Ernst Strehlke

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Ernst Strehlke (born September 27, 1834 in Berlin ; † March 23, 1869 there ) was a German diplomat and archivist . He dedicated his short life to the history of the Teutonic Order .


Strehlke came as the second son of the high school professor of the Köllnisches Gymnasium Friedrich Strehlke and his wife Antonie, geb. Know to the world. After his father was appointed director of the Danzig Petri School in 1838, Strehlke attended his father's school and the Academic Gymnasium in Danzig . There he came across Theodor Hirsch , who aroused his interest in the history of Prussia . When Hirsch was commissioned by the Danzig magistrate to reorganize the Danzig city archive, he brought Strehlke into the work while still a student.


From 1852 Strehlke studied at the Friedrich Wilhelms University in Berlin . He heard from the philosophers Friedrich Adolf Trendelenburg and Karl Werder , the philologists August Boeckh , Carl Eduard Geppert , Moriz Haupt and Martin Hertz , the historians Ernst Curtius , Siegfried Hirsch , Rudolf Köpke , Leopold von Ranke and Wilhelm Wattenbach , the Germanists Friedrich von der Hagen and Hans Ferdinand Maßmann , the legal scholars Heinrich Eduard Dirksen , Rudolf von Gneist , Adolf Helfferich and Carl Gustav Homeyer and the geographer Carl Ritter . A treatise on Henry III. was awarded in 1854. 1856 doctorate he became Dr. phil. During his studies, Strehlke Amanuensis was at the library of the Prussian War School . Because of his early lung disease, he gave up his career aspiration as a teacher.

He devoted himself to the unfinished work of Heinrich Wilhelm Schulz on medieval art monuments in Lower Italy and helped Ferdinand von Quast with the publication. The lavish company was financed by Schulz's brother Karl Wilhelm. Strehlke alone concerned about selection and criticism of the document book with 484 documents. He also made some drawings for the woodcuts printed in the text volumes. Nevertheless, his name was missing on the title page of the work published in 1860.

Secret state archive

In 1860 Strehlke entered the Kgl. Go State Archives a. Going since autumn 1861 Archive secretary, he first had to create regesta of the Mark Brandenburg . In addition, he prepared the repertory of the documents of the High Presidium of the Province of Posen ; the State Archives of Poznan emerged from them . After a futile convalescent vacation on Lake Geneva , Strehlke died at the age of 34 in his native Berlin.

Scriptores rerum Prussicarum

Strehlke's lasting achievement lies in the publication of the historical sources for the Teutonic Order . In the first volume, the rhyming chronicle of Nikolaus von Jeroschin , which had only been printed in fragments, is processed. Volume 2 contains the Livonian chronicle of Hermann von Wartberg , which Strehlke found in Danzig . In the third volume the also newly discovered Thorner Annalen in connection with the chronicle of Johann von Posilge and Detmar's Lübischer Chronik are published. The fourth volume appeared posthumously and brought the Banderia Prutenorum by Jan Długosz . The 5th volume deals with the history of the diocese of Pomesania .


  • Antiquities of Northern Pomerania . In: Neue Preußische Provinzial-Blätter , Other Series, Volume 8, Königsberg 1855, pp. 41–54.
  • Letter from Abbot Berno's von Reichenau to King Heinrich III. , 1858.
  • with Heinrich Wilhelm Schulz and Ferdinand von Quast : Monuments of the Art of the Middle Ages in Lower Italy . Dresden 1860.
  • Di Kronike von Pruzinlant of Nikolaus von Jeroschin . Leipzig 1861.
  • Chronicon Livoniae. The Livonian chronicle of Hermann von Wartberge . Berlin 1864. GoogleBooks
  • Hartmann's von Heldrungen, Grand Master of the German Order, report on the union of the Sword Order with the German Order and on the acquisition of Livonia by the latter . Riga 1865. GoogleBooks
  • Tabulae Ordinis Theutonici (document book on the history of the Teutonic Order), completed posthumously by Philipp Jaffé . 1869. GoogleBooks , digitized
  • Documents of Duke Mestwin II. From the Count's Krockow family archive in Krockow . In: Old Prussian Monthly Journal , Volume 8, Königsberg i. Pr. 1871, pp. 633-642.
  • with Theodor Hirsch and Max Toeppen : Scriptores rerum Prussicarum. The historical sources of the Prussian prehistoric times up to the fall of the order , 5 volumes. Leipzig 1861–1874. New edition Frankfurt am Main 1965.
  • About the origin of Grand Master Winrich von Kniprode , in: Journal for Prussian History and Regional Studies , Volume 5, Berlin 1868, pp. 401–405 ( online ).


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b German biography
  2. ^ Gesta Henrici III imperatoris .
  3. Dissertation: De Henrici III imperatoris bellis Ungaricis .
  4. Monuments of the Art of the Middle Ages in Lower Italy by Heinrich Wilhelm Schulz. Edited by Ferdinand von Quast after the author's death . Dresden 1860, 4 volumes of text and document book in size 4 °, together with an atlas of 100 copper plates in the largest folio.
  5. Lübische Chronik (Regesta Imperii)
  6. Volume 3 (GoogleBooks)