Errinundra National Park

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Errinundra National Park
Errinundra National Park 2010.jpg
Errinundra National Park (Victoria)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Coordinates: 37 ° 17 ′ 9 ″  S , 148 ° 53 ′ 41 ″  E
Location: Victoria , Australia
Specialty: temperate rainforest, subalpine wetlands
Surface: 268.75 km²
Founding: 1988
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The Errinundra National Park is a national park in eastern Gippsland in the Australian state of Victoria , 352 kilometers east of Melbourne . The park is located on the Errinundra Plateau , an extension of the Monaro Tableland in New South Wales . The Errinundra National Park is home to the largest cold temperate rainforest still in existence in Victoria and thus the most important primary forests in Southeast Australia. There are many rare and endangered animal and plant species, e. B. the Australian owl , the giant bag marten and the long-legged rabbit kangaroo .

Cold and warm temperate rainforests, wet forests, subalpine mountain forests and light forests are the dominant vegetation, but there are also subalpine wetlands .

Most of the park is only accessible in the drier months. In winter, rain and snow usually make the unpaved roads impassable.

The forests around the park are being extensively cleared, and there have also been a few incidents of accidental logging in the national park due to management errors. Before the establishment of the national park, its area was also affected by massive deforestation .

Web links

Commons : Errinundra National Park  - Collection of Images, Videos, and Audio Files