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coat of arms Germany map
Coat of arms of the municipality of Bodolz
Map of Germany, position of the municipality Bodolz highlighted

Coordinates: 47 ° 34 '  N , 9 ° 40'  E

Basic data
State : Bavaria
Administrative region : Swabia
County : Lindau (Lake Constance)
Height : 429 m above sea level NHN
Area : 3.03 km 2
Residents: 3046 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 1004 inhabitants per km 2
Postal code : 88131
Area code : 08382
License plate : LI
Community key : 09 7 76 111
Community structure: 9 parts of the community
Address of the
municipal administration:
Rathausstrasse 20
88131 Bodolz
Website :
First Mayor : Christian Ruh (Citizenship Bodolz eV)
Location of the municipality of Bodolz in the district of Lindau (Lake Constance)
Baden-Württemberg Österreich Schweiz Landkreis Oberallgäu Bodolz Gestratz Grünenbach Heimenkirch Hergatz Hergensweiler Lindau (Bodensee) Lindenberg im Allgäu Maierhöfen Nonnenhorn Oberreute Opfenbach Röthenbach (Allgäu) Scheidegg Sigmarszell Stiefenhofen Wasserburg (Bodensee) Weiler-Simmerberg Weißensberg Bodenseemap
About this picture

Bodolz is a Bavarian municipality in the Swabian district of Lindau (Lake Constance) in Germany .


Parish parts

There are nine officially named municipal parts (the type of settlement is given in brackets ):

Neighboring communities

There are only two neighboring communities, the large district town of Lindau (Lake Constance) in the east and the community of Wasserburg in the west. The community does not border on Lake Constance ; its southernmost point is 310 meters from the lake shore and separated from it by the Lindau district of Schachen . In the east Bodolz borders on the Lindau districts of Hoyren and Schönau , in the north on Unterreitnau .


Bodolz was first mentioned in a document in 1341, but the oldest (and still largest) district of Enzisweiler dates back to 1134.

In 1592 the Fuggers acquired Bodolz with the rule of Wasserburg . A year later, the Fuggers from the Lindauer Damenstift received all of their property in Bodolz - together with the rights of domination .

Bodolz was part of the Fugger rule of Wasserburg until 1763 and then came to Austria . Since the peace treaties of Brno and Pressburg in 1805, the place has belonged to Bavaria.

In the course of the administrative reforms in Bavaria , today's municipality was created with the municipal edict of 1818 .

Population development

Between 1988 and 2018, the municipality grew from 2518 to 3048 by 530 inhabitants or 21.1%.


City council and mayor

In the municipality of Bodolz, three political groups are represented in the municipal council in the 2014–2020 election period:

  • Citizenship Bodolz (citizenship) with 8 seats
  • Independent citizens Bodolz (UBB) with 5 seats
  • Free Active Bodolzer (FAB) with 3 seats

The first mayor of the municipality has been Christian Ruh (citizenship) since May 2014, the second mayor is Bruno Schmid (citizenship), the third mayor is Andreas Durrer (UBB).

coat of arms

Bodolz coat of arms
Blazon : "Under the shield head split by gold and blue, inside each a lily in mixed colors, split by blue and gold, in front a golden apple tree branch with two apples and six leaves, behind a golden abbess's staff with blue curvature and silver pannisellus ."

The two lilies and the colors blue and gold indicate the Fugger . The abbess's staff in the coat of arms reminds of the former rule of the Lindau women's monastery. The apple tree branch symbolizes fruit growing in the municipality. The coat of arms was awarded to Bodolz on August 17, 1985.

social life

The center of village life in Bodolz can be found in the main town and in the southern district of Enzisweiler. In addition to the train station and the shopping center with a doctor's practice and pharmacy, the clubhouse of the local soccer club BC Bodolz and the church of St. Johannes d. Baptist in Ebnet. The town hall and the volunteer fire brigade's guard are in the main town . In the building in addition to the kindergarten located primary school "in the orchard" blood drives and the polling station be set up regularly. A library and a house for generations are located in the center of the village. The Bodolz Children's Festival takes place on the last Saturday in June. After the ecumenical service, a procession leads the participating children through the festively decorated village to the play area in front of the town hall.

Architectural monuments

Soil monuments

Economy including agriculture and forestry

Small businesses, fruit growing and summer tourism shape the local economy. In 1998 there were 668 employees subject to social security contributions at the place of residence. In Bodolz there are no unemployed under 25 years of age (2014).

In 1999 there were still 31 farms. Since April 1, 2004, after the last dairy farm August Krenkel gave up his cattle, Bodolz has been completely dominated by fruit growing.


In Bodolz there is the “ Elementary School in the Orchard”, a communal kindergarten and the “Kath. Kindergarten St. John the Baptist ”.


Private transport

The roads in the Bodolz area are mostly country roads with little traffic, which only require a few separate bike and footpaths. The exception is the district road LI 16 (formerly B 31 , B 31 old), which despite the relocation of the federal highway as a dual carriageway near Bruggach still brings with it a high volume of traffic in Enzisweiler. This is particularly problematic when the B 31n is closed (e.g. after accidents), as the LI 16 is then used as a bypass.

Local public transport (ÖPNV)

The district of Ebnet (Enzisweiler and Hoyerberg via a few minutes' walk) is served by line 4 of the Lindau city bus every half hour. The RBA buses run hourly through the districts of Enzisweiler and Bettnau / Hochsträß, as well as the main town of Bodolz. The other localities remain undeveloped in terms of local transport.

Despite the immediate vicinity of the course book routes 970 ( Allgäubahn ), 970.1 ( Allgäu-Franken-Express ) and 971, there is no stopping point for trains going to Lindau or Hergatz in Bodolz . Only Enzisweiler on the Friedrichshafen – Lindau railway line has an irregular stopping point for regional trains at the old station building, from which the points and signals are still manually operated mechanically.

Web links

Commons : Bodolz  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. "Data 2" sheet, Statistical Report A1200C 202041 Population of the municipalities, districts and administrative districts 1st quarter 2020 (population based on the 2011 census) ( help ).
  2. Mayor. Municipality of Bodolz, accessed on May 31, 2020 .
  3. ^ Municipality of Bodolz in the local database of the Bavarian State Library Online . Bavarian State Library, accessed on August 19, 2019.
  4. ^ Entry on Bodolz's coat of arms  in the database of the House of Bavarian History