Carl Gerster

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Carl Wolfgang Franz Gerster (born April 25, 1813 in Miltenberg ; † January 30, 1892 in Regensburg ) was a doctor , homeopath and, as a gifted speaker, the driving force of the liberals in the political life of Regensburg during the period of Vormärz and the revolutionary years of 1848 / 1849 . He was a co-founder of the Franconian and German Singers' Association .


The son of the pharmacist Carl Franz Gerster passed his Abitur at the humanistic grammar school in Aschaffenburg in 1831 and completed a philosophical biennium at the local lyceum . Finding himself a beating here fraternity had joined and was dimittiert by unauthorized fencing from Lyceum, he was in Würzburg the enrollment denied. He therefore completed his medical studies in Heidelberg , Erlangen and Munich . In Munich he founded the Corps Franconia Munich together with other students after the attempt to found a Corps Rhenania failed. In 1836 he resigned his exams and was with his work De statu atrabilario Dr. med. PhD . In 1838 Carl Gerster became an assistant doctor at the municipal hospital in Munich and in 1841 court and personal physician to Prince Carl von Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg . In 1845 he settled as a homeopathic doctor in Regensburg and in 1848 received the license to teach as a private lecturer at the University of Munich . In 1857 he went to Nuremberg as a doctor , but returned to Regensburg in 1862, where he worked as a doctor, poor doctor and railway doctor until his death in 1892.

Gerster was considered one of the most famous protagonists of the singer association idea. He became known nationwide as the head of the great German singing festival from July 20 to 23, 1861 in Nuremberg , as the founder of the Franconian Singing Association on May 1, 1862 in Bamberg and as a co-founder of the German Singing Association on September 21, 1862 in Coburg . As one of the leading representatives of the politically liberal-minded advocates of a greater German unity of the nation and as a rousing speaker, he was nicknamed Demosthenes of the German singers, the German gymnasts and the German shooters .

Political activity

In the pre-March period , the song festivals that took place everywhere often became stages for opposition activities. The impressive manifestation of the singers' will to unity at the first German singing festival in 1845 in Würzburg, in which Gerster had participated as a member of the Miltenberger Liedertafel, also influenced the subsequent regional singing festivals and in 1847 Gerster already made a name for himself as a talented and spirited speaker at the singing festival in Regensburg. In 1848/1849 he became the driving force behind the formation of the liberally progressive “ People's Association in Regensburg and Stadtamhof ”, of which he became president. The name testified to the reference to other left-liberal democratic associations such as those founded in the Palatinate. The founding declaration stated that the association was striving to secure the achievements of the March Revolution and German unity on a popular basis.

The association, which soon had 200 members, supported the politics of the United Left in the Frankfurt National Assembly and thus caused the establishment of the moderately liberal " Association for German Unity and Legal Freedom in Regensburg and Stadtamhof " in Regensburg , which included the pencil manufacturer among others Rehbach and the publisher Friedrich Pustet entered. Gerster was also able to establish himself in this association and prevent the former national-liberal mayor Thon-Dittmer from being nominated as a candidate for the state parliament for the election in December 1848. However, the quarrels between the two competing liberal associations meant that no liberal candidate for the state parliament was elected, but instead three Catholic-Conservative applicants. The “ Volksverein ” originally founded by Gerster soon dissolved, while the “ Association for German Unity and Legal Freedom ” grew to 500 members and was very effective with many liberal addresses to the king and the state parliament. As the initiator of the initial turbulence, Gerster was subsequently referred to by the Bavarian district government as " with preference the troublemaker of order in Regensburg and the wider area "

Publications (selection)

  • De statu atrabilario . Dissertatio inauguralis, Amorbach 1837
  • What is homeopathy? , Regensburg 1848
  • Practical instructions for pathological chemistry for doctors , Augsburg 1849
  • The universe and its secrets , Leipzig 1854
  • Odic-magnetic healing effects , Nuremberg 1859


  • Friedhelm Brusniak: Carl Gerster. On the return of the 100th anniversary of his death on January 30th , in: Das Sängermuseum. Announcements of the Sängermuseum des Fränkischer Sängerbund eV, No. 3, year 3, Zirndorf 1992
  • Friedhelm Brusniak: Gerster, Carl Wolfgang Franz , in: GDS Archive for University and Student History , Vol. 2, 1994, p. 91f.
  • Friedhelm Brusniak, Dietmar Klenke (ed): "Heil German word and song!" - National identity and singing culture in German history , Feuchtwanger Contributions to Music Research Vol. 1, Augsburg 1995 ( ISBN 3-89639-000-7 )
  • Egon Johannes Greipl: Dr. Carl Gerster and Dr. Raimund Gerster - biographical remarks on a Regensburg family (1813-1892 and 1866-1953) , in: Karlheinz Dietz, Gerhard H. Waldherr (ed), famous Regensburger. Life pictures from two millennia, Würzburg 1997 ( ISBN 3-930480-67-0 )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Max Döllner : History of the development of the city of Neustadt an der Aisch up to 1933. Ph. C. W. Schmidt, Neustadt a. d. Aisch 1950, OCLC 42823280 ; New edition to mark the 150th anniversary of the Ph. C. W. Schmidt publishing house, Neustadt an der Aisch 1828–1978. Ibid 1978, ISBN 3-87707-013-2 , p. 636 f.
  2. Dieter Albrecht: Regensburg im Wandel, studies on the history of the city in the 19th and 20th centuries . In: Museums and Archives of the City of Regensburg (Hrsg.): Studies and sources on the history of Regensburg . tape 2 . Mittelbayerische Druckerei und Verlags-Gesellschaft mbH, Regensburg 1984, ISBN 3-921114-11-X , p. 139 f .