Ernst Tewes

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Ernst Tewes CO (born December 4, 1908 in Essen , † January 16, 1998 in Munich ) was auxiliary bishop of the Roman Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising .


At the age of 14 he was already involved in the Quickborn Bund , and in 1926 he met Romano Guardini for the first time at Rothenfels Castle , who had a lasting impact on him. Tewes studied theology in Bonn, Münster and Tübingen from 1928 and was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Cologne on February 16, 1934 . After two years of chaplaincy, he worked for another two years in the traveling church of the diocese of Berlin . In 1939 he made his vows as a priest of the Congregation of the Oratorians of St. Philip Neri .

From 1940 to 1945 he was a soldier chaplain.

As a Catholic war pastor and thus a soldier with the rank of an officer, Tewes was personally confronted in August 1941 with the children's massacre in Byelaya-Tserkov (Bialacerkiew) , a Ukrainian town 70 km from Kiev. While he was sitting with his Protestant colleague Gerhard Wilczek at lunch in the casino on August 20, a distraught sergeant asks him for help. Before that, between August 8 and 19, several hundred Jewish men and women had been shot near the barracks by a platoon of the Waffen SS with the help of Ukrainian militia led by SS Oberscharführer Jäger; the children of the murdered had been locked up in a building on the outskirts. On the evening of August 19th, some of the children were taken away in three full trucks and shot. About 90 children were left behind. Tewes and Wilczek went to this building on August 20 when the soldier told them about the children. Your registration letter from 22.8. documented: “We found about 90 children crammed together in 2 small rooms in the dirtiest condition, whose whimpering could already be heard in the neighborhood of the house. A number of children, especially infants, were utterly exhausted and almost lifeless. There was no German guard or supervision, only a Ukrainian armed with a rifle kept watch. German soldiers had unhindered access to the tour and expressed their indignation at these terrible conditions. Since these events took place within the command area of ​​the German Wehrmacht and thus had to lead to damage to the reputation of the German Wehrmacht, we immediately went to the local commandant's office and reported. " The war pastors reported to the local commandant's office, then to the field commandant's office and informed them Division pastor of the 295th Infantry Division. Together with Tewes and Wilczek, the Catholic division pastor Dr. Reuss (after the war auxiliary bishop in Mainz) and his Protestant colleague Kornmann the misery. The shooting of the 90 or so children took place the day after the trial at the field commandant's command from Standartenführer Blobel , on the instructions of the Commander-in-Chief of the 6th Army, Field Marshal von Reichenau , near a forest.

After his return from captivity, he returned to the oratorio in Munich. It was in 1954 for the first parish curate , 1957 to the pastor of the newly established Oratorianer- parish of St. Lawrence .

In 1963 the Archbishop of Munich, Julius Cardinal Döpfner , made him head of the newly established pastoral department. On July 3, 1968 he was appointed titular bishop of Villamagna in Proconsulari with the task of being auxiliary bishop for the pastoral care district of Munich in the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising.

In the time of the Sedis vacancies 1976–1977, between the term of office of the archbishops of Julius Döpfner and Joseph Ratzinger , as well as in 1982, between that of Joseph Ratzinger and Friedrich Wetter , Tewes provisionally administered the archbishopric as vicar capitular elected by the cathedral chapter .

On July 31, 1984, he retired from his office as auxiliary bishop.

During his work for the Archdiocese of Munich, he campaigned - together with Gerhard Gruber and Bernhard Egger - in particular for the introduction of the professions of community and pastoral officers. He was significantly involved in the initiation, development and expansion of city pastoral projects in the inner city of Munich, such as the establishment of the Munich island under Marienplatz and the open offer of the inner city church St. Michael (Munich) ( five to five ; church without Anteroom ).

Tewes worked as a representative of the German Bishops' Conference in the working group for the creation of the standard translation .

In 1977 Tewes was one of the two co-consecrators at the episcopal ordination of Josef Ratzinger in Munich.

