Postage stamp issues of the French zone Baden

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Fr. Zone Baden 1949 Bl. 1 A Reconstruction Freiburg.jpg Fr. Zone Baden 1949 Bl. 1 B Reconstruction Freiburg.jpg
Reconstruction of Freiburg im Breisgau (block numbers 1A and 1B)
Fr. Zone Baden 1949 Block 2 B Red Cross.jpg
German Red Cross (block number 2)

The stamp issues from the French zone of Baden were issued between May 1, 1947 and October 4, 1949. Before that, general editions were published between 1945 and 1947 that were valid in the entire French occupation zone, including today's Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland .

The total of 57 stamps and three stamp blocks, each with four stamps of the Allied Occupation Power , differ in two series. The first series (Michel numbers 1 to 13) was issued in Reichsmark currency from May 1947 and was valid until June 20, 1948. After that, only tenfold frankings were tolerated in very rare cases until June 23, 1948. With the currency reform and the introduction of the Deutsche Mark , new editions became necessary. The brands with the same motif differ mainly in their changed colors and in some cases new value levels. From October 3, 1949, these stamps could be used in the entire federal territory ( Trizone ) and in the Austrian customs-free areas ( Kleinwalsertal and Jungholz ) and from October 27, 1949 also in the western sectors of Berlin until the respective end of validity, a maximum of 31. March 1950.

By order 191/1949 of the central post office of the French zone, the postage stamps of the Federal Republic of Germany were also sold in Baden from September 19, 1949 . The compulsory surcharge mark Notopfer Berlin had to be used on July 1 and 2, 1949 and then from July 17, 1949 to March 31, 1956. Loud bathroom. Law and Ordinance Gazette 28/1949 of June 21, 1949, the income was intended not only for Berlin but also for Kehl .

The collecting area is closed philatelically. The Association of German Philatelists has its own working group on this topic.

List of issues and motives


  • Image : An edited image of the brand mentioned. The ratio of the size of the stamps to each other is shown approximately to scale in this article.
  • Description : A brief description of the motif and / or the reason for the issue. In the case of issued series or blocks , the descriptions that belong together are indented with a marker.
  • Values : The postage value of the individual stamp:
Rpf = Pfennig to the Reichsmark , on the stamps only indicated as Pf.
ℛℳ = Reichsmark
Pf = Pfennig to the German mark
DM = German Mark
  • Issue Date : The first date this stamp was sold.
  • Valid until : This stamp could be used for franking up to this date .
  • Edition : As far as known, the number of this edition offered for sale is given here.
  • Design : As far as is known, it is stated here who designed this brand.
  • Wed no. : This stamp is listed in the Michel catalog under the corresponding number.

Brands (values ​​in Reichsmarks)

image description value Issue
Date of Expiry Edition draft MiNr.
Ms. Zone Baden 1947 01 Johann Peter Hebel.jpg Personalities and views from Baden (I) 2 Rpf December 1947 June 20, 1948 7,200,000 Vytautas Kazimieras Jonynas 1
Zone Baden 1947 02 Bodensee traditional costume girl.jpg 3 Rpf December 1947 June 20, 1948 10,100,000 Jonynas 2
Fr. Zone Baden 1947 03 Hans Baldung.jpg 10 Rpf December 1947 June 20, 1948 7,100,000 Jonynas 3
Zone Baden 1947 04 Johann Peter Hebel.jpg
  • Johann Peter Lever
12 Rpf May 10, 1947 June 20, 1948 37,200,000 Jonynas 4th
Fr. Zone Baden 1947 05 Bodensee traditional costume girl.jpg
  • Bodensee traditional costume girl
15 Rpf December 1947 June 20, 1948 10,000,000 Jonynas 5
Fr. Zone Baden 1947 06 Rastatt Castle.jpg 16 Rpf December 1947 June 20, 1948 6,000,000 Jonynas 6th
Fr. Zone Baden 1947 07 Hans Baldung.jpg
  • Hans Baldung
20 Rpf January 1948 June 20, 1948 10,100,000 Jonynas 7th
Fr. Zone Baden 1947 08 Rastatt Castle.jpg
  • Rastatt Castle
24 Rpf May 1, 1947 June 20, 1948 35,000,000 Jonynas 8th
Fr. Zone Baden 1947 09 Bodensee traditional costume girl.jpg
  • Bodensee traditional costume girl
45 Rpf July 1947 June 20, 1948 5,000,000 Jonynas 9
Mrs. Zone Baden 1947 10 Johann Peter Hebel.jpg
  • Johann Peter Lever
60 Rpf January 1948 June 20, 1948 5,000,000 Jonynas 10
Zone Baden 1947 11 Hans Baldung.jpg
  • Hans Baldung
75 Rpf June 1947 June 20, 1948 5,000,000 Jonynas 11
Zone Baden 1947 12 Höllental, Black Forest.jpg 84 Rpf August 1947 June 20, 1948 5,000,000 Jonynas 12
Zone Baden 1947 13 Freiburg Cathedral.jpg 1 ℛℳ August 1947 June 20, 1948 5,000,000 Jonynas 13

