Christian Gottlob Hammer

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Christian Gottlob Hammer
Christian Gottlob Hammer:
View from Hirschberg to Dresden
Christian Gottlob Hammer:
Vue de Wackerbarthsruhe aux environs de Dresden, prize sur la grande Route de Leipzig

Christian Gottlob Hammer (born July 18, 1779 in Dresden ; † February 7, 1864 there ; baptized as Christian Gottlieb Hammer ) was an important German landscape painter and engraver in the Romantic era .

life and work

Christian Gottlob Hammer began his training at the Dresden Art Academy in 1794 . Four years later he became a master student of Johann Philipp Veith , who in turn had learned landscape drawing and copperplate engraving from Adrian Zingg at the same place .

In 1816 Hammer became a member of the academy and joined the famous circle of the " Dresden Romantics ", which also included Caspar David Friedrich , Johann Christian Klengel and Jakob Crescenz Seydelmann . In 1829 he was appointed associate professor .

Hammer's total oeuvre is very extensive. It consists of his own drawings in sepia , watercolors and opaque colors, as well as etchings and copperplate engravings based on his own designs and numerous paintings by other artists, such as Caspar David Friedrich, Gottlob Friedrich Thormeyer , Johann Clausen Dahl , Ernst Ferdinand Oehme , Robert Kummer , Georg Heinrich Crola and others.

Essentially, he created landscapes and cityscapes , especially from the Saxon area and his hometown Dresden and its surroundings. Several of his works are included in the volume " Dresden with its magnificent buildings and beautiful surroundings " published by the Dresden art dealer Heinrich Rittner . This magnificent volume, printed by the court printer Carl Christian Meinhold in 1810, attracted great attention in Dresden at the time.

Hammer was also on the move in Bohemia ( Karlsbad and Teplitz ) and Silesia and belonged to the third generation of painters on the so-called painter's path through Saxon Switzerland . He was also one of the first painters to discover the unspoilt water world in the Spreewald . He created several highly romantic pictures of this landscape, which is unique in Europe. For the Lübbenau lord of the castle Hermann Rochus zu Lynar (1797–1878) Hammer drew the castle complex, which dates back to the Middle Ages , before it was demolished in 1818, documented several phases of the new construction of the classicist Lübbenau castle until 1820 and finally kept various views of its later structural changes in the Years around 1840.

Christian Gottlob Hammer:
View from Cölln to Meißen

Hammer was also busy erasing or engraving the motifs that various travel writers had collected along the way so that they could be appropriately reproduced.

A great admirer of Hammer's work was Johann Wolfgang Goethe , who visited the painter in his studio during his stay in Dresden in 1810.

Today there are works by Christian Gottlob Hammers u. a. in Dresden in the Kupferstichkabinett and in the city ​​museum ; in Lübbenau Castle , in the State Museums in Berlin , in the Goethe National Museum in Weimar and in many art dealers in and outside Germany. In the Albertina in Vienna there is a series of works by Hammer that Duke Albert von Sachsen-Teschen acquired.


Web links

Commons : Christian Gottlob Hammer  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The painter's path from Liebethal to Pirna. In: Retrieved September 19, 2014 .
  2. ^ Works by Christian Gottlob Hammer in the Dresden Kupferstichkabinett