Borken Castle

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Borken Castle
Creation time : First mentioned in 1269
Castle type : Hilltop castle
Conservation status: Burgstall
Place: Bark
Geographical location 51 ° 2 '41.3 "  N , 9 ° 17' 3.6"  E Coordinates: 51 ° 2 '41.3 "  N , 9 ° 17' 3.6"  E
Height: 229  m above sea level NHN
Borken Castle (Hesse)
Borken Castle

The castle Borken is an Outbound hilltop castle on a hill castle at 229  m above sea level. NHN between Unterer and Oberer Bergstrasse south of the old town of Borken in the Schwalm-Eder district in Hesse .

The castle was first mentioned in 1269 in the possession of the Lords of Borken and was probably a Ziegenhain fiefdom . The lords of Borken died out of the male line in 1285 and from 1297 the castle was in changing ownership of various feudal lords until it was destroyed in the Hessian civil war in 1469 and mentioned for the last time in 1543.

Today's castle stable of the formerly polygonal castle complex shows only small remains of ramparts and moats .


  • Rudolf Knappe: Medieval castles in Hessen. 800 castles, castle ruins and fortifications. 2nd Edition. Wartberg-Verlag, Gudensberg-Gleichen 1995, ISBN 3-86134-228-6 , p. 88.
  • Georg Landau: Historical-topographical description of the desolate localities in the Electorate of Hesse and in the Grand-Ducal Hessian Antheilen am Hessengaue, Oberlahngau and Ittergau , series: Journal of the Association for Hessian History and Regional Studies: Supplement: 7, 1858, ND 1999, p. 146

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