Brands (values ​​in Deutsche Mark)

image description values Issue
Date of Expiry Edition draft MiNr.
Zone Baden 1948 14 Johann Peter Hebel.jpg Personalities and views from Baden (II)
  • Johann Peter Lever
2 pf June 21, 1948 December 31, 1949 unknown Jonynas 14th
Fr. Zone Baden 1948 15 Bodensee traditional costume girls.jpg
  • Bodensee traditional costume girl
6 pf June 21, 1948 December 31, 1949 unknown Jonynas 15th
Mrs. Zone Baden 1948 16 Schwarzwaldmädel.jpg 8 pf July 1948 December 31, 1949 unknown Jonynas 16
Fr. Zone Baden 1948 17 Hans Baldung.jpg
  • Hans Baldung
10 pf July 1948 December 31, 1949 unknown Jonynas 17th
Fr. Zone Baden 1948 18 Johann Peter Hebel.jpg
  • Johann Peter Lever
12 Pf June 21, 1948 December 31, 1949 unknown Jonynas 18th
Zone Baden 1948 19 Bodensee Trachtenmädchen.jpg
  • Bodensee traditional costume girl
15 Pf June 21, 1948 December 31, 1949 unknown Jonynas 19th
Fr. Zone Baden 1948 20 Rastatt Castle.jpg
  • Rastatt Castle
16 Pf August 1948 December 31, 1949 unknown Jonynas 20th
Zone Baden 1948 21 Hans Baldung.jpg
  • Hans Baldung
20 pf August 1948 December 31, 1949 unknown Jonynas 21st
Fr. Zone Baden 1948 22 Rastatt Castle.jpg
  • Rastatt Castle
24 Pf June 21, 1948 December 31, 1949 unknown Jonynas 22nd
Mrs. Zone Baden 1948 23 Schwarzwaldmädel.jpg
  • Black Forest girl
30 Pf July 1948 December 31, 1949 unknown Jonynas 23
Mrs. Zone Baden 1948 24 Stéphanie de Beauharnais.jpg 50 pf June 21, 1948 December 31, 1949 unknown Jonynas 24
Zone Baden 1948 25 Johann Peter Hebel.jpg
  • Johann Peter Lever
60 pf August 1948 December 31, 1949 unknown Jonynas 25th
Zone Baden 1948 26 Höllental, Black Forest.jpg
  • Höllental in the Black Forest
84 Pf July 1948 December 31, 1949 unknown Jonynas 26th
Fr. Zone Baden 1948 27 Freiburg Cathedral.jpg
  • Freiburg Minster
1 DM July 1948 December 31, 1949 unknown Jonynas 27
Zone Baden 1948 28 Johann Peter Hebel.jpg Personalities and views from Baden (III)
  • Johann Peter Lever
2 pf November 1948 December 31, 1949 unknown Jonynas 28
Fr. Zone Baden 1948 29 Rastatt Castle.jpg
  • Rastatt Castle
4 pf November 1948 December 31, 1949 unknown Jonynas 29
Fr. Zone Baden 1948 30 Bodensee traditional costume girls.jpg
  • Bodensee traditional costume girl
5 pf November 1948 December 31, 1949 unknown Jonynas 30th
Zone Baden 1948 31 Bodensee traditional costume girl.jpg
  • Bodensee traditional costume girl
6 pf November 1948 December 31, 1949 unknown Jonynas 31
Ms. Zone Baden 1948 32 Schwarzwaldmädel.jpg
  • Black Forest girl
8 pf July 1949 December 31, 1949 unknown Jonynas 32
Zone Baden 1948 33 Hans Baldung.jpg
  • Hans Baldung
10 pf November 1948 December 31, 1949 unknown Jonynas 33
Fr. Zone Baden 1948 34 Hans Baldung.jpg
  • Hans Baldung
20 pf November 1948 December 31, 1949 unknown Jonynas 34
Fr. Zone Baden 1948 35 Rastatt Castle.jpg
  • Rastatt Castle
40 Pf December 1948 December 31, 1949 unknown Jonynas 35
Zone Baden 1948 36 Johann Peter Hebel.jpg
  • Johann Peter Lever
80 Pf December 1948 December 31, 1949 unknown Jonynas 36
Zone Baden 1948 37 Höllental, Black Forest.jpg
  • Höllental in the Black Forest
90 Pf January 1949 December 31, 1949 unknown Jonynas 37
Fr. Zone Baden 1949 38A Kornhaus Freiburg.jpg Reconstruction of the city of Freiburg im Breisgau
  • Kornhaus in Freiburg
4 + 16 Pf March 24, 1949 October 20, 1949 120,495 Lockpick 38A
Fr. Zone Baden 1949 39A Freiburg Cathedral.jpg
  • Freiburg Minster
10 + 20 Pf March 24, 1949 October 20, 1949 123.458 Lockpick 39A
Fr. Zone Baden 1949 40A Trumpet Angel Freiburg.jpg
  • Trumpet Angel Freiburg
20 + 30 Pf March 24, 1949 October 20, 1949 121,529 Lockpick 40A
Fr. Zone Baden 1949 41A Fischbrunnen Freiburg.jpg 30 + 50 Pf March 24, 1949 October 20, 1949 117,783 Lockpick 41A