Ernst Tewes was buried in the cemetery of the parish of St. Laurentius.



Publications in book form

  • Ernst Tewes, letters to the congregation from St. Laurentius Munich , Munich 1966.
  • Ernst Tewes, Liturgy and Church Construction , 1966
  • Ernst Tewes, The celebration of the Holy Mass for First Communion , 1966
  • Ernst Tewes, parish of St. Laurentius, 1954 - 1964 , 1966
  • Ernst Tewes, focus on pastoral renewal . Munich 1969.
  • Heinz Fleckenstein, Gerhard Gruber , Georg Schwaiger and Ernst Tewes: Local Church - Universal Church. Ceremony for Cardinal Döpfner , Würzburg 1973.
  • Ernst Tewes: The Second Vatican Council - Twenty Years Later , Planegg 1986.
  • Ernst Tewes: Chaplain to the soldiers 1940–1945 , Planegg 1986.
  • Ernst Tewes (ed.), Companion in distressed times. Letters to priests , Munich 1986.
  • Ernst Tewes (Author), Gerhard Gruber (Ed.), Friedrich Bauer (Ed.), Ehrenfried Schulz (Ed.), One is your master: Christ. Sermons and spiritual speeches , Munich 1993, (Contains the bibliography Tewes pp. 255–257) ISBN 3-87904-147-4 .

Articles in collective works

  • Albert Keller (ed.), Ernst Tewes (preface), questions about faith. A Sunday forum , Frankfurt am Main 1979.
  • Lorenz Zettl (Ed.), Five to Five in St. Michael. Hundreds of thoughts after the day. With a foreword by regional bishop Ernst Tewes (= Pfeiffer-Werkbücher 136, edited by Otto Betz). Munich 1976, ISBN 3-7904-0192-7 , (documents speeches from the project five after five . Contains 3 speeches by Ernst Tewes).
  • Peter Neuhauser (Ed.), Five to Five in St. Michael. Hundreds of thoughts after the day. Episode two. With a foreword by regional bishop Ernst Tewes (= Pfeiffer-Werkbücher 145, edited by Otto Betz). Munich 1976, ISBN 3-7904-0271-0 .
  • Cardinal Julius Döpfner, Archbishop of Munich and Freising (1961-1976) , in: The Archdiocese of Munich and Freising in the 19th and 20th centuries, Georg Schwaiger (ed.), Wewel-Verlag Munich 1989, (= History of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising, Volume 3) ISBN 3879041563 , pp. 424-442.

Journal articles (selection)

  • Ernst Tewes, Romano Guardini . A memorial speech on a death , in: Liturgisches Jahrbuch, Volume 19, 1969, 129-149.
  • Ernst Tewes, postulate on a contemporary priest training. Education of human virtues through practical training , in: Seminaria, Volume 3, Sacra Congregazione per l´Edicatione Catholica (ed.), Rome 1969, pages 563-572.
  • Ernst Tewes, house church in our parish. Places of hope , in: resolving , year 35, 1980, pages 4–6.
  • First Tewes, Die Kleine und Stillem im Land , in: Entschluss, Volume 37, 1982, Issue 7/8.
  • Ernst Tewes, tolerance and breadth of the mind. On the award of the Romano Guradini Prize to Walter Dirks and Josef Pieper , in: zur debatte, year 11, 1981, issue 3.
  • Ernst Tewes, Church ... misunderstanding and nuisance , in: Geist und Leben , Volume 57, 1984, pages 244–287.
  • Ernst Tewes, Christ is present in his word , in: Katholische Akademie der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart (Ed.), Hohenheimer Protocols - God's Word in the Traces of Time, 1989, pages 87-90.

Literature on Ernst Tewes

Web links

Single receipts

  1. Ernst Klee , Willi Dreßen , Volker Rieß: Schöne Zeiten. The murder of Jews from the perspective of the perpetrators and gawkers (Frankfurt am Main 1988, p. 143)