Église réformée évangélique du canton de Neuchâtel

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The Église réformée évangélique du canton de Neuchâtel (Evangelical Reformed Church of the Canton of Neuchâtel) is the regional church of the Canton of Neuchâtel and one of the Evangelical Reformed churches in Switzerland .

In 2010 it had 62,865 members.


The Église réformée évangélique du canton de Neuchâtel consists of eleven French-speaking parishes (Paroisses) with 50 parish centers and one German-speaking parish with two parish centers.

The church also includes the evangelical ecumenical communities:

The church is synodally - presbyterially organized, with the synod as the legislative branch and the synodal council composed of five lay people and four pastors as the executive branch. The President of the Synodal Council is Gabriel Bader.


The Église réformée évangélique du canton de Neuchâtel was founded in 1530 by the Neuchâtel reformer Guillaume Farel and existed for 150 years as a Reformed people's church in a state whose prince, the Duke of Orléans-Longueville , was Catholic - in contrast to the other Reformed Swiss churches that Originated as state churches, it has been shaped from the beginning by an actual separation of state and church. In 1535, the French translation of the Bible by Pierre-Robert Olivétan appeared in Neuchâtel , the oldest French translation of the Bible from the Greek and Hebrew texts. In the 16th and 17th centuries Neuchâtel was a refuge for many French Huguenots .

In 1873 there was a schism due to pressure from liberal theology and radical politics, and the state-independent Evangelical Church of Neuchâtel was founded (Église évangélique neuchâteloise indépendante de l'État). This reunited in 1943 with the cantonal church (Église nationale du canton de Neuchâtel) to form today's church with Orthodox theology, which is independent of the state, but works with it in areas of public interest.

State and church have been completely separate in the canton of Neuchâtel since 1941. A concordat concluded in 2001 between the canton on the one hand and the Evangelical Reformed Church of the Canton of Neuchâtel, the Roman Catholic Church and the Christian Catholic Church on the other hand regulates the relationship between state and church and recognizes them as "institutions of public interest".

Church personalities


The Église réformée évangélique du canton de Neuchâtel belongs to the Evangelical Reformed Church in Switzerland .

Through the Church Federation she is in the Working Group of Christian Churches in Switzerland , in the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe in the Reformed World Federation and in the World Council of Churches .

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