Ms. Zone Baden 1949 42A Red Cross.jpg Charity issue for the benefit of the German Red Cross 10 + 20 Pf February 25, 1949 September 15, 1949 600,000 Eugen Bargatzky 42A
Zone Baden 1949 43A Red Cross.jpg
  • Baden coat of arms
20 + 40 Pf February 25, 1949 September 15, 1949 600,000 Eugen Bargatzky 43A
Ms. Zone Baden 1949 44A Red Cross.jpg
  • Baden coat of arms
30 + 60 Pf February 25, 1949 September 15, 1949 600,000 Eugen Bargatzky 44A
Fr. Zone Baden 1949 45A Red Cross.jpg
  • Baden coat of arms
40 + 80 Pf February 25, 1949 September 15, 1949 600,000 Eugen Bargatzky 45A
Zone Baden 1949 46 Engineer Congress Konstanz.jpg International Engineering Congress Constance 1949
  • Cityscape
30 Pf June 22, 1949 January 31, 1950 125,250 dog 46
Zone Baden 1949 47 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.jpg Special charity edition for the 200th birthday of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 10 + 5 Pf August 12, 1949 March 31, 1950 400,000 unknown 47
Zone Baden 1949 48 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.jpg 20 + 10 Pf August 12, 1949 March 31, 1950 400,000 unknown 48
Zone Baden 1949 49 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.jpg 30 + 15 Pf August 12, 1949 March 31, 1950 400,000 unknown 49
Fr. Zone Baden 1949 50 Carl Schurz.jpg 100th anniversary of the Baden Revolution 10 + 5 Pf. August 24, 1949 March 31, 1950 400,000 Jonynas 50
Ms. Zone Baden 1949 51 Carl Schurz.jpg
  • Carl Schurz
20 + 10 Pf. August 24, 1949 March 31, 1950 400,000 Jonynas 51
Ms. Zone Baden 1949 52 Carl Schurz.jpg
  • Carl Schurz
30 + 15 Pf. August 24, 1949 March 31, 1950 400,000 Jonynas 52
Ms. Zone Baden 1949 53 Conradin Kreutzer.jpg 100th anniversary of the death of Conradin Kreutzer (1780–1849) 10 pf. August 27, 1949 March 31, 1950 400,000 Thorweger 53
Fr. Zone Baden 1949 54 Stagecoach.jpg 100 years of German postage stamps 10 pf. September 17, 1949 March 31, 1950 400,000 Meyer 54
Zone Baden 1949 55 Postbus and airplane.jpg 20 pf September 17, 1949 March 31, 1950 400,000 Pixa 55
Zone Baden 1949 56 Universal Postal Union.jpg 75 years of the Universal Postal Union 20 pf October 4, 1949 March 31, 1950 400,000 Meyer and Pixa 56
Zone Baden 1949 57 Universal Postal Union.jpg
  • Post horn, globe, branch of peace
30 Pf October 4, 1949 March 31, 1950 400,000 Meyer and Pixa 57

Postal stationery

The definitive stamps designed by Professor Jonynas were also used for the most common postcard postage levels. There were a total of six different main editions. From October 3 to December 31, 1949, these postcards could also be sent from the other federal states of the Federal Republic of Germany. All postcards were produced in the Franz Burda (today: Hubert Burda Media ) print shop in Offenburg .

image Value in pennies Issue date Postal stationery type Printing process particularities Michel no.
8th May 1949 postcard P 1
10 May 1949 postcard P 2
20th May 1949 postcard P 3
8/8 May 1949 Postcard with reply card P 4
10/10 May 1949 Postcard with reply card P 5
20/20 May 1949 Postcard with reply card P 6


See also

General history:

Individual evidence

  1. Michel Germany Special 2004, Volume 2, p. 786
  2. Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Französische Zone eV ( Memento of the original from August 18, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. in the Bund Deutscher Philatelisten eV  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Michel-postal stationery catalog Germany 1999, p. 375

Web links

Commons : stamp issues of the French zone Baden 1947  - collection of images, videos and audio files
Commons : stamp issues of the French zone Baden 1948  - collection of images, videos and audio files
Commons : Postage stamp issues of the French zone Baden 1949  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files