Evangelical Church (Obernitz)

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Evangelical Church Obernitz

The Evangelical Lutheran , listed church Obernitz is located in Obernitz , a district of the city of Saalfeld / Saale in the district of Saalfeld-Rudolstadt in Thuringia . The parish Obernitz belongs to the parish area Kaulsdorf-Hohenwarte in Kirchenkreis Rudolstadt-Saalfeld the Evangelical Church in Central Germany .


Obernitz originally owned a late Romanesque church from the 12th century. To the east of the rectangular recessed choir was an apse , after the demolition of which the choir arch was bricked up as the current east wall. The small, gable-shaped covered sacraments house on the east side of the choir is due to the renovation at the end of the 15th century . The choir was largely preserved. The church owes many changes and defacements to later centuries.

The wooden beam ceilings over the choir and nave date from 1781 , the rectangular windows on the north side of the nave represent extensions of the Romanesque windows in the same place. The larger arched window on the south side of the nave is an extension of a late Gothic window large arched window on the south side in the middle around a portal built in the 16th century , which was bricked up except for the window opening in the 18th century.

In 1671 the church received a new steeple on the east side. In 1781 the portals, windows and ceilings were changed again. In the following years construction defects endangered the building. The lack of financial means delayed a repair or a new building. With the sale of the carved St. Mary's altar from 1505 from the Saalfeld school to Duke Bernhard II and the financial help of the church patron , renovations could begin in 1890.

The church tower on the east side was renewed from natural stone masonry on a transverse rectangular floor plan . It was given a slate-covered gable roof with a ridge turret on the front . The nave was largely rebuilt from natural stone masonry and the interior was designed with neo-Gothic elements. Wood sculptor Gustav Kuntzsch , Wernigerode , provided the altar, pulpit and stalls for the interior of the church . The church was consecrated in 1891.

The church furnishings include a Communion chalice from 1350 and a baptismal jug in the form of a tankard from 1704.

The organ with 8 registers , divided into 2 manuals and pedal , was installed in 1891 by Carl Lösche from Rudolstadt.

For a long time the church served as a burial place for the Obernitz noble family .

The Marien Altar is now in the Saalfeld City Museum .


Web links

Commons : Church Obernitz  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files
  • Paul Lehfeldt: Saalfeld district. Obernitz Church. In: Architectural and art monuments of Thuringia. Georg Voss, 1892, accessed on July 14, 2020 (description of the church before the extensive renovation - which is close to a new building - in the years 1890 to 1891).

Individual evidence

  1. Evang. Obernitz Church. In: Evangelical Church in Central Germany (EKM). Retrieved July 8, 2020 .
  2. a b Small Altar of Mary. In: Museums Thuringia. Retrieved July 8, 2020 .
  3. ^ Soproni Múzeum, Sopron ( Hungary ), Inventory No. P. 2425 E 251 ( Storno Könyvtár): Gustav Kuntzsch folder , not paged .
  4. ^ Winfried Kuntz: Carl Loesche - an organ builder in the Principality of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt . A contribution to the history of organ building in southern Thuringia. Self-published by Winfried Kuntz, Gräfenthal-Großneundorf 1998.
  5. Obernitz, Germany (Thuringia) - village church. In: Organ Databank. Retrieved July 8, 2020 .

Coordinates: 50 ° 37 ′ 40 "  N , 11 ° 22 ′ 57.3"  E