Chékou Koré Lawel

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Chékou Koré Lawel (* 12. October 1957 in Bilma ; also Chékou Koré Lawal ) is a Nigerien General .


After attending school at the Lycée National de Niamey, Chékou Koré Lawel studied at the Faculty of Economics and Law at the University of Niamey . He graduated with a license en droit . Lawel joined the gendarmerie organized as part of the Nigerien armed forces in 1978 . Shortly thereafter, he continued his training at a military school in Bouaké in the Ivory Coast , which he graduated in 1981. That year he was made a second lieutenant . This was followed by a diploma from the officers' school of the French National Gendarmerie in Melun .

From 1982 Lawel was deployed as a group commander of the Nigerien gendarmerie in various places, such as Diffa , Dosso , Maradi and Agadez . With regard to his ranks , he was lieutenant from 1984 , captain from 1989 and chief d'escadron ( major ) from 1992 . In 1992 he became gendarmerie legion commander in Zinder and in 1995 gendarmerie legion commander in the capital Niamey .

Under the regime of the Council of National Welfare in 1996, Chékou Koré Lawel received the posts of Director of Gendarmerie and Military Justice in the Ministry of Defense and High Commissioner for the Restoration of Peace to the ministerial rank. Even after the dissolution of the Council of National Welfare, its chairman Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara remained in power as president. Lawel was employed in the civil administration in 1997 as prefect of the Tillabéri department . In the following year he was promoted to deputy chief of the gendarmerie and to lieutenant colonel.

President Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara was killed in a military coup in April 1999 . Subsequently, a military junta, the Council of National Reconciliation , chaired by Daouda Malam Wanké , took power by December 1999 . Chékou Koré Lawel was one of 14 officers that made up the junta. As the new commander in chief, he took over the management of the gendarmerie. He held this office until 2002 after returning to a democratically elected government.

Lawel continued his college education. He holds a Masters in Private Law from Niamey University and a Masters in International Relations specializing in Security and Defense from Panthéon-Assas University . He attended the Collège Interarmées de Défense in Paris , where in 2009 he won a prize from the Paris publishing house L'Harmattan for his thesis on the Tuareg rebellions in Niger .

President Mamadou Tandja , who has been in office since 1999, was ousted in a military coup led by Salou Djibo in 2010 after trying to obtain a third term in office that was originally not provided for in the constitution. The Supreme Council for the Restoration of Democracy , a military junta chaired by Salou Djibo, ruled Niger for a transitional period until 2011. During this period, Chékou Koré Lawel was President of the new High Authority for National Reconciliation and Consolidation of Democracy.

President Mahamadou Issoufou , elected in 2011, appointed Lawel as head of Niger’s intelligence services and in 2012 appointed him from colonel to general of the gendarmerie. In 2013, Lawel, together with negotiator Mohamed Akotey, was actively involved in the rescue of four French hostages in northern Mali who had been kidnapped in Arlit three years earlier . The Nigerien intelligence services were rebuilt under his aegis to be better prepared for threats from abroad such as al-Qaeda in the Maghreb , al-Mourabitoun and Boko Haram . In 2014 Lawel published a dissertation at the University of Paris Descartes , again on the subject of the Tuareg rebellions in Niger.


  • La rébellion touareg au Niger. Raisons de persistance et tentatives de solution . L'Harmattan, Paris 2010, ISBN 978-2-296-13833-9 .
  • Rébellion touareg au Niger. Approche juridique et politique . Thèse de doctorate. Université Paris Descartes, Paris 2014 ( [PDF]).


Individual evidence

  1. a b Chaïbou Maman: Répertoire biographique des personnalités de la classe politique et des leaders d'opinion du Niger de 1945 à nos jours . Volume II. Démocratie 2000, Niamey 2003, p. 397-398 .
  2. Dubois Touraoua: Colonel de Gendarmerie Lawel Chékou Koré, premier prix des Editions l'Harmattan suite à un mémoire d'étude sur la rébellion au Niger au Collège Interarmées de Défense de Paris. In: Niger Diaspora. November 6, 2009, accessed July 2, 2017 (French).
  3. Le Premier ministre préside la cérémonie du lancement de la caravane nationale sur la démocratie, la culture citoyenne et la réconciliation nationale: apporter aux populations le message de la paix et de la démocratie. (No longer available online.) In: Niger Diaspora. November 5, 2010, formerly in the original ; accessed on July 2, 2017 (French).  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  4. a b Michael Pauron: Niger: des drones et des hommes. In: Jeune Afrique . September 22, 2015, accessed July 2, 2017 (French).
  5. Promotions au sein des Forces de defense et de sécurité: neuf (9) nouveaux Généraux dans l'Armée et la Gendarmerie. In: Tamtam Info. January 26, 2012, accessed July 2, 2017 (French).
  6. Christophe Boisbouvier: Niger: la tactique du moindre mal. In: Jeune Afrique . October 20, 2015, accessed July 2, 2017 (French).
  7. Lawel, Chékou Koré (1957 -....). In: IdRef. Retrieved July 2, 2017 (French).
  8. ^ Niger: de si précieux services de renseignement. In: Jeune Afrique . August 1, 2014, accessed July 2, 2017 (French).