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coat of arms map
Coat of arms of the Bokn commune
Bokn (Norway)
Basic data
Commune number : 1145
Province  (county) : Rogaland
Coordinates : 59 ° 12 '  N , 5 ° 25'  E Coordinates: 59 ° 12 '  N , 5 ° 25'  E
Surface: 47.17 km²
Residents: 852  (Feb 27, 2020)
Population density : 18 inhabitants per km²
Language form : Nynorsk
Mayor : Osmund Våga  ( Sp ) (2019)
Location in the province of Rogaland
Location of the municipality in the province of Rogaland

Bokn is a municipality in the Norwegian Fylke Rogaland .


The island community of Bokn is located on the north side of the Boknafjord , at the southern end of Karmsund . Karmøy municipality is to the north and west , Tysvær to the north, Stavanger to the east and Kvitsøy to the south .

Bokn is one of the smallest communities in Rogaland, consisting of the three main inhabited islands of Ognøya, Austre Bokn and Vestre Bokn. In addition, there are also some smaller uninhabited islands and bars that surround the larger islands.

The islands have a rugged landscape with many small hills and small lakes in the valleys. The hills are largely covered with heather, but bushes and trees (especially birch) are increasingly on the rise. The highest point is the 297 meter high Boknafjellet on the island of Vestre Bokn.


  • 168 meter high transmission mast ( location )

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Statistisk sentralbyrå - Befolkning