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The Deinebach in Heilbronn-Sontheim

The Deinebach in Heilbronn-Sontheim

Water code DE : 2385492
location Neckar basin


River system Rhine
Drain over Schozach  → Neckar  → Rhine  → North Sea
source of the main course upper course Leberbrunnenbach on the eastern district of Flein at the foot of the forest slope in the direction of Untergruppenbach
49 ° 5 '22 "  N , 9 ° 14' 47"  E
Source height approx.  267  m above sea level NHN
muzzle In Heilbronn - Sontheim from the left and south into the Schozach, which flows about 150 m further down into the Neckar Coordinates: 49 ° 7 ′ 11 ″  N , 9 ° 11 ′ 14 ″  E 49 ° 7 ′ 11 ″  N , 9 ° 11 ′ 14 ″  O
Mouth height approx.  160  m above sea level NHN
Height difference approx. 107 m
Bottom slope approx. 15 ‰
length 7.3 km 
with the main right upper course Leberbrunnenbach
4.4 km 
with left upper reaches of the name
Catchment area 15.424 km²

The Your Bach is a 7 km long river in northern Baden-Wuerttemberg in agriculture and urban district Heilbronn , in district Heilbronn Sontheim right and south just before their own tributary of the Neckar in the Schozach flows. Its longer right upper course, rich in catchment area, is the Leberbrunnenbach .



The longer right upper course of the Deinbach , locally also called Leberbrunnenbach , arises on the southern edge of the Heilbronn Mountains at the foot of a wooded step east of Flein towards Untergruppenbach . At the very beginning, running eastwards, the brook curves one and three quarters of a kilometer to the west, at the end of which it passes the eponymous liver fountain and then takes its first major inflow from the right. This arises from two branches that arise almost at the top of the site platform near the L 1111, one under the Heilbronner Schweinsberg in the north at an abandoned reed sand quarry, the other under the Donnbronn outskirts in the east.

Here it is already moving in a wide Muldental with a widening meadow between the Altenberg ridge in the north and the vineyards in Rot in the south. The stream runs here on a gallery-existing, but very straight course and flows through a permanently dammed retention basin on this section. At the eastern edge of the village of Flein it disappears into the sewer system, here a backwater runs from a right valley north of the Altenberg . In the village the brook turns on a north-westerly course, before the sports areas in the village Au the left and shorter Deinbach upper course flows from the south-east, which is also piped in the settlement area.

After the north-western border of the village, the combined brook comes to light and now moves on in a direction that changes in small parts. Soon a few loops of the valley set in, then it reaches the local border of Sontheim, enters the Weichbild and, after crossing under Horkheimer Straße from the right and south, after a run of 7.3 km into the Schozach , a few steps further from the right into the Neckar flows.

Catchment area

The Deinbach drains 15.4 km² over the Schozach to the Neckar . From a natural point of view, the catchment area belongs predominantly to the Heilbronn Bay sub-area of the eastern Neckar basin . A small part in the northeast on the upper slope of the Schweinsberg is part of the Heilbronn Mountains lower area of the Swabian-Franconian Forest Mountains .

The catchment area stretches about 6 km from its southeast corner, which is close to the origin, to the mouth, and across it it measures a maximum of about 3 km. A little over a quarter of it is covered with forest, which stretches in an arc around the upper catchment area, which is in the northeast of Flein near 300.3  m above sea level. NHN high Staufenberg begins and on its northeast side soon the 378.2  m above sea level. NHN is the highest point of the catchment area on the Heilbronner Schweinsberg; less narrow it continues up to about 286  m above sea level. NHN high hilltop, on which the Talheimer Hof Haigern now stands southwest of Flein. The village of Flein, located slightly to the west and decentralized at the exit of the valley bay to the Neckarmulde, is surrounded by wide vineyards from north to south-east.

From the confluence in the very west to the vineyard crest of the Staufenberg , the catchment area of ​​the Heilbronn Landwehrgraben lies in the north , then that of the Cäcilienbach there , and finally that of the Pfühlbach up to the Schweinsberg , all of which flow into the Neckar in Heilbronn; Of these three city streams, the Pfühlbach alone has an almost as long and, in the Köpfertal, even a considerable open course. From the Schweinsberg the watershed now runs approximately south to the K 2155 from Untergruppenbach to Talheim, beyond that the somewhat larger Gruppenbach drains southwards to the upper Schozach. On the south side of the catchment area, the Talheimer Frankelbach flows to the middle Schozach, which is then the direct competitor on the south-west and west side up to the mouth.

More than half of the catchment area belongs to the municipality of Flein, less than a third on the Unterlauf and on the northern edge to the city of Heilbronn, about an eighth in a strip in the south to the municipality of Talheim and a very narrow marginal strip in the east of less than three percent of the total area to the municipality of Untergruppenbach .

Tributaries and lakes

Hierarchical list of tributaries and RiverIcon-SmallLake.svglakes, each indented under the receiving water and arranged from its source to its mouth. Length of water, lake area and catchment area and altitude according to the corresponding layers on the LUBW online map. Other sources for the information are noted.

Confluence of your Bach called in the local dialect with the feminine "Bech", at about 197  m above sea level. NHN at the intersection of Untere Weinbergstrasse and Hohlstrasse in Flein from its two gutted upper reaches. The Wollenbach flows away to the northwest, also initially twisted.

  • Leberbrunnenbach , right (main line) upper course from the east to about 188  m above sea level. NHN in Flein at the confluence of the Bach- in the Gartenstraße, 4.1 km and 6.9 km². Arises at about 267  m above sea level. NHN on the district of Flein east of the Kapfenhart vineyard at the foot of the wooded step in the east towards Untergruppenbach .
    • Leberbrunnen , source on the right bank, about a hundred meters before the next at a field path crossing with a drain to the Leberbrunnenbach.
    • Allmendhölzlegraben , from the right and east to about 203  m above sea level. NHN under the beginning of the vineyard in the bar fields , 1.2 km and 1.4 km². Arises up to below 300  m above sea level. NHN near the northwest tip of Donnbronn on the forest slope under the L 1111.
      • RiverIcon-SmallLake.svgRuns through at a little over 225  m above sea level. NHN a pond, a little over 0.1 ha.
      • (Intermittent inflow), from the right and north from the direction of the Schweinsberg immediately after the previous one, about 0.7 km. Arises in its Steil Klinge also on the edge of the L 1111 at about 300  m above sea level. NHN in the area of ​​the reed sand quarry mentioned first in the →  geotopes .
    • RiverIcon-SmallLake.svgRuns through at about 203 - 200  m above sea level. NHN a retention basin with a pre-pond in front of the Fleiner Aussiedlerhöfe in the street fields , together 1.0 ha.
    • Bucherngraben , from the right and northeast to about 190  m above sea level. NHN on the eastern outskirts of Fleiner at the confluence of the Buchernstrasse and Römerstrasse, 2.5 km and 2.0 km². Arises at a little over 300  m above sea level. NHN northeast of the Staufenberg next to the L 1111 shortly after entering the forest from Heilbronn .
      • RiverIcon-SmallLake.svgFlows through at about 220  m above sea level. NHN a pond after its forest emergence from the reed at the north foot of the Altenberg , well below 0.1 ha.
  • Mönchsgraben , left upper course from the southeast to below 197  m above sea level. NHN , 2.6 km and 3.2 km². Arises at about 240  m above sea level. NHN between Roßwasen left and the vineyard slope Kapfenhart right. A ditch accompanying the field path up to the local border of Flein, then runs under the Untere Weinbergstraße. After this mouth of the river, like its inlet, the Wollenbach runs northwest.
    • Kuhtatzengraben , from left and south, 1.1 km and 0.8 km². Arises at about 245  m above sea level. NHN in the hillside forest Kuhtatzen over the curve of the Landesstraßensteige.
The mouth of the Deinbach in the Schozach

Mouth of the Deinbach at around 160  m above sea level. NHN from the right and finally south in Heilbronn - Sontheim between the Horkheimer Straße and the allotment gardens opposite into the Schozach , which itself flows into the Neckar about a hundred meters later . The Deinbach has a length of 7.3 km and a 15.4 km² catchment area, calculated on the main line with the upper reaches of the Leberbrunnenbach.


Places on the run with their affiliations. Only the names of the lowest nesting level denote neighboring settlements.

In the catchment area there is also the western edge of the hamlet of Donnbronn (zu Untergruppenbach ), the Talheimer Hof and predominantly Hof Haigern (zu Talheim ) as well as an eastern edge zone of the industrial area north of Talheim (zu Flein).


The Deinebach rises at the foot of the Gipskeuper step edge ( Grabfeld formation ), which surrounds the eastern basins of both upper streams. The floodplains, from Flein the edge hills of the valley, are covered by Quaternary loess sediment . A strip of old river sediment follows the stream below Flein to the mouth.

On the edge of the catchment area in the north-east there is extensive reed sandstone ( Stuttgart Formation ), which was also mined on the west spur in front of the Schweinsberg in the quarry at Winterhaldenhau and provided the Heilbronn sandstone typical of the landscape . On the Schweinsberg itself there are even higher layers of the Mittelkeuper .


An old quarry south of the Schweinsberg near the L 1111 shows 10 m high reed sandstone in Flutfacies. On a rock slope on Altenberg , the border area between the reed sandstone and the estheria layers of the gypsum keuper is exposed. An embankment in the Götzenwald shows the lower colored estheria layers of the gypsum keuper . Conglomeratically consolidated Neckar high terrace gravel can be seen on the Fleiner Kirchberg. Also on the western slope of the Sontheimer Hatzenberg lies solidified old Pleistocene high terrace gravel.

Individual evidence


Official online waterway map with a suitable section and the layers used here: Course and catchment area of ​​the Deinbach
General introduction without default settings and layers: State Institute for the Environment Baden-Württemberg (LUBW) ( notes )

  1. a b c Height according to the contour line image on the background layer topographic map .
  2. a b c Length according to the waterway network layer ( AWGN ) .
  3. a b c d Catchment area totaled from the sub-catchment areas according to the basic catchment area layer (AWGN) .
  4. Lake area after the layer standing waters .
  5. ↑ Catchment area according to the basic catchment area layer (AWGN) .
  6. Length measured on the background layer topographic map .

Other evidence

  1. Josef Schmithüsen : Geographical land survey: The natural space units on sheet 161 Karlsruhe. Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Bad Godesberg 1952. →  Online map (PDF; 5.1 MB)
  2. geology to LGRB-GÜK300.
  3. Geotope profile abandoned reed sand quarry south of the L 1111 (PDF).
  4. Geotope profile rock slope on Altenberg (PDF).
  5. Geotope profile embankment in the Götzenwald in the Lower Bunter Estherienschichten (PDF).
  6. Geotope profile of conglomeratically consolidated Neckar high terrace gravel on Fleiner Kirchberg (PDF).
  7. Geotope profile consolidated old Pleistocene high terrace gravel on the Sontheimer Hatzenberg (PDF).
  8. ^ Geotopes according to LGRB-GTP.


  • Topographic map 1: 25,000 Baden-Württemberg, as single sheet no. 6821 Heilbronn and no. 6921 Großbottwar

Web links

Commons : deinbach  - collection of images, videos and audio files