In: Osmania German Annual . Volume 1. Hyderabad 1966, pp. 15-35.
  • Feeling and providence in Heinrich von Kleist's novella 'Der Zweikampf' . In: Osmania German Annual . Volume 2. Hyderabad 1967, pp. 23-38.
  • A Modern Image of the Poet in Georg Trakl's poem ' Karl Kraus ' . In: Journal of the Osmania University, Humanities & Social Sciences. Golden Jubilee Volume . Hyderabad 1968, pp. 47-56.
  • Introduction to the Old High German language and poetry . In: Osmania German Annual . Volume 3. Hyderabad 1968, pp. 23-58.
  • Experimental prose . In: Manfred Durzak (ed.): The German literature of the present . Stuttgart 1971 (1976), pp. 230-256.
  • with Lore Häger: Literature in the Bourgeois Age . In: Bettina and Lars Clausen (eds.): Spectrum of literature . Gütersloh 1975 (15th edition 1990), pp. 174-189.
  • The night watch of Bonaventure . ibid, p. 168 ff.
  • ETA Hoffmann . The golden pot . ibid, p. 198 ff.
  • Georg Büchner . Danton's death . ibid, p. 224 ff.
  • Ernst Toller . Crowd of people . ibid, p. 198 f.
  • The convergence of loners, literature as the integration of the problematic individual into the national community: Hermann Stehr - Emil Strauss - Erwin Guido Kolbenheyer . In: Horst Denkler and Karl Prümm (eds.): The German literature in the Third Reich . Stuttgart 1976, pp. 118-137.
  • The theater of the absurd as experimental theater . In: Klaus von See (ed.): New handbook of literary studies . Volume 22. Wiesbaden 1979, pp. 15-42.
  • with Angela Kandt: Film and contemporary German literature . In: Manfred Durzak (Hrsg.): Deutsche Gegenwartsliteratur . Stuttgart 1981, pp. 424-443.
  • 'Not to hinder the bear while dancing'. Konrad Bayer and the head of Vitus Bering . In: Otto Breicha (Ed.): Protocols . Vienna 1983.
  • Euterpe, her sisters and us. Notes on the reconstruction of the muses . In: Euterpe 1, Marne 1983, p. 512.
  • About the topicality of myths. To the new phase in the work of Carl Lambertz . In: Yearbook of the home community Eckernförde . Volume 42 (1984).
  • After the avant-garde . In: Euterpe 2, Kiel 1984, pp. 5-11.
  • The good and valuable, what do we expect? Reflections on standards of literature and literary criticism . In: Euterpe 3, Husum 1985, pp. 5-12.
  • Progressive universal poetry and avant-gardism. In: Reinhard Görisch (ed.): Perspektiven der Romantik . Bonn 1987, pp. 111-124.
  • On the renewal of poetry. Plea for a paradigm shift without false alternatives . In: Euterpe 5, Husum 1987, pp. 5-10.
  • On the death of Werner Klose . In: Euterpe 5, Husum 1987, pp. 183-186.
  • Writer on the construction site of the European house . In: Euterpe 7, Husum 1989, pp. 5-10.
  • The Wandsbek embassy. Matthias Claudius in the turnaround of times . In: Euterpe 8, Husum 1990, pp. 150-159.
  • Aleatoric . In: Gert Ueding (Hrsg.): Historical dictionary of rhetoric . Volume 1. Tübingen 1992, pp. 319-324.
  • War, flight and the post-war period in Christine Brückner's Poenichen novel trilogy . In: Speeches and Silence in German-Language Literature after 1945 , Wrocław / Dresden 2006, pp. 258–271.
  • The Silesian writer Hermann Stehr . In: Dietrich Meyer (Ed.): Beyond Silesia, Festgabe for Herbert Patzelt . Würzburg 2006, pp. 277-293.
  • Heinrich Heine and the dispute between religions . In: Bremen contributions to the history of literature and ideas . Volume 49, Frankfurt am Main 2007, pp. 105-130.
  • Poetic gardens. Understanding between nature and art . In: Poetic Gardens. Husum 2008, pp. 5-6.
  • Eichendorff's poetry in the context of the war of freedom and the restoration . In: Zbliżenia Interkulturowe - Intercultural Approaches . Wrocław 2008, pp. 87-101.
  • Poetry that, despite its scarcity, has greatness. The poet Therese Chromik . In: E. Bialek and H. Unverricht (eds.): Literarisches Liegnitz . Dresden / Wrocław 2008, pp. 66–276.
  • Poetry as the real human language . In: The Chance of Poetry. Festschrift for Therese Chromik . Kiel 2009, pp. 40-62.

Literature about Bodo Heimann

  • Eugeniusz Klin: ideological components of style figures using the example of lyrical texts from Kiel contemporary poets . In: Germanistyka 14, Zielona Góra 1998.
  • Paweł Zimniak: Remembered Landscape. On the spatial and temporal positioning of the poetry and prose of Bodo Heimann . In: Orbis Linguarum . Volume 25, Wrocław 2004.
  • Eberhard Günter Schulz : From the contribution of the Silesians to German culture . Wuerzburg 2007.
  • Paweł Zimniak: Lower Silesia as a memory space after 1945. Literary case studies . Wrocław / Dresden 2007.
  • Jan Pacholski: Silesian Authors Polish . In: Silesia Nova. Quarterly magazine for culture and history . Published by the Institute for German Philology at the University of Breslau , Wrocław / Dresden 2008.


Eichendorff Literature Prize , Fedor Malchow Poetry Prize , 1996 (together with Erich Pfefferlen ), Grand Prix Méditerranée

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