Eugen von Oetinger

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Eugen von Oetinger (born October 30, 1826 in Werben (Spreewald) , † July 25, 1915 in Friedenau ) was a Prussian lieutenant general .



Eugen was a son of the Prussian prime lieutenant and gentleman on advertising Adolf von Oetinger (1798-1839) and his wife Ulrike, née von Buchholz († 1859). His younger brother Rudolf (1830–1920) also rose to lieutenant general.

Military career

Oetinger visited the cadet houses in Wahlstatt and Berlin . Subsequently, on July 4, 1844, he was transferred as a non-commissioned officer to the 3rd Uhlan Regiment of the Prussian Army and was promoted to prime lieutenant until the beginning of September 1856. From October 1856 Oetinger was commanded to serve the 3rd Landwehr-Uhlan Regiment in Fürstenwalde / Spree , acted as leader of the 3rd Squadron from June 1857 and rose to Rittmeister at the end of May 1859 . With the appointment as squadron chief , Oetinger returned to his regular regiment on September 10, 1861. On May 24, 1864, he was transferred to Tilsit as chief of the 5th Squadron in the Litthau Dragoon Regiment No. 1 (Prince Albrecht of Prussia) . He led his squadron in 1866 during the war against Austria in the battles near Trautenau and Königgrätz and was awarded the Order of the Red Eagle, IV class with swords, for his behavior .

Oetinger advanced to major in mid-March 1869 and was a regular staff officer in 1870/71 for the duration of the mobile relationship on the occasion of the war against France . In this capacity he took part in the battles at Gravelotte , Noisseville and Amiens and the siege of Metz . Awarded the Iron Cross, 2nd class, he was appointed official staff officer on March 25, 1871 for the peace relationship. On February 17, 1874 he was transferred to Danzig as commander of the 1st Leib-Hussar Regiment No. 1 and by the end of September 1876 he was promoted to colonel . In position à la suite of his regiment, Oetinger was appointed commander of the 1st Cavalry Brigade in Königsberg on December 12, 1882 and promoted to major general on March 15, 1883 . With the award of the star to the Order of the Crown, 2nd class, he was put up for disposal on December 4, 1884 with a pension . After his departure he received the character of Lieutenant General on October 3, 1896 .


Oetinger married on November 22, 1872 in Kleszowen with Jenny von Sperber (1844-1878). She was a daughter of the manor owner and member of the Reichstag, Emil von Sperber (1815-1880). After her death, he married Maria August Pflesser (* 1847) on October 30, 1909 in Friedenau. His only son Viktor (1875-1914) fell as a cavalry captain in the 2nd body hussar regiment "Queen Victoria of Prussia" No. 2 near Cattenières on the western front .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gothaisches Genealogisches Taschenbuch der Briefadeligen houses. 1907. First year, Justus Perthes, Gotha 1906, p. 